Is it possible to lose 18lbs in 1 month??



  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    Well, there was this one time I gave birth...
  • You shouldn't try it, but you are in the obese range of overweight for your height, so if you are starting with a lot of muscle also, and you increase your amount of exercise to several hours/day, you can. If you want to see if you can survive being starved and not cause health problems or worse, that's another way. Either way, it will not be good for you, you will hurt your underlying musculature, and stressing your body to a more efficient burn (less calories per day plus less muscle = even less calories/day burnt) and even if you are successful, you will rebound and regain.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    It'd be closer to aim for 10 lbs in a month and even that is usually pretty tricky. I'm 207 and 5'3 3/4". My goals on MFP are set up for me to lose 1.8 lbs per week which will be ALMOST 10 lbs in a month... granted, if you are just starting off and you do a dramatic change and go straight from junk to eating VERY clean (check out my diary) and working out (and I mean, an hour a day, 6 days a week), you could probably lose close to 15, but probably not 18.

    A few of those pounds will most likely be water weight, but just do 2 lbs/week with MFP, eat really well, workout HARD, eat all you exercise calories (GOOD calories), and see what happens in a month. You might be surprised...but aiming for close to 20 in a month is crazy unless you're like 400 lbs, which you're not.
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    Im 210lbs and 5'4 (i dont workout last time i exercised was in april 2013)

    and i eat junk most of the time

    Now if i eat healthy and workout for 40min 3-4x per week can I lose that much?? The same question, from a 19 years old, in two different threads.......:grumble:
  • 5n0wbal1
    5n0wbal1 Posts: 429 Member
    Short answer: No.

    Long answer: If you're trying to do this in a healthy, sustainable way so that you can keep the weight off permanently, and you're not willing to do significant physical harm to yourself, you should look at losing the 18 lbs. over a minimum of 3 months, not 1. Ideally, 1 pound a week of loss is usually the most ideal weight loss pattern, which means you would be doing this for about 18 weeks, give or take (weight loss isn't precisely linear, after all). That's about 4 1/2 months, which would take you through the holiday season. If you're not willing to live at a deficit during the holidays, think about more like 6 months. If you want it badly enough, you can stick with it.
  • MrsFowler1069
    MrsFowler1069 Posts: 657 Member
    Depending on the circumstances, it can be. Although I think the questions should be why? What is it you really want to accomplish? What about next month? And how do you actually do it safely and effectively?

    As someone else mentioned, I too lost an average of 15 pounds per month for the first three months. Since then it has slowed down (partly because of my activity level), but my clothes are still fitting better, etc. I only just yesterday wore a pair of jeans that was quite snug a couple of weeks ago.

    I'm nowhere near done and I had a lot to lose in the first place, so the initial weight came off really quickly. It wasn't a sustainable rate of loss and I happened to be doing some very physical work (roofing) which isn't normal for me, but it was a nice jump start. My goal, however, is not that. It was to get to a healthy weight and become more fit. Otherwise, the first 15 wouldn't have really meant anything, because I would already have gained it back.

    Also, I would like to mention that I never go hungry and didn't accomplish this much by ever starving myself. It wasn't a crash diet. It isn't "a diet" at all, although my diet has changed quite a bit, if you dig. Good luck with whatever it is you're trying to do - but I hope you keep it healthy.
  • 777Gemma888
    777Gemma888 Posts: 9,578 Member
    Is it possible to lose 18 lbs in 1 month?

    Possible? Yes. Doable? Depends on your level of discipline and commitment. For the results you seek ~ low to zero carbing is seemingly plausible an avenue for you to pursue. BUT, can you stick to it? Will you measure EVERYTHING you consume? Are you able to prevent yourself from cheating? Will you forgive yourself, IF you gain some of that "NO - CARB" weight back?
  • wilmnoca
    wilmnoca Posts: 416 Member
    Yes, but from the sound of your post, you won't; and if you did, for how long will it stay off?
  • it is possible but in long term your just gonna gain it all back if you don't usually exercise.
  • Grace215lbs
    Grace215lbs Posts: 129 Member
    No, if you intend on being healthy and keeping the weight off and look good by the end of this. Losing weight doenst just magically = sexy toned skinny like all those fake commercials and gimmics tell you.. You need to work out, move those muscles, lift, eat right and when you have to lose 80-100lbs to do that. Losing weight fast will only result in saggy skin, damaged bones, no muscle tone, hair falling out. The list goes on. If you intend to do this consult a professional to prevent this stuff from happening. But even they will most likey be against it long team.

    This is coming from someone who has lost 70lbs
  • Emilie04444
    Emilie04444 Posts: 151 Member
    Weight loss is a result of a caloric deficit. To lose one pound you need to burn 3,500 calories

    So, attempting to average that over a 30 day month:

    18 lb x 3,500 calories per pound = create a 63,000 calorie deficit over 30 days

    63,000 calories per month / 30 days = 2,100 calorie deficit per day (less food, more movement combined)

    Can you do this? What does MFP say you should eat per day to maintain? You can also plug the same goals into MFP to see what it says.

    This isnt acurate if a person is just starting. Water weight is still there.....once that has been dealt with then you are correct. This person is obese. They prob have about 30lbs of water weight and can easily lose this in 30 days, Cut salt and carbs...DONE

    But who wants to lose 18lbs of water weight unless this is for a contest, or you are being weighed on a stage, by a MD. If it's 18lbs to fit into another size. Perhaps. I have lost 5 lbs of water weight and was still unable to close a pair of pants. I mean anything is possible if you are truly dedicated. But like someone else said, why and what is she trying to accomplish.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Is it possible to lose 18lbs in a month? 18 lbs of what? Mass? Then maybe. Fat? No.

    The scale is not the best way to gauge progress. It tells you what you weigh, but not how the components are distributed. For the same weight, muscle occupies less volume than fat, so it is possible to drop a couple of sizes and not see the scale budge just because of changes to your body composition.

    If you want to obsess over a number, go ahead. People live and die by the scale (in some cases quite literally), and never realize the damage that they do to themselves in pursuit of a number rather than looking at their body composition.

    ^^^^ all of this

    the human body stores and burns fat *slowly* - if you want to lose fat, pure fat, and not have it come back again, then aim to lose 1-2lb a week if you have a lot of fat to lose, and 0.5-1lb a week if you're at a healthy body fat percentage already or close to it. The leaner you are, the slower you'll need to go to ensure it's just fat being lost and not muscle or bone density.

    You can lose a lot of scale weight by starving yourself, but most of it will be water/glycogen and will come back again in a few days, and the loss/gain of this won't change your size at all. I lost 6lb in 2 days with gastroenteritis. It came back again in about 5 days, and that's bearing in mind I was living off toast and apple juice for a couple of days while my digestive system was recovering.

    And the most rapid weight loss is by amputating a limb.

    Seriously, stop focusing on the scale, and focus on body composition. You want to burn fat, and pure fat, and you want it to stay away for life................. well you can do that, and it's not even that difficult, other than you have to be patient. Set your calorie goal to burn 1 lb a week, find a form of exercise that you enjoy, and try to hit your calorie goal daily, as in not be over or under it by very much (aim for within 50 cals either way) - try to eat foods that contain enough protein, fat, carbs, vitamins, minerals and fibre... if hunger's a problem, protein and fibre will make you feel more full than high carb foods will, but do eat some carbs, and include all the foods you enjoy, just adjust the portion sizes so you can hit your calorie goal. Log and eat back exercise calories... but be careful not to overestimate calorie burns (a common pitfall).

    Instead of trying to lose the weight as fast as you can, instead aim to stick with the above lifestyle changes for as long as you can, i.e. make goals like 1 weeks compliance, 3 weeks, 6 weeks, 3 months, etc. Look at the long term trend, because fat's lost slowly, i.e. you should get, on average, 1lb a week fat loss. If you're not, then subtract 100 from your calorie goal. If you're losing too much or feeling hungry all the time, then add 100-200 to your goal and see if that helps. You're looking for a "sweet spot" number of calories where you're losing weight slowly (so you know it's all fat you're losing) yet not feeling deprived or hungry all the time, and you're enjoying whatever exercise you've chosen to do, so that you can stick with it for the long term..... then you get to a point where you find that you're lean, healthy, fit and strong, and all that body fat went away, and you can maintain your new weight/body composition easily, because you didn't torture yourself to get there, and your lifestyle changes are now habit. At some point in this process you may want to add weight lifting to your exercise routine, because a) it's great for health, especially maintaining good bone density which protects you from osteoporosis, b) it's fun and c) you get to eat more to fuel your workouts and d) it firms up your muscles to make you look more "toned"

    Anyway, hope that helps.
  • maryann9wood
    maryann9wood Posts: 75 Member
    Sweetie, you first posted 18 days ago. Same kind of question, same weight. What answer are you looking for? You said you were 19 years old. You should have lots of energy - go for a walk. Or a bike ride. Go to the mall when it opens on the weekends and walk FAST. Set up your calories on MFP. Eat within those calories. Eat protein. Avoid things that are fried. If you can't join a gym, get two cans out of your mom's pantry and use them for weights. You can lose this weight - it should be a lot easier now then when you are 50, like me. But you have to START. NOW, not in another 18 days!
  • If you cut out almost all carbs you can. Carbs make you retain water. Cut carbs, cut water retention. Cut water retention, cut weight.

    That's not maintainable. It means draining your body's primary "battery", which will recharge (and therefore rehydrate) the first chance it gets.

    SHe asked if it was possible.

    Also ppl do paleo for ever. Your statment is not fact based no supported by medical eveidene sir.
  • teambellyring
    teambellyring Posts: 9 Member
    lol, but not laughing at you babes! This show called" Operation Osmin" has this hispanic trainer make people go through hell and back working out (outside) no gym. Look up his show, its soooo motivational. All contestants make 27-30 lbs by the end of the month,no lie!! The trick is you can only eat fish,salad, and water..PERIOD. Work out up to 3 hours a day and Otherwise,NO!! Possibly 10-15 lbs if you really eat that bad, the dieting alone would knock off half the weight. The other half will come from blood, sweat, and tears at the gym. Show's to watch to keep you motivated..BIGGEST LOSER, I USED TO BE FAT( on MTV) MY BIG FAT REVENGE (on oxygen) OPERATION OSMIN (nuvo channel+ internet)
    The point for the shows? to ALWAYS remember it isn't easy..its hard work, but through dedication and will PREVAIL!!! Good luck babes...
  • Dandman1990
    Dandman1990 Posts: 196 Member
    Can you lose that much weight in a month? Yes.

    Will the majority of it be water weight? Yes.

    Will it significantly change the way you look? No.

    Is it extremely bad for your health? Yes.

    Hope this helped.