I can't meet my net calorie goal!



  • laurenc2008
    one thing is, I really don't drink milk or eat a lot of cheese, Lactose intolerance... and I don't substitute it either. I don't eat butter or anything like that but if I do I track it. I do have a scale for measuring and most of the time I buy pre-weighed tilapia or chicken.
  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    I can see your stuff.
    Instead of the Multigrain English Muffin and the single slice of cheese, and Land O'frost - Smoked Ham & Oven Roasted Turkey Sub Sandwich Kit, 5 slices 57 gramswhy not eat 1 cup of oatmeal ??
    Instead of the Popcorn Chicken, 20 pieces, why not a full chicken breast w/salad or pasta?
    Also consider eating Rice cakes, there very good
  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    Got it. In that case I recommend nuts and peanut butter. Or chocolate!

    Eta: these will also help with your fat intake which is pretty low. Dietary fat is very, very important so try not to go under your fat goal. Protein and fat are minimum targets and can be exceeded.
  • MissSaturday
    MissSaturday Posts: 784 Member
    The topic should have been: Attention needed!
    You are really abusing us. Please inform youself about healthy weight loss. October your intake was around 500/600 per day. And a person coming from over 200 pounds really forgot how to eat???
    Please don't starve youself you are doing bad things to your body and when you cannot keep up anymore you will put the weight back.
    I would suggest medical advice
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    Yes, I can see your diary. In my opinion (others will tell you my opinion is crap) you are eating too much processed food. Your sodium numbers are high for the calorie number. Try to play with the sodium and protein numbers, ignoring the calorie number for a few days. Try to keep your sodium between 2000 and 2500 and your protein above 80, see what happens.
  • laurenc2008
    I try, I even bought no sodium salt and that is all I eat, but I suppose that the frozen dinners from weight watchers still aren't healthy. lol
  • laurenc2008
    and today was really a eat whatever day yesterday I only ate 800 or so of sodium
  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    Sodium may effect water retention but it is really not anything to worry about unless you have health concerns that require a low intake. Sodium is an electrolyte, so actually, not getting enough is detrimental.
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    No, my point is not no sodium (been there, done that, don't do that) it is to be more mindful of what you are eating. I used to eat a lot of frozen packaged food, deli meat, etc. When I cut back (not out) and started to be more mindful of whole foods and their time to prepare and to digest, I became more healthy. Although I have made my mistakes during my weight loss, two pieces of advice that were given to me on MFP were to up my protein and to eat whole seeds. My days of frustration and starvation were over! I stopped worrying about the calories so much as planning for the content.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I can see your stuff.
    Instead of the Multigrain English Muffin and the single slice of cheese, and Land O'frost - Smoked Ham & Oven Roasted Turkey Sub Sandwich Kit, 5 slices 57 gramswhy not eat 1 cup of oatmeal ??
    Instead of the Popcorn Chicken, 20 pieces, why not a full chicken breast w/salad or pasta?
    Also consider eating Rice cakes, there very good
    And...Instead of the egg white EAT AN EGG.
    OP: You are NOT fueling your body. you're hurting your body. Some days are very low. Please eat. Eat some FOOD. Ignore the comments to eat more snack food. EAT SOME FOOD.
  • artsygrandma
    artsygrandma Posts: 5 Member
    I can't either unless I exercise (which I hate), but I found an exercise that I can do that I half-way enjoy. Try different things until you find what is right for you. Also, drink two liters of water a day. Do it today and you will see a positive difference tomorrow.
  • elisabeisme
    elisabeisme Posts: 308 Member
    What were you eating before you decided that you needed to lose weigh? Eat some of that.
    Oh, the logic! I can barely stand it!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    I can see your stuff.
    Instead of the Multigrain English Muffin and the single slice of cheese, and Land O'frost - Smoked Ham & Oven Roasted Turkey Sub Sandwich Kit, 5 slices 57 gramswhy not eat 1 cup of oatmeal ??
    Instead of the Popcorn Chicken, 20 pieces, why not a full chicken breast w/salad or pasta?
    Also consider eating Rice cakes, there very good
    And...Instead of the egg white EAT AN EGG.
    OP: You are NOT fueling your body. you're hurting your body. Some days are very low. Please eat. Eat some FOOD. Ignore the comments to eat more snack food. EAT SOME FOOD.

    exactly. screw a rice cake, eat some FOOD.. eggs, avocadoes, lentils, salmon, nuts and nut butters, quinoa, etc.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I can see your stuff.
    Instead of the Multigrain English Muffin and the single slice of cheese, and Land O'frost - Smoked Ham & Oven Roasted Turkey Sub Sandwich Kit, 5 slices 57 gramswhy not eat 1 cup of oatmeal ??
    Instead of the Popcorn Chicken, 20 pieces, why not a full chicken breast w/salad or pasta?
    Also consider eating Rice cakes, there very good
    And...Instead of the egg white EAT AN EGG.
    OP: You are NOT fueling your body. you're hurting your body. Some days are very low. Please eat. Eat some FOOD. Ignore the comments to eat more snack food. EAT SOME FOOD.

    exactly. screw a rice cake, eat some FOOD.. eggs, avocadoes, lentils, salmon, nuts and nut butters, quinoa, etc.
    All of the above. yes.
  • TigerBite
    TigerBite Posts: 611 Member
    Walnuts, Almonds, Pistachios ... Full Fat dairy (FAGE Total Classic (The blue one, pink is 0%, green is 2%) it's delicious, and a great source of protein, and can be use in both sweet or savory applications or just eaten plain (YUM!) ... Bananas and peanut butter ... And BACON, nitrate-free (of course) ...
  • cstigs84
    cstigs84 Posts: 15 Member
    Don't bother tracking sugar, a carb is a carb.

    That is not entirely true. There are important health benefits to eating fibrous and complex carb foods. One needs to consider the disproportionate insulin response(vs. glycemic load) that happens when eating refined carb sources. Totally disregarding that can help promote diabetes and dyslipidemia.
  • doctorsookie
    doctorsookie Posts: 1,084 Member
    It doesn't bother me, If I were eating terrible things and still losing weight then it wouldn't matter what anyone said lol

    Cool, thanks for opening that. So I see a couple times you have logged chicken and fish as sort of a generic "1 piece" or "4 oz" - do you have a food scale and are you weighing this out? How about measuring things like milk? Do you eyeball things like butter and salad dressing?

    If you are being super accurate with your logging and it is not a possibility that you are taking in more calories than you intend, keep your yolks in your eggs, add some more butter, eat cheese and nuts. If you really are stuffed and can't possibly eat more, calorie dense is your friend. Good luck!

    Eta: as for questioning your accuracy, it is not my intention to offend you at all, I just speak from experience. Before I got a food scale I was underestimating my intake quite a bit and it's completely normal to do so. :smile:

    I like you. Where were you about a week ago? LOL I recently weighed out four onces of turkey and was shocked at how much it was. I wondered why I was so hungry and now I know it's because I was under rating but over logging. I'm not hungry anymore. Love my scale..
  • rgugs13
    rgugs13 Posts: 197 Member
    I can see your stuff.
    Instead of the Multigrain English Muffin and the single slice of cheese, and Land O'frost - Smoked Ham & Oven Roasted Turkey Sub Sandwich Kit, 5 slices 57 gramswhy not eat 1 cup of oatmeal ??
    Instead of the Popcorn Chicken, 20 pieces, why not a full chicken breast w/salad or pasta?
    Also consider eating Rice cakes, there very good
    And...Instead of the egg white EAT AN EGG.
    OP: You are NOT fueling your body. you're hurting your body. Some days are very low. Please eat. Eat some FOOD. Ignore the comments to eat more snack food. EAT SOME FOOD.

    exactly. screw a rice cake, eat some FOOD.. eggs, avocadoes, lentils, salmon, nuts and nut butters, quinoa, etc.
    All of the above. yes.

    +1 to all above. You can eat full fat, yummy foods and still stay within your goal and still lose weight. Mix calorie dense foods with fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables. If you aren't lactose intolerant, dairy is a great way to get calories and protein. And steak! Yummy yummy marbled steak!
  • laurenc2008
    I appreciate everyone's advice. I do have a problem with restricting because two years ago I used to only eat 500 cal and it continued to now. my body will in no way let me eat quantities of food, and in my brain I am thinking that if something is calories dense, then its junk food. I wont eat nutella because of all the calories, I wont eat peanut butter a lot... I think I have a problem, if I enjoy food, then there must be something terribly wrong with it..... im starting to believe it is all mental. all my life I have been told to not eat so much, always eat less, skip meals! and when it actually started to work for a little while, I believed it. now, I know its not healthy.