left over calories?



  • Tilran
    Tilran Posts: 626 Member
    Good question! I have been under my calories and am really not worried about it because I spent so many months overeatting my calorie count. Usually by the time I finish logging in my excercise and my desert, seeing that I have an extra 300 calories does not give me motiviation to stufff my face so late in the evening, so I just go to sleep and start over. I do understand that food is energy which is why I have been eating a lot of veggies so I am still getting nutrients but not the calories. Ultimately you and I could choose to eat more calories during the day but I would rather lose weight faster and let my excercise truly count.

    Its not about losing weight faster...or at least it shouldent be.....its about maintain your muscles while cutting weight.

    The objective is to lose body fat while maintaining lean body mass. I understand some people only care about the number on the scale, but that is pure ignorance. The truth is, we want to look better. If you looked like a supermodel at 230 pounds....would you complain? If you looked like an unhealthy tub of lard at 110 would you be happy? The number means nothing...and to get to the "look" that you want means cutting fat from your body...and that is what sticking to your calories gives you....otherwise just eat nothing...let your body cannabilize itself and lose tons of weight...mostly from muscle.
  • daisymae850
    daisymae850 Posts: 127 Member
    Give them to me!!!! On a calorie gift card

  • lanaedian
    lanaedian Posts: 1 Member
    I eat my daily allotment, but have exercise calories left over, if im hitting my daily caloric goal, do I have to eat the extra calories?
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    I eat my daily allotment, but have exercise calories left over, if im hitting my daily caloric goal, do I have to eat the extra calories?

    The way mfp is designed you should. But so there isnt any over estimation I would recommend eat 50% of them back. More specifically I would recommend eat more protein based calories.