first thing you changed to start the healthy new you?

ntftnm Posts: 55 Member
What was the first thing you changed to get healthy?

What was the hardest for you to change?

what is your start weight?

What is your current weight?

What is the best part of your journey?


  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    1. Got rid of Soda and drink mixes. Just drink Water w Lemon
    2. Knowing just because others are eating it. Doesn't mean I need it. So I had to emotionally and mentally re train my brain and that was SUPER hard.
    3. 330lbs
    4. 284.6
    5. Feeling so much healthier and being able to ride horses :)
  • JDMarlowe
    JDMarlowe Posts: 327 Member
    1- stopped making excuses!!
    2- threw out ALL the junk!
    3- 317.4
    4- 194
    5- KNOWING i can do so many more things in life without the weight holding me down!!
  • pseudomuffin
    pseudomuffin Posts: 1,058 Member
    1. Being honest with myself about poor eating habits
    2. Cutting out sugars and carbs... I love fruit but I find eating it sparingly makes me enjoy it more
    3. Highest weight pre-MFP was 239, start weight here was 220
    4. 199
    5. Feeling good! Seriously I have so much more energy, clarity, and general positivity when I'm eating right!
  • lucan07
    lucan07 Posts: 509
    1) My diet was the first thing I changed, limited by illness just portion sizes.

    2) Hardest change was to get moving more, so brought some good quality second hand exercise equipment (rowing machine, cross trainer, exercise bike for far less than 6 months gym membership).

    3) Start weight 31 Jan 2013 was 22st or 308lbs.

    4) Current weight is 14st 9lb 9oz or 205.6lbs.

    5) The best part of my journey was giving my daughter away in November without cringing when seeing the pictures.
  • buffywhitney
    buffywhitney Posts: 172 Member
    The first thing I changed was my MIND! Don't bother going any further until you do. :smile:
  • soldiergrl_101
    soldiergrl_101 Posts: 2,205 Member
    What was the first thing you changed to get healthy?

    What was the hardest for you to change?

    what is your start weight?

    What is your current weight?

    What is the best part of your journey?

    1. Quitting soda

    2. Quitting soda (I drank 2 Liters of Pepsi a day)

    3. 210lbs

    4. 180lbs

    5. Feeling better in my clothes, not confined or choked and suffocated
  • llyakl88
    llyakl88 Posts: 11 Member
    1. Making healthier choices and eating smaller portions (oh and avoiding second helpings!)

    2. Initially it was incorporating exercise into my workouts - now I can't get enough of it!

    3. 258.5lbs (although I started on MyFitnessPal at 250lbs)

    4. 171.5lbs

    5. Seeing my body change - when I look at old pictures of me, I can't believe how much extra weight I was carrying around everyday!
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    1. I decided that dieting by depriving myself wasn't working and that I was just going to eat moderate portions of the food I love and was going to lose weight and get healthy without being miserable. I had to find something I could do forever, and I have. I eat ice cream everyday and have plenty of other treats too. :bigsmile: I go to the movies and have popcorn, I have chips and gummy bears while watching the Walking Dead, I enjoy all the holiday meals and eat fast food often. I just make sure I have a weekly calorie deficit. Done.
    2. Nothing was that hard. Did not change my diet, except have smaller portions. Progressively got more exercise. Started lifting weights.
    3. 300
    4. 175
    5. I've enjoyed all of it. It's been a learning process. I'm always excited every time I realize that I am better at something that I could barely do before. Burpees, pushups, running, weight training etc....
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    1. Got my mind in the game, and decided this time I wasn't going to try a fad diet, was just going to log my food and educate myself. Thankfully that education showed me I could eat delicious food, just learn portion control and that starving myself won't get me where I want to be.

    2. Only hard change for me was noticing how many calories I was drinking in my 12 cups of coffee daily! Still drink the 12 cups but have switched to black coffee, now I drink all I want.

    3. 285

    4. 195

    5. The best part was going to see my pulmonary doctor who told me I would need to be on 24/7 oxygen, and tell him I can now bike 20 miles and lift heavy weights :) But it's been a fun year I've learned so much about myself, and that I can do anything I want to do.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    The first thing I changed was my MIND! Don't bother going any further until you do. :smile:


    you need to change your mindset. you need to be determined to change.
  • TheBoldCat
    TheBoldCat Posts: 159 Member
    Stopped eating junk food

    Resist the temptation of fast food and too many drinks when going out with my mates

    SW 165lbs
    CW 147lbs

    Feeling bigger agility, seeing my body changing the shape
  • grammagie
    grammagie Posts: 142 Member
    The first thing I started to change was the attitude that I need to lose weight, fast, rapidly so I could look better. So wrong, in so many ways. The first thing I did was start to move after the scales tipped 262.

    The thing that was hardest for me to change is to start moving..but once I did, I didn't stop:) Now I love the gym.

    I started at 262 in March of last year.
    Now I am 225 today. Goa is 150.

    The best thing has and is the the journey to get to my goal. I notice the little things now..I can see my toes. I can do so much more physically than I can now. I don't have pain in my chest, or my knees. I feel better! I am off blood pressure's not just about the numbers on those scales for me now.
  • LewisNunn
    What was the first thing you changed to get healthy?
    I first changed everything. I cut my meal sizes and cut out all the crap straight away.

    What was the hardest for you to change?
    Just sticking to healthy eating. I could have made it so much more easier on myself if I didn't completely cut everything from day one.

    what is your start weight?
    It was around 183 pounds.

    What is your current weight?
    It's now 153 pounds.

    What is the best part of your journey?
    Just seeing my body change over the weeks and how I carry out tasks. I'm lot more focused and determined as I now know I can do it without the laziness.
  • mrsamanda86
    mrsamanda86 Posts: 869 Member
    What was the first thing you changed to get healthy?
    I stopped dousing all my foods in butter and cheese

    What was the hardest for you to change?
    Quit drinking energy drinks, that sucked. I went from drinking 2-3 a day to maybe once or twice a week if I decide I really want to waste the calories on them.

    what is your start weight?

    What is your current weight?

    What is the best part of your journey?
    Seeing how much stronger I'm getting, and how much better I feel and look than I did 28 pounds ago.
  • ell_v131
    ell_v131 Posts: 349 Member
    What was the first thing you changed to get healthy?
    Cut out fast food and as much processed food as I can, stop overeating

    What was the hardest for you to change?
    My mindset. I didn't have a hard time with any of the changes physically, but my brain just wanted more food, more fatty food, cream, cheeses, butter, more than I could possibly fit into 2 days worth of calories. And starting gym again took a lot of convincing (myself), now I love it.

    what is your start weight?

    What is your current weight?

    What is the best part of your journey?
    seeing my body change, becoming confident again and doing this with my partner!
  • ludgerclay
    ludgerclay Posts: 95 Member
    The first thing I changed to get healthy was starting to in-line skate to get some cardio work in every day.

    The hardest for me to change was quitting smoking.

    My start weight was around 205 lb.

    My current weight is around 195 lb. (My main goal hasn't been weight loss).

    The best part of my journey has been meeting like-minded people and enjoying their company. Second best has been discovering that my body is capable of doing much more than I thought it could.
  • SheridanLT
    SheridanLT Posts: 47 Member
    The first thing I changed was my MIND! Don't bother going any further until you do. :smile:

    This is 100% true.
  • spookyjo
    spookyjo Posts: 76 Member
    First thing i did was try various diets, lost weight and proberbly LBM (silly me)

    But first thing i should of done was change my attitude and educate myself.

    I've just picked up the brand new edition of Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle by Tom Venuto

    Also this forum is has oodles of info. Don't know how to link from my tablet but search for the group "Eat Train Progress" and read "the guide to get you started on your path to sexypants" post in this section of the forum. I owe so much to people on this forum.

    The best part is that my clothes are fitting me better and i feel stronger/fitter which is my goal. Don't weigh myself anymore, just measure myself now.

    MFP is a tool for you to use to your advantage.
  • dalgal26
    dalgal26 Posts: 781 Member
    What was the first thing you changed to get healthy?

    What was the hardest for you to change?

    what is your start weight?

    What is your current weight?

    What is the best part of your journey?

    1. My attitude
    2. My attitude
    3. Very obese
    4. Overweight
    5. Feeling better!
  • latewinter
    1 i stopped drinking as much hot chocolate mabey 1-2 a day and not every 5 minutes lol and i stopped snacking on mini chocolate bars they are the devil.
    2 Not sure the hardest thing is probablies getting my mind in the right state and motivating myself and refraining from those mini chocolate bars lol
    3 start weight was 171 pounds
    4 current weight is 168 pounds (only been doing if for 2 weeks :) )
    5 best part seeing the weight come off and hopefully get it to stay off also i think i had to tighten my belt this morning haha

    Good luck everyone :)