Has anyone ever tried Shakeology?



  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    If you choose to use it as a meal replacement, then it could actually save you money at $4-$5/serving (try getting a healthy breakfast out for that price).

    That's ridiculous. What a ludicrous statement.
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    I understand its not licensed in the UK. I may be totally wrong here but is that because there is no s identification proof to support its claims
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Out of 12 posts, 10 of them have been beachbody related-- that sends up red flags that you're just here to sell stuff, and that's why people are being less than welcoming.

    Also beachbody is an MLM-- you won't find much love for that here.
    Just wait untl P90x3 is out. The forums will be swarming with 'coaches' trying to 'help you' by involving you in a challenge.
  • MagicalLeopleurodon
    It tastes like chalk and the dying dreams of small children.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    If you choose to use it as a meal replacement, then it could actually save you money at $4-$5/serving (try getting a healthy breakfast out for that price).

    My eggs cost less than $.10 each and I eat 6 for breakfast. My bread costs $.50 and I eat one slice. Milk is about $.15 for 1 cup. That means breakfast cost me $1.25.

    If you ate breakfast out it might cost more, but it would also be more calories than Shakeology (or any other lower priced better quality meal replacement/protein drink). Most of us serious about losing weight and saving money make our own.
  • bjshields
    bjshields Posts: 677 Member
    I had one mouthful of it once. Tasted like sweetened grit from Satan's welcome mat.

    OMG! Thanks for the cackle of the day!!:drinker:
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I find a lot of people's responses here to be quite uninformed and ignorant. It doesn't claim to be a 'protein shake' or a 'complete meal replacement'. It's a supplement to aid in weight loss, increase energy, reduce cravings and increase digestion and irregularity, and that's what the ingredients in it are meant to do. If you choose to use it as a meal replacement, then it could actually save you money at $4-$5/serving (try getting a healthy breakfast out for that price).

    I agree that everyone is entitled to eat/drink whatever they like, I just don't like when people have opinions that are not based on fact but rather based on personal opinion.

    What are the ingredients then? What specific ingredients do all those things above say, either food or any other protein drink/powder?

    Re the savings....why are you comparing a meal out to the shake? It's not comparable in any way.

    What opinions have been given that are not based on facts? What facts support your claims?
  • MagicalLeopleurodon
    If you choose to use it as a meal replacement, then it could actually save you money at $4-$5/serving (try getting a healthy breakfast out for that price).

    My eggs cost less than $.10 each and I eat 6 for breakfast. My bread costs $.50 and I eat one slice. Milk is about $.15 for 1 cup. That means breakfast cost me $1.25.

    If you ate breakfast out it might cost more, but it would also be more calories than Shakeology (or any other lower priced better quality meal replacement/protein drink). Most of us serious about losing weight and saving money make our own.

    This. My eggs are about $0.37/dozen (love my chickens!). My husband and i can eat breakfast for an entire week for under $6. Then again, i bake our bread, grow our produce, etc.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I am not big on eating breakfast. I know thats bad. So i think it would be good for me to have for breakfast. Getting some samples to try next week.

    why is not eating breakfast "bad"?? Plenty of people skip breakfast and meet all their health goals..

    As far as shakeology goes it is just overpriced garbage...you can lose weight on your own by creating a deficit...

    OP - shakeology did not help your lose weight, a calorie deficit did...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I find a lot of people's responses here to be quite uninformed and ignorant. It doesn't claim to be a 'protein shake' or a 'complete meal replacement'. It's a supplement to aid in weight loss, increase energy, reduce cravings and increase digestion and irregularity, and that's what the ingredients in it are meant to do. If you choose to use it as a meal replacement, then it could actually save you money at $4-$5/serving (try getting a healthy breakfast out for that price).

    I agree that everyone is entitled to eat/drink whatever they like, I just don't like when people have opinions that are not based on fact but rather based on personal opinion.

    that fact that you believe that shakeology somehow helps in weight loss speaks volumes as to your diet knowledge...talk about uninformed and ignorant...

    and don't forget shakelogy also replaces fat with muscle..
  • bjshields
    bjshields Posts: 677 Member
    I find a lot of people's responses here to be quite uninformed and ignorant. It doesn't claim to be a 'protein shake' or a 'complete meal replacement'. It's a supplement to aid in weight loss, increase energy, reduce cravings and increase digestion and irregularity, and that's what the ingredients in it are meant to do. If you choose to use it as a meal replacement, then it could actually save you money at $4-$5/serving (try getting a healthy breakfast out for that price).

    I agree that everyone is entitled to eat/drink whatever they like, I just don't like when people have opinions that are not based on fact but rather based on personal opinion.

    These statements directly contradict each other.

    If you are going to be annoyed that people aren't dealing with facts, then you should deal in facts yourself.

    Aren't we talking about Shakeology here? And not the way people type... geez you've said your peace, move along.

    I looked at your posts, and most of them are Beachbody-related. I'm a former BB coach, and I just got sick of having to troll for customers. Don't use this as a forum to troll for customers, please. It's a turnoff.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Not everyone will like or want to try it for whatever reason. That's okay everyone has their own way of losing weight and getting healthy. Shakeology has worked for me so far and I just wanted to see if anybody else has gotten results to. Thanks to everyone that answered politely! Others remember we should all motivate each other with support and kind words not rude comments. I'm open to any opinion just say it in a nice way.

    I support other people not wasting a ton of money on shakeology. If you take that personally, perhaps it reflects on your impartiality.

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    Their monthly cost for a shake a day buys me a whole week's worth of food. And not just one meal a day either.

    In reality ANY diet shake or program works when people follow their "calorie deficit" menu. There are thousands of testimonials of how using X brand product help them lose weight.

    But the reality is that 90% of all people who use any diet programs regain lost weight due to the fact that the program wasn't sustainable to the point where the people who were on it were satisfied on how they were eating and enjoying food.

    And that's what the diet industry wants...........................you to lose some weight then gain it back and go back and use their products again and again.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    If you choose to use it as a meal replacement, then it could actually save you money at $4-$5/serving (try getting a healthy breakfast out for that price).

    what? :noway:
    eggs and toast or an omelet with some kind of veggie in it, oatmeal, cereal and milk, fruit and yogurt...

    even lunch...I can get 4oz of low sodium turkey, put it on one of my low cal/high protein pita breads...and still have money left over for a bell pepper or cucumber or some other veggie on the side.

    Is eating healthy a little more expensive than eating crap? yeah a lot of the time is is...but it doesn't have to cost $4-5 for breakfast. So please, don't tell people that shakeology is more affordable than a healthy breakfast made of real, healthy food...it's a lie.

    ETA: oh you said a healthy breakfast OUT...well, frankly, those of us who are watching what we put into our bodies don't go "out" for breakfast every day. (but if i did i could still get a couple eggs, or a bowl of oatmeal, or any number of things for under $5.)
  • NaturallyCrowned
    Believe me I don't take any if this personally. Like I said everyone has their own opinion and that's okay. I'm new to this whole forum thing and if I had known that me posting about shakeology or any other beach body product was gonna get people so riled up I would not have done it. I'm not here to create negative energy. Just here to get advice and motivation.
  • suzyfj8
    suzyfj8 Posts: 257 Member
    I tried a few years ago and I did love the chocolate one, and I did feel better for drinking it, but unfortunately when I moved back to UK it is hard to get it without paying lots of money!
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I don't like eating 1 salad plate much less five. Way too crunchy for my tastes and so bland. The salads on the other hand....
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    In... for "help" from "coaches".
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    Believe me I don't take any if this personally. Like I said everyone has their own opinion and that's okay. I'm new to this whole forum thing and if I had known that me posting about shakeology or any other beach body product was gonna get people so riled up I would not have done it. I'm not here to create negative energy. Just here to get advice and motivation.
    Truth is that Shakeology is an MLM and the company makes a lot of money off it's users of the product (who happen to be the "coaches"), so of course like any other distributor of products, they will claim that it's better than anything out there. But NO PRODUCT or program works on weight loss without calorie deficit. Then ask yourself this: "Am I going to pay for this product the rest of my life?" Because if the answer is "I'll stop when I reach goal weight and do maintenance from there", that's what you should be learning now and saving your money.
    As I mentioned before, any program works if followed. Sustaining for life is the issue people have afterward.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • ScottH_200
    ScottH_200 Posts: 377 Member
    What do you all think of the "Cambridge Diet"? Yummmmm....crushed ice water with a powdery vanilla taste.

    Just kidding! ;-)