Anyone else looking to lose 50 pounds?

Long story short, I put on 30 pounds in a couple of months because I was having a horrendous time at work - so stressful. Now, I am jobless and hating myself. Hate the way I look, hate the way I feel, etc. I know I have to love myself first and all that crap, and yes, I love who I am as a person, but that does not make me love the way I look.

Looking to lose 50 pounds, or at least even those 30 I just put on is a good start.

Anyone else? I could use the support. Going to try to be really diligent at signing in and logging every day. I've had success with MFP before, I want to again.

Oh ya - I also have a low thyroid, so that's always fun trying to lose weight with that! lol


  • CheekyRunner
    CheekyRunner Posts: 105 Member
    You can add me as a friend if you like (or anyone else) I log everyday and my food diary is open. I have 45ish pounds to lose. :smile:
  • D_squareG
    D_squareG Posts: 361 Member
    I have 60 to lose. Gained mine at a stressful job as well. Last year I quit my job and it has taken me a year to feel well enough to even start. I've been on MFP for one month. I log every day. My weight loss is slow, but fairly steady. I'm working to build muscle to help boost my metabolism. You can add me if you wish. I could use the help.
  • bcc112986
    bcc112986 Posts: 362 Member
    Hey I've got to lose 80! I've done 30 before but gained it back. I'm not going back again. If you need any help or motivation, I'm here for you.

  • teerae326
    teerae326 Posts: 150 Member
    My original goal was to lose 50 lbs. I've lost about 30, but now feeling like 50 wasn't going to be enough. I maybe still have another 40 or so to go before I'm happy, but we'll see. I've been struggling with logging in and tracking but I am trying to get back to it. I would welcome a new friend.
  • RozayJones
    RozayJones Posts: 409 Member
    I'm hoping to lose 40 would be happier with 50. I put on all my weight in a short time from thyroid cancer - had a full thyroidectomy and the weight has stuck ever since.....I'm trying, feel free to add me.
  • lam5150
    lam5150 Posts: 3 Member
    I would like to lose 50 by next May or June---Also need support :wink:
  • In total I would like to lose 60lbs but hoping for 40lbs by my birthday which is in May. Gotta look cute for summer! Its been a month and Im down 4lbs. I guess you gotta start somewhere.
  • Janice231
    Janice231 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Elizabeth4201, don't be so hard on yourself. We all feel down in the dumps sometimes. I'm trying to lose about 50 lbs. as well and I'm starting over again. Just keep fighting; through logging your food, and exercise. By the way I just ordered Jillian Michaels' shred in 30 days Cd. I can't wait!!! You can add me as a friend if you like.
  • Elizabeth42013
    Elizabeth42013 Posts: 30 Member
    Would love to lose 40 by April!! :) My 40th birthday...we can do this together!
  • To all the posts - I've still got at least 110 lbs to go for the weight I think is ideal (as I get close to it, I might adjust because I believe that I am "large" for bone size, at least according to measurements). Except for a little blip between my phone and the computer syncing, I've got the logging thing down. I log daily. Now to get the rest of the "formula" together which means getting my exercise in and quit letting life get in the way of my gym time. I try to motivate others by commenting on updates and I need some more motivators too! So anybody that needs a bit more help, please add me.
  • Janice231
    Janice231 Posts: 7 Member
    Yeah, me too. I'll let you know my progress.
  • rlindemann01
    rlindemann01 Posts: 6 Member
    you can add me!! I am always looking for someone to motivate me, with cold weather and the holidays it is so hard to stay motivated!!
  • Hey,i would love to lose about 50 pounds also....i want 2 be a size 2,but its been hard cus i keep giving in 2 temptations by eating so much
  • 60 here, feel free to add.
  • Razz_Baby
    Razz_Baby Posts: 89 Member

    I want to lose 60 lbs. Yesterday was day one. Today is my first day logging on. I also have an under-active thyroid. I take levothyroxine to help out my levels.

    I am going to focus on the next two weeks of building new habits of eating properly, proper portions, and getting in a good amount of exercise.
  • Justwatchmerun
    Justwatchmerun Posts: 21 Member
    Hi :) Add me if you want, I've also got an underactive thyroid and I'm looking to lose 40-60lbs xx
  • jfauci
    jfauci Posts: 531 Member
    I've lost a total of 57 pounds and now maintaining. It's a long road, but really rewarding! I'm more than happy to support friends along the way. Good luck to all!!
  • DeniseBarone
    DeniseBarone Posts: 80 Member
    We love you!
  • biogirl2011
    biogirl2011 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi there-I'm almost at the 50lb mark for my 1st 50..I have another journey to start with my 2nd 50 and I would love all the help I can get. We can definitely motivate each other and do this together!!

    I love the MFP community!! Anyone can add me as well.
  • chloetuesday
    chloetuesday Posts: 9 Member
    This is my first week, so far so good :) I was diagnosed with PCOS a few years ago and really need to get down to a healthy weight. I have a few friends who use this app as well, but they don't log often. Found ya'll because I'm seeking motivation and a bit of competition :) I'm hoping to lose 40-60 lbs - this will get me to my "ideal" weight.
    Feel free to add me!