Joined Planet Fitness - some positive comments



  • Timmmy40
    Timmmy40 Posts: 152 Member
    I am a planet fitness member. I do not see any limitation at my gym.
  • ajaxe432
    ajaxe432 Posts: 608 Member
    It is purple and Friday they serve Pizza and Doughnuts!! or Bagels...but besides that its good for cardio, but not for lifting.
  • ajaxe432
    ajaxe432 Posts: 608 Member
    I belong to Planet Fitness and really like it because there are no judgements. I love the unlimited use of massage beds, chairs and tanning beds, it is well worth the $20 I pay a month for those benefits alone.

    Except there ARE judgments. Have you never seen their commercials? They openly judge those who choose to lift heavy. That being said, if it works for you, awesome.
  • ajaxe432
    ajaxe432 Posts: 608 Member
    I am a planet fitness member. I do not see any limitation at my gym.
    Some of them vary....but there whole concept is to keep the weight lifters who grunt and lift heavy out. How do they do that? They have machines that do not appeal to heavy lifters, like a smith machine or machines for specific body parts. They also limit the equipment that appeal to that type.
  • NicLiving
    NicLiving Posts: 261 Member
    I love PF for the value. Not too concerned about what others think.
    I've lost 60+ lbs doing both strength and cardio training.
    As for the $39 annual fee, its a lot cheaper than $39+ a month.
  • rllewell
    rllewell Posts: 234
    I think for many it is a great choice. It is $10 a month and a good place to start working out. I do see how you can outgrow this gym as there are no classes, etc.

    First off congrats on investing in your health. I agree, it is a great value for those wanting to get started at going to a gym for a workout. As you stated, it has its limitations and for those wanting to advance to higher fitness levels customers tend to move on to a gym catered for that type of client (Gold's, Cross Fit, etc.).
    I belong to Planet Fitness and really like it because there are no judgements.

    I love how PF markets the "no judgement zone" but they are they ones that are being judgmental! I've belonged to 5-6 types of gyms and there was never any of this "judging" going on. It's all put into their clients heads as a benefit that doesn't exist!

    Pick a gym that motivates you to go now and well into the future. Pick a time of day you'll go consistently 4-6 days a week.

    PF does has a great business model to get folks started on a great exercise routine for the rest of their life. Purple is my favorite color!
  • teaparty75
    whoa whoa whoa ....i've been going to PF for awhile now and i think its cool - i see people of all levels up in there so i doubt that even though i've gotten more into strength training that i'll be "out growing" it any time soon ....and until i actually see the smith machine hurt somebody , i'm gonna roll w/it for some things (NOT a standing OHP tho) .....the price location work out too perfectly for me !! AND purple is cool !! but honestly , i hardly even notice the purple anymore lol
  • teaparty75
    I love PF for the value. Not too concerned about what others think.
    I've lost 60+ lbs doing both strength and cardio training.
    As for the $39 annual fee, its a lot cheaper than $39+ a month.
    THIS ^^^ .....hell i even sprung for the black membership LOL....congrats on your success !!!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I belong to Planet Fitness and really like it because there are no judgements. I love the unlimited use of massage beds, chairs and tanning beds, it is well worth the $20 I pay a month for those benefits alone.

    Except there ARE judgments. Have you never seen their commercials? They openly judge those who choose to lift heavy. That being said, if it works for you, awesome.

    Like this one?
  • jfauci
    jfauci Posts: 531 Member
    I've never had a problem with PF. I find the trainers very helpful and the machines well maintained and clean. I go there, do my workout and I'm done. Never an issue.
  • erickam1021
    erickam1021 Posts: 6 Member
    i used to go to anytime fitness because it was always open and had alot of good machines. it cost $50 a month though and i didn't go enough to get my money's worth but with me being so self conscious also i'd never use the weights or do certain things. i felt like i was always getting judged by the skinnier people or felt like i was in the way cuz i didn't always know how to use the stuff. when i moved though they didnt have it where i was living so i started going to planet fitness. i loved being able to tan and had soooo many machines and i felt comfortable. the lunk alarm is annoying though i get they want people to feel comfortable but if someone drops something dont make that go off. its distracting and dumb. big buff guys intimadate me at a gym but not in public places idk why their just fit people. sorry i got off subject some. basically it all is up to you and what you wanna pay and get for the price
  • Myxalplyx
    Myxalplyx Posts: 129 Member
    I love Planet Fitness! It is so cheap, it is hard to complain. There is another gym I join from time to time on a limited bases, just to get some pointers from body builders. Planet Fitness gets the job done. And it is open 24hrs a day. Wow!

    For those times you may not have to go to the gym, it is good to have P90X or an Insanity workout at home. I have both (Have only looked at Insanity This way, you can use your own body weight when you are busy.

    Planet Fitness --> Two Thumbs up! And yes, I signed up for the black card (Throws up PF black card gang symbol)