So tired of being fat!



  • rachjenn

    I find when people go on "quick-win" diets, they quickly turn back to their old habits. My suggestion is to make a full lifestyle change (as someone else has suggested) instead of a diet.

    Start with small things - adding more veg on your plate, eating more low-cal feel-fuller foods (eggs do it for me), less carb portions. You'll see a weight loss even with this I'm sure.

    You deserve naughtiness here and there, so try to stick to certain days - weekend maybe? I'm a chocoholic but find stopping until weekend helps- then sometimes I'm not even wanting any! No naughtiness I'd almost guarantee you won't continue with it. Someone I work with goes hell-for-leather for a few weeks- nothing naughty, gym at 5am, then after a few weeks has to stop and goes right back to how she was. You need a lifestyle change rather than diet :-)

    Good luck!!!
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    First you can do this if you truly want to. Set small realistic goals for yourself, and set a plan on how you can best achieve those goals. Don't deprive yourself, small calorie deficit and more activity.

    Also don't think of it as "cheating", if you have a day you indulge own it, log it and move on from it (oh and ENJOY it)

    Learn moderation and portion control. Be 100% honest with yourself. Find an activity you enjoy doing, I fell in love with biking and lifting weights. So working out is something I enjoy doing.

    Last thing be PATIENT! Good luck!
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Looks like many of us share your story of starting over many times, and this is my story too, more times than you can imagine.

    I wish you the best of luck! Please know that you too can do this!
  • charliex2202
    charliex2202 Posts: 4,281 Member
    I live my life by this quote and i find that it helps me it is "Fall down 7 times, get up 8 times" as long as you continue to try even after you fail you will succeed in anything you do....

    Its so easy to give in to temptation but then the guilt takes over and you feel worse so you eat more, its a vicious cycle and one we all fall into...just be honest with yourself realise where you went wrong and try again...

    This is a physical change and a mental change it wont happen over night...

    good luck feel free to add me i like new friends...

  • sola24
    sola24 Posts: 334 Member
    I have always had this problem.. What works for me is not restricting myself to certain type of food.. just restricting the amounts. and trying to average the calories out over a week than in a day to day basis. Usually if I think I will not have cake.. after a few days I tend to go and binge on it as thats all the think about.. Better to have that cake but just a bite or a tiny piece. :)
  • drcrisos
    drcrisos Posts: 68 Member
    I wish you all the luck in your goals. I tried to diet so many times over the years just to fall short and think, well, my hubby loves me the way I am. I would keep telling myself that as to justify my poor eating habits.
    That all changed in August. I don't really know how I did it, but I made the choice to use this app consistently. I never thought of it as a diet. It has opened my eyes to how much I would eat at any given meal. I had no concept of the number of calories I was eating even in "healthy" foods. I have learned that it is the amount as well as the type of food and now have a completely different approach when it comes to foods.
    Now, I look at what it is I want and determine how many calories it is, and is it worth it. I honestly will still eat at fast food joints (not healthy I know), but I have also learned that if I deny myself what it is that I want or think I want, I will not succeed.
    For me, it was important to learn to eat in my "real world". Not by making myself following any diet, not be eating only fruits and veggies for 2 weeks, then slowly bring in carbs/protein. Not by fasting. I had to learn to eat every day normal foods, just in the right quantities.
    Nothing wrong with following other "diets" if that is what gets you going, but for me, I needed to make it easy. If it's too hard to keep up, I will fail.
    This has become easy for me. Just all in the choices and if I go over, well, go for that extra walk, put in that exercise tape, get you calories back.
    I need to exercise more that is a given. I'm trying to balance work, kids, hubby, dogs, etc and make time.
    Good luck to you on your journey.
    Persistence and you will achieve your goals.
  • ingraha
    ingraha Posts: 99 Member
    Hi I will agree with most of what I've heard here with the exception of stay away from juice cleanses and that kind of thing it's best to be sensible and eat whatever you want but stay within the calorie goal. That being said it's also a good idea to just decide to be patient. I tried for years to lose weight and when I was willing to let it be slow and change my lifestyle I have finally had success. You can too. good luck
  • ingraha
    ingraha Posts: 99 Member
    Oh and one more thing the most important of all; log everything and if you can wear your food my biggest problem was I had no idea on portion size.
  • pinky6767
    i think this is a great site for you, because we have all felt that way, and had days we wanted to just give up. Add me, i'll help motivate you and push you through when you feel down or like giving up. Even if you've cheated and eaten crap all day. Thats ok, its one day in the big picture of where you want to end up. Don't give up, and if you need help or motivation add me to your friends.:flowerforyou:
  • Vex3521
    Vex3521 Posts: 385 Member
    You're not Trying.... You are Doing!

    I really recommend weighing and measuring foods so you are exactly documenting foods. That one step is such a huge help
  • marylang81
    marylang81 Posts: 5 Member
    I can definitely empathize with your mentality. I use to be very fit before having my kids. The changes my body went through with both pregnancies left me depressed. I tried many times to lose the weight and that all or nothing mentality kept me always restarting my diet the next Monday, then the next Monday etc. I found with this app, I'm finally ready to let go of some of my OCD/perfectionist tendencies. I let myself give into cravings or have that piece of birthday cake. I just try to have a bite or two and if I go over my calories one day, I just watch what I eat a little bit closer the next. The key is to keep logging in! The healthy habits will happen over time! Feel free to add me, so we can motivate each other!
  • luvcookies2014
    luvcookies2014 Posts: 48 Member
    Wish I could offer good advice, but I am the same way.

    I do good for a while, lose a little, then start a backwards slide.

    I'm a big stress eater which doesn't help.

    I have managed to keep off 20 lbs for the last year which is something, but I'm trying to keep at it.

    Good luck
  • golfmonk
    golfmonk Posts: 119 Member
    Hi everyone! I am attempting to restart - again - and just need to vent first. I have over 100 pounds to lose, and I have started diet after diet over and over again over the years. Each time is the same.....I do really good for a short amount of time, and then I start cheating a little here and there, which turns into me quickly going back to my old eating habits. I always find something to blame....stress, PMS, whatever....but it all goes back to my no-willpower and an all-or-nothing mentality. If I have a bad day, I think to myself "Well, you screwed it up, so you might as well keep eating crap!"

    This weight is killing me. My knees and back always hurt, I am tired all the time, I can barely keep up with my daughter, I am limited in where I can shop for clothes, I am scared to death of going to amusement parks (which is one of my favorite things to do) because I am afraid I won't fit on the rides. I am only 30 years old!! I shouldn't feel this way! :(

    So, enough is enough. I am trying again. Will this attempt be the one? I sure as hell hope so, because I just can't keep going like this.

    Everyone has a breaking point where one says "enough is enough"!

    I was never very large (max weight about 250 pounds at 5'11"), but once I could not fit into my usual pant size (size 36 which I wore it seemed forever) and was forced to get a few pairs of pants the next size up for work was the first breaking point. I got down to200 pounds, but started to backslide. This was all done pre-MFP.

    The reason I am on MFP here today is not pants size issue, but chronic pain in my knee from being overweight/obese and being active (long walks, hiking, etc). Lost 15 pounds on MFP (digital food scale is your friend) and I started to notice some small improvements in my knee. I am hoping by losing the other 25 pounds I will be able to do more outdoor things like I did in the past.

    I do hope that your weight loss journey is a successful one. Just one small word of advice from an old man with a bad knee: don't ever beat yourself up if things don't go exactly as planned on your weight loss journey. Life happens! There will be things that might discourage you (weight scale not moving the way you want, taking in too much calories in a day, this sort of thing); just keep your eye on the big picture (improved health and quality of life). It will be hard, no doubt about it, but you really need to stay focused and forge ahead and hopefully good things will come your way.

    Just some rambling/babbling from an old man that was/is in your shoes.

    Best of luck!!!
  • BokBagok
    BokBagok Posts: 345
    I'm also trying to lose 100+ lbs, and I've gone through some pretty major changes in the past month to do it the right way. Everyone here has great advice - feel free to add me too!
  • sjlawgirl
    sjlawgirl Posts: 31 Member
    Sent you a friend request! Been there...done that...been there again...done that and repeat! DONE IT!!! I too have over 100 lbs to lose. I have been a WW member for the past 2 years but not working the program. It always just felt like a phony tupperware party. You know...where people all ooh and ahhh but aren't really in it...unless they are. And those that are all always super annoying. maybe it was just me. It just didn't click. But for some reason, THIS has. Granted....confession time. Its only been the first week. ALL new things are awesome. Only again...something about this time just FEELS different. I can't even explain it. But I have gone out of my way to put in at least a little excersise into each day. I didn't do that before. As long as you keep fighting the haven't failed!!! So jump in and go for it!!!
  • klm888
    klm888 Posts: 15
    I hear ya!! I am also in need of shedding 100 lbs and have tried over and over, only to fall off the wagon every time. I am sick and tired of my same old excuses and it's time to put on my "big girl" panties and get serious! I quit smoking this past May, which was one of the hardest things I've ever done. It took me several attempts to finally succeed, but I did. If I could quit a 30+ year habit, I know I can do this. If we fall off the wagon, let's just dust ourselves off and try again, right? :bigsmile:
  • Gregg8322
    Gregg8322 Posts: 47 Member
    It's hard, I know. I I had 200lbs to lose and I'm over halfway to my goal weight. At first I was so disgusted with myself after seeing a picture of how big I was that weightloss was a must and I wouldn't take no for an answer. Now I get a little too comfortable sometimes and lose sight of my goal.

    I find that keeping busy, drinkinglots of water and looking at that picture of myself at my highest weight helps a lot. In the end we just have to want it bad enough and deal with whatever issues that trigger our bad eating habits.

    I recommend a book called '50 Ways to Soothe Yourself Without Food by Susan Albers'
    EATINGTOLIVE77 Posts: 50 Member
    What great advice. Get moving more. Even if you can only walk ten steps, take the steps. Then sit and swing you arms around. Maybe for a minute or two every few hours. You will be surprised how good you will feel.. Good luck and many successes, we are rooting for you:)
  • Kowee84
    Kowee84 Posts: 65 Member
    ive found that when i dont get to a small goal, i put myself down.. and slowly start the cycle again.. hence why i do so many attempts.. instead of saying ill try AGAIN.. i decided to TRY SOMETHING NEW. this is my first time here.. im not trying to diet.. i call it watch what i eat. if i wanna eat something, i put it in the box n see what it will cost me.. this seems to help soo much. hopefully you will reach your goal without depriving urself of your likes. i found that was making the days longer.. we are all here to lean on, and to need someone to lean on, ive made a great friend here and everyday we are online we discuss our ups and downs.. it really helps having people on the same level as you who understand, not judge :) goodluck :)