So tired of being fat!



  • lafilledelarue
    lafilledelarue Posts: 66 Member
    I am sending you a private email. Please check it. It's meant to encourage you.
  • Anniescannie
    welcome! You can do it! I've just started back to. I'm 62 in two weeks so I have the excuse of being 'too old'. but really, are you going to live in cage built by excuses? When I was 39, I decided to change my life and went back to school. while raising three children on my own, I got my B.A., Masters and Doctorate and am now in the job of my dreams. I was able to do that because I made it my passion. I read once; "if you really want to loose weight, find a passion" That is the tactic I'm going to use this time.
    Didn't mean to rant...but I need to think 'out loud' sometimes to encourage myself. Hope you don't mind. I'm cheering for you!!
  • bcc112986
    bcc112986 Posts: 362 Member
    Lisa, I completely understand where you are coming from. I have 80 lbs to lose, previously lost 31 then gained it back. So I'm back to start now. I've been on track about 40 days now. I've cheated a few times and had slip ups plus the holiday and my bday. I'm still losing though because I've kept myself responsible for logging no matter what. It hurts to see all those calories but it feels good to trust myself.

    Please take a look at others diaries that have lost and see what works. I find meal replacement shakes to help me because it's only 90 cals a serving (some are more, so read the nutrition facts). And BIG salads. Chicken and tuna are my favs. And if you crave, eat fruits. They have helped tremendously to curb my cravings, especially at night.

    Best of luck, you can do this, just look at the before and afters on MFP, a lot started just like us.

    Brittany :)
  • wkile76
    wkile76 Posts: 33 Member
    Lisa, I am always here for you, and always will be. After the holidays, maybe we can meet on a weekend and walk around Chain of Lakes park up here, or somewhere down by you. It would kill two birds with one stone, we see each other, and exercise. You can do this, you are an amazing person, and I know how badly you want this. You have my support!!!!
  • wkile76
    wkile76 Posts: 33 Member
    And always remember that there will be set backs, but use that as more motivation to get to your goal. Like I have always said ANY loss is a HUGE loss, even if it's .1 lbs, it's an achievement that you should be proud of because they all add up
  • Seaturtlebeach
    Seaturtlebeach Posts: 1 Member
    I am starting again too. Same story, same excuses. Today I used all of my alone time to jump around and dance as I did housework, squats while folding laundry, hand weights while watching TV. I have got to do this! I know I can do this. I just don't know if I will.
  • Blackgal205
    Blackgal205 Posts: 1 Member
    I understand your frustration ... sound like my story,, but Never Give UP!!!!! You can win this..
  • D8vidFitness
    so tired of you being tired of being fat

    see what I did there? :laugh:
  • juliecl86
    juliecl86 Posts: 29 Member
    Stop the diets!
    make healthy choices 80% of the time, count your calories, be active and do not deprive yourself!
    You want this cookie? have it!
    You had 4?
    You know what to do! Go to the gym ;)
    It is a slow process and unfortunalely you need to accept it.
    I could never stik to a diet. I always felt deprived of something at one point, moody, misérable, feeling guity and ending up binging.
    The best think which worked for me was weight watchers if you need some guidance at first. No deprivation, eat what you want and learn to ajust.
    There is no quick fix or magical pill to swallow. If you want it to last you really need to be determined and discipline yourself regarding the gym for ex. It doesn't have to be drastic. Start slowly 2xweek for example and increase when you feel more confortable.
    try to learn about food and nutrients to make better choices in regards to your food as well. It is not rocket science. You just have to be patient and constant. GO GIRL!! You can do it. I can do it. Anyone can. :)

    I recommend you a great blog where you can learn lots of things. This girl is a réal inspiration for me: by Sharee Hansen
    She even post her own zumba vidéos at the moment with lots of tips. So if you can't afford to have a gym membership or if you are too shy, have a look. She is amazing and she lost so much weight it is incredible!
  • emotigirl
    emotigirl Posts: 7 Member
    I definitely connect with what you're saying! I re-started yesterday, logging in all my food intake and I plan to exercise at least 3 times a week.

    Add me so we can keep each other accountable ;)
  • lisahulsizer
    lisahulsizer Posts: 31 Member
    You all have no idea how much your tips/ideas and support mean to me. I have read every single post, wrote down every suggestion, and am posting it on my fridge. You all are AMAZING! <3
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    I dropped 110lb's a while back.

    Just some random advice while I'm trying to tire myself before bed.
    - Set to 2lb's a week.
    - Drink alot of water. Thats your new favorite drink
    - Exercise is always welcomed 30-60 minutes a day
    - Going over on protein is perfectly fine. MFP default is pretty low tbh.
    - Going over on Carbs isn't fine
    - Fats aren't that bad in the long run.
    - Planning food a day ahead gives you a good head start.
    - Don't cut out foods you like. Don't make it a punishment. The key about losing weight is self control.
    - Drink alot of water. Can't stress that enough.
    - Take a Probiotic and make sure you get enough fiber.
    - Don't worry about getting crazy with watching sugars and such early on. Focus on the basics follow your macro's.
    - You don't want to lose 100lb's you want to lose 10lbs then another 10lbs. Make the goals easy and never look at it as huge challenge the more of mountain you make it feel like the more you'll want to quit. 100lbs can be an overall goal but make 5-10lbs the direct goal. Always have something in reach its not a race just pace yourself.
    - Have fun, don't feel like you can't go out with friends and hide in a corner and eat just rice cakes. 1 bad night/meal won't ruin everything. The biggest mistake I see here is someone has a bad day and over reacts and ends up getting into a relapse and giving up.
    - When you get closer to your overall goal start to slow down the weight loss. The goal is to be able to maintain when you lose the weight.

    Have Fun =)
  • suprzonic
    suprzonic Posts: 68 Member
    Hi! I know exactly where you're coming from. This link helped me - it might give you some comfort too:

    and some free information at has helped me out

    Do you know what your current TDEE is?

    I suggest start eating at your TDEE calories LESS 20%. You can recalculate your daily calories after each 5lb drop ... so it's only a slight calorie decrease each time. I suggest don't eat below your BMR - see information at

    Best of luck! You'll do just great
  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    Your story sounds a lot like mine. I tried all kinds of diets, even did Weight watchers online in March of this year and I didn't stick with any of them for long. I created an account here in January but didn't start using it till June of this year. I have learned so much. First off I don't restrict what I can or can't eat I now just do it in moderation and make sure it's within my calories. I also got a Fitbit Zip in June and that has motivated me to move more. I didn't realize how little I was moving. Now with this little pedometer (which you can link to MFP) I will go for a walk instead of vegging on the couch, I will do some Wii Zumba or Just Dance with my 6 yr and 3 yr old. Find something that you and enjoy and add it to your day. You don't have to make drastic changes overnight just add them in little by little. For instance when I was preggo with my 1 yr old I changed to whole wheat products, I walked for 10 min a day then increased to 30, added going to the gym, a zumba class, etc. You have gotten some great advice find what works for you and roll with it. You already know what doesn't work because you didnt' stick with it so now is the time to try other options.
    I have lost 40 lbs since June and I eat 1800+ calories a day and exercise about 45 min a day on average (give or take) I just use moderation 80% healthy choices. Have fun

    I like arcticfox04 suggestions :)

    Oh BTW take pictures and measurements. It's amazing how much it has helped me. It's not all about the scale as we usually tend to focus on. Take notice in how your clothes fit, how you feel, what is your energy level. Good luck and you are welcome to add me
  • I noticed a lot of replies saying "this story sounds like mine". So I have to add, this story could be mine too :) We all know what we need to do to lose weight, it's the doing it that becomes difficult. At least you have taken the first step, and even if you stumble here and there as long as you keep going you will get there. Please feel free to add me, we can get there together :)
  • Wendy2911
    Wendy2911 Posts: 12 Member
    Ah, this is my story too!
    Yo-yo'd up and down for years, mainly due to comfort eating and generally being miserable.
    I won't go near an amusement park, panic when I go out in case the chairs are too small and been to a few places where I've had to ask if I can move tables as I know I won't fit. I once nearly got stuck in a turnstile too.

    I decided last summer enough is enough when I tipped the scales at nearly 300lb and changed my outlook completely - I'm not on a diet I'm retraining my appetite to be healthy!

    What works for me is being realistic, I can't eat a salad when everyone else is having pizza (I hate the stuff for starters) so I have pizza too but smaller portions and as healthy as I can make it. If I fancy chocolate I'll have a low cal mousse, if I fancy a drink I'll have vodka and diet mixer - basically I eat what I like but adjust it so I stay within my calorie allowance (mostly).
    But what really helps me is planing! Work out what you're going to eat that day and try to have a few calories "in-hand" in case something crops up or you get to supper time and really need to have something.
    And finally I see everyday as a new start so if yesterday didn't work out to plan then don't dwell on it, it's in the past now, today is brand new and you can do it!
  • youcrazything
    youcrazything Posts: 32 Member
    Everyone has already given fantastic advice here. I just wanted to tell you that this was me a year and a half ago. I was so sick of being fat; I was sitting at 230 lbs (and I'm 5'1 1/2, so I had well over a hundred to lose as well) and miserable. I felt like it was impossible to lose the weight. I'd try for a little while, and I'd lose a bit, but over time it came right back.

    In August '12, I committed myself to coming here and logging everyday. I've had a few bumps along the road and some detours, but from then until today I've lost a little over 70 lbs. It is possible, its not always easy, but its possible.

    For me, finding out what meals I could eat that would keep me in my calorie budget was key. Once I had that down, it became a lot easier to plan my meals for the day and stay in my range of calories. It was also important for me to recognize the foods that encouraged, or triggered, my bad eating habits. I know a lot of people say don't restrict and everything in moderation, but for me I find that the more carb heavy or sugary foods I have, the more I want of them. My entire mental state seems to shift when I give up sweets altogether for a couple of weeks. I go from constantly craving that stuff, to being able to easily say no thanks.

    Also, once you get a sense for the calorie content of different kinds of food, it becomes easier to make choices about what kinds of foods to buy and what to avoid. It also makes it easier to say no to the high calorie junk food. Sometimes I'll get a craving for something, think about the calorie content and say "meh, not worth it".

    Most importantly, realize that all of this takes time. It will be a struggle at first to find what works for you and to eat less than your body is telling you to. Willpower will get you through the first part, but setting up habits is crucial, because willpower will only take you so far. Take small steps towards setting those healthy habits you wish to have. If you drink soda, cutting that out completely or substituting it with a lower or no calorie option (I like flavored seltzer water) is a great first step. Eating more filling food like meats, or other high protein food, and veggies and cutting down on carbs will help keep you satisfied with less calories. Don't worry about all the fads, like no-carb, keto, or gluten-free; there is nothing wrong with any of these, but if it makes you miserable, it isn't going to get you very far. Find what works best for you, because that is how you will best succeed.

    Sorry for the wall of text, but your post reminded me so much of myself before I started my weight loss journey, and I wanted you to know that you can do it : D. Feel free to add me for support and motivation.
  • lyndyb88
    lyndyb88 Posts: 123 Member
    This is something that I can SO relate to. I was down 50 pounds the last time. I looked better (though I still had over a hundred pounds to lose) and I felt SOOO much better. Then, because I always seem to find an excuse, I started cheating here and there, then cheating every day, then telling myself it was ok because even though I was gaining the weight back you couldn't really tell in the mirror. I was deluding myself. I was eating entire boxes of goodies again and not working out at all. Going up two pant sizes obviously means you can see it in the mirror. So, I am back on this now (or trying to get started again) and would love to have you as a friend (and anyone else that wants to shoot me a request)! My first step this time is adding some exercise and trying to make healthier choices with food. The exercise is the most important point for me right now because I've gotten too used to sitting on my butt and taking the elevator when I could just as easily take the stairs. If my apartment building had an elevator, I'd probably be getting zero physical activity every day besides hauling my big fat butt out of bed and to work. Looking forward to starting over with you!
  • LotusLight888
    Everyone here is so inspiring! I feel the #1 thing is support, and this community is such a support! I lost 20 lbs last year and this holiday season tested my inner harmony and discipline!!! I hope that picture shows up, above, if it doesn't, the quote says:
    "Life is way too short to spend another day at war with yourself"

    I found that really seeking balance and happiness skyrocketed my weightloss. (Along with other disciplines like healthy eating, exercise etc) But when I am harmonized from the inside out my weight really slides down.

    From my journey through meditation and it's connection to weightloss/health I wrote an ebook called ZEN TO 10 (Even though it ended up being nearly 20:))). If anyone would like a free copy, I'll post the link here.

    I am also part of a community of women in Los Angeles within our business network that share a newsletter of tips and motivators that have gone through a friend of mine's program 'The Venus Factor". So if you would like to be part of the network, WONDERFUL!! We gather weekly and share the tips in the newsletter. Thank you for being such FABULOUSLY FIERCE PEOPLE:) Can't wait to share the journey.

    Free Copy of the Ebook