Something gross** be warned,



  • la8ydi
    la8ydi Posts: 294 Member
    Ewww ewww ewww!
    I had a bowl of Raisin Nut Bran - noticed when I went to drink the milk (after the cereal was gone) that there were bugs swimming around in it. Can't eat any form of Raisin Bran anymore. Soooooo gross.
  • amivox
    amivox Posts: 441 Member
    Many moons ago, before I became a vegetarian, I was a giddy 19(?) year old chubby kid who was totally psyched on the discount cheeseburger day at McDonalds. 59 cents? I bought 6. I believe the third one was the weird one. I found a circular bit of plastic wedged in my burger when I bit into it. It looked like the plastic stoppers you put on the bottom of things to make them not move around on a counter. Anyways, I ate the rest of that burger and wasn't even phased. I even ate the remaining 3. Those were the days...

    More recently, since becoming a vegetarian, I once bit into a "fresco bean burrito" that was filled with meat. I spit it out all over myself instantly. Gross.

    the nastiest thing I ever saw was when my friend ordered chinese food and got a healthy giant spider in his beef brocolli. Protein!
  • carolstartingover
    carolstartingover Posts: 83 Member
    Gross! I did not have my glasses on one morning and fixed me some toast. Looked at the bread later and it was moldy (before the expiration date). Still, I kinda felt ill thinking about it.
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    The fun thing about fungus is that the part you can see is actually just its reproductive structure. Fungus is a series of one-cell-thick fibres called hyphae that run through an organic object (or underground) and feed by absorption. So, it's already been there for some time before you even notice it.

    The good thing is, your body can handle it. :)
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Years ago, I grabbed a bottle of cheese stuff from the fridge to have with crackers. My family was watching t.v. with the lights off, and I didn't think about it. I scooped up a big mouthful with a cracker, bit down -- and tasted all the gross fuzz that had been growing on it for who knows how long. :sick: :noway: :sick:

    I think I rinsed my mouth out for 5+ minutes after spitting it out.
  • VelvetMorning
    VelvetMorning Posts: 398 Member
    I ate a moldly cherry once...I think. Some other cherries had mold that I looked at after the fact and upon dry heaving and asking if I was going to die was I confronted with the grand knowledge that apparently fruit mold is not deadly!
  • zagon_the_ultimate
    zagon_the_ultimate Posts: 115 Member
    The fun thing about fungus is that the part you can see is actually just its reproductive structure. Fungus is a series of one-cell-thick fibres called hyphae that run through an organic object (or underground) and feed by absorption. So, it's already been there for some time before you even notice it.

    Yup, like apples on an apple tree. Just because the apples are gone doesnt mean the tree isnt there anymore.
  • Kowee84
    Kowee84 Posts: 65 Member
    i remmeber biting into a chocolate at easter to find a little white wormy thing in it.... i was grossed we contacted the company.. they offered a free bag... Y would i want more of that... clearly it didnt keep me away from chocolate but ill never buy that brand again, ill stick to cadbury!
  • I found a bug wing in a bag of trail mix, I'd say you got off lucky.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    lol worse things have been in my mouth try slimy lettuce shudder
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    i remmeber biting into a chocolate at easter to find a little white wormy thing in it.... i was grossed we contacted the company.. they offered a free bag... Y would i want more of that... clearly it didnt keep me away from chocolate but ill never buy that brand again, ill stick to cadbury!

  • CharityGC
    CharityGC Posts: 499 Member
    My husband went to Wendy's once and ordered two junior bacon cheeseburgers. Ate the first one quickly and then decided to pull the tomato off the second. The tomato had worms in it. It was at least a decade before he would eat at Wendy's again.
  • BrittanyMegan88
    BrittanyMegan88 Posts: 670 Member
    I was eating doritos once, back when I was 11 and when I got to the bottom of the bag I pulled out a cheese covered beetle. :sad:
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    I was eating doritos once, back when I was 11 and when I got to the bottom of the bag I pulled out a cheese covered beetle. :sad:

    did you eat said doreetle?
  • arcana7609
    arcana7609 Posts: 212 Member
    I was eating doritos once, back when I was 11 and when I got to the bottom of the bag I pulled out a cheese covered beetle. :sad:

    did you eat said doreetle?

    :laugh: Doreetle....

    My friend once bit down on a Dorito and it got stuck to the roof of her mouth. She had to yank it out and bled everywhere....those things are deadly.
  • casiobarnes
    casiobarnes Posts: 78 Member
    I poured a nice bowl of Grape Nuts one day, ate a few bites and then noticed some stuff floating on top that wasn't Grape Nuts, it was weevils. I can't eat Grape Nuts to this day.

    Had a similar sort of experience with a big bag of rice. Got the bag out of the cupboard, stuck the measuring cup in, turned to the stove to check the water and when I turned back, the counter was overflowing with weevils :sick:

    A much more upsetting experience occurred when I was 7. I had a very hip New Kids on the Block cup with attached straw (think Slurpee cup, but more substantial). I also had the brilliant idea to add my Nerds candy to my juice and then leave it in the sandbox over the morning, I went to take a drink and found that the straw was obstructed. Using my amazing 7 year old powers of deductive reasoning, I assumed it was the Nerds and opened the lid to fish them out...nope....earwigs. Dozens of them.

    Suffice to say, I only drink liquids out of clear containers now, haha.
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    I was eating doritos once, back when I was 11 and when I got to the bottom of the bag I pulled out a cheese covered beetle. :sad:

    did you eat said doreetle?

    :laugh: Doreetle....

    My friend once bit down on a Dorito and it got stuck to the roof of her mouth. She had to yank it out and bled everywhere....those things are deadly.

    so I guess the moral of the story is, make sure your Doreetle is dead. keep that in mind people. I'm sure they are cruchier with age
  • rie_q
    rie_q Posts: 73
    My husband went to Wendy's once and ordered two junior bacon cheeseburgers. Ate the first one quickly and then decided to pull the tomato off the second. The tomato had worms in it. It was at least a decade before he would eat at Wendy's again.

    My stepdad bought a whole chicken from KFC back in the day... And as they were cutting it up, they found the whole thing full of maggots. He hasn't eaten chicken since. That was 30 or so years ago.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    Oh dear lord the nightmares! I swear I had one because of this forum lol I was dreaming about worms falling out of my mouth. No joke
  • prettyface55
    prettyface55 Posts: 508 Member
    Wow these stories are great!! Any more?