Why is this time different?

Hey everyone
I re-started to focus on myself. I've been on WW before with little progress and have been going up an down few pounds for the last five year with no real progress. I want to lose 80 pounds- a big goal, but I've always dreamt to weight 125 pounds...

I am determined to lose weight but I can't stop the voice in my mind that is wondering if I'll fail this time as well...
Have any of you gone or are going through this self-doubt? How did you overcome or dealt with it?



  • DeeDeeMee
    DeeDeeMee Posts: 133 Member
    It's weird, but this time I just knew. I've been struggling with my weight for years but a few months ago I just knew that this time it would be easy. I've had a big lifestyle change that's played a huge part in it though, and my new doctor is freaking amazing.

  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member
    Baby steps. It's hard to imagine yourself as something drastically different than what you are now. I think it's normal to experience a certain level of doubt or disbelief. Sometimes I still can't picture myself at my goal weight or in my goal body, and at the same time, I can't really remember exactly what it was like to be 60 pounds heavier.
    I've had a relatively easy time losing my weight because I chose a plan that was very sustainable. I don't feel like I'm "on a diet", so I have no reason to give up. Just set small goals, choose a sustainable long-term plan, and you'll accomplish your goals before you know it. :smile:
  • joggingforme
    The mind is built to remind you of certain things. We can't stop it, but we can train it to make it think the way we want too. Thinking that you'll fail will only keep you from doing what you have to do. I to had some doubts when starting over. I kept telling myself ''what if I can't, what if I'll fail, what if I don't lose any weight'' and so on and so forth. But then I thought ''what if I never start''. And that's when I stopped thinking. See, I put thoughts into action. My thought said ''I want a better body'', because I really do, so I gave it an action. I got up, I jogged, I'm eating better, I don't have a defeated attitude. I listen to motivational speeches on youtube. I search fit bodies online and look at what I know I can get if I put my hard work into it. I know it's hard, but nothing in this life comes easy. We must search within ourselves and take all that negative thinking we have and throw in some positive. I hope you find the positive you need to push yourself. Look at yourself in the mirror, point at yourself and say ''it's time for a change!''. :-)
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    Okay, not to sound like a cliche, but you must look at each day as a fresh start. Just keep telling yourself I will do this, I can do this! I yo-yoed with my weight for 10 years staying between US size 16-20. Every time I lost a little something would happen in my life and I'd give up and gain it all back. Well 2 years ago I decided to not give up. I'm still not to my goal weight which is also 125, but I'm currently healthier than I have ever been, and I just keep pushing myself. I have faith you you too will accomplish your goals, best of luck of your journey!
  • amberflo143
    amberflo143 Posts: 94 Member
    Same here I just know. I have logged in for 60 days today and lost about 24 pounds from the day I decided to make a change. It really is the voice in me now telling me I can do it. I completed the couch to 5 k and now I am working on the 10k. Setting small goals, my first goal was to lose 10%, I did and now to lose 20%. This morning I ran 6.5 k before work. just making a habit and taking pics to show the changes and not always looking at the scale has worked this time. There are times I work out extra hard to eat more... finding the balance of work had play hard it working good!

    Good luck and you can do this!!
  • DeeDeeMee
    DeeDeeMee Posts: 133 Member
    Same here I just know. I have logged in for 60 days today and lost about 24 pounds from the day I decided to make a change. It really is the voice in me now telling me I can do it. I completed the couch to 5 k and now I am working on the 10k. Setting small goals, my first goal was to lose 10%, I did and now to lose 20%. This morning I ran 6.5 k before work. just making a habit and taking pics to show the changes and not always looking at the scale has worked this time. There are times I work out extra hard to eat more... finding the balance of work had play hard it working good!

    Good luck and you can do this!!

    Glad I'm not the only one! How awesome is that feeling!!??

    Sorry op, my earlier post really wasn't helpful from an advice point of view. I really wish I could impart to you the knowledge that a calorie deficit will just work. Have faith in yourself and be brutally honest in your logging with MFP and I guarantee it will work for you.
  • unFATuated
    unFATuated Posts: 204 Member
    I didn't know it would be different, though I do have my wedding coming up this January as a bit of an incentive. I also realised that this was my 10th year of being overweight and I think that had a lot to do with it too, I think I just didn't want it to keep being that way. I've lost weight before. Last year I went from 86kg to 77kg, then slowly gained it back over the New Year and up to May. In May I bought a flexible dieting/IIFYM program I found through a trainer on FB. I won't say I haven't had struggles and setbacks, but I've managed to get back down to 66kg from 86kg on the 1st of May.

    I think you need to find your motivator and a realistic goal. I'm not saying yours isn't realistic, but maybe break it up into mini goals along the way. I was this weight (and even lower once upon a time!) at some point so I knew it was possible for me. But still I worked towards a few different goals. Some of these included weighing under 80kg, going from the 'Obese' BMI to the 'Overweight' BMI, weighing under 75kg, under 70kg, then going from the 'Overweight' BMI to the 'Normal' BMI.
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    This time is different for me because I'm sold on the concept that it's a permanent lifestyle change, not a diet.

    My starting point and end goal are similar to yours. I had smaller goals of going from obese to overweight BMI and from overweight to normal BMI, and I'm now focused on my last goal of getting to 120 pounds. It is possible! It's just a matter of developing new habits and then maintaining them.
  • g82green
    I didn't know. All I knew was that I was going to try again. I had a friend who over the last several months lost over 40 pounds and she looks AMAZING now. I realized I could not change or I could change. I'm sticking with it! I'm down 4 pounds (which is a damn good start). I started and have given up so many times... I finally realized that if I hadn't given up the 1st time or the 2nd, 3rd, .... 10th... I would already be at my goal.

    Good luck to everybody!!!
  • Anaticula
    This time is different for me because this time I actually care. In the past it was a well I'll try it mentality. This time I want to actually do it and lose the weight.
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    I think everyone has self doubt. I sure do. And like you, I've lost weight before and gained it all right back (those homing pounds are killers). But, I also have hope. Hope that I'm smarter and more self aware than I was last time. Hope that I've learned to forgive my failures and move past them. Hope that my current determination and momentum will carry me through the hard days.

    One day at a time is cliche to some, but a mantra for me. Today, I will stay within my calorie goals. Today, I will get off the couch and take a long walk. Today, I will resist those Hershey's Kisses that are staring me down from the kitchen counter. I hope I can do all these things again tomorrow, but today I know I will.
  • imcubed01
    imcubed01 Posts: 12 Member
    All of our stories sound so much alike. The biggest think I think I have found is to stay away from the word FAILURE. Mixing it up is good because your body get used to things quickly. You have to have a few TREAT days, but have to do the research for the best treat. You have to know it is ok if you do not do what you expect on a day, but have the will to get back on track tomorrow. Never give up on you.
  • jenjen828
    jenjen828 Posts: 58 Member
    This time is different for me because I have owned the mess I created and decided to change it. I used what typically would have been self hate, and turned it into a focus to be fit and healthy. I wrote down my goals, my former excuses and how I was going to overcome them, and I made a pact with myself to be honest with what I was trying to do. I looked at where I wanted to be and broke it down into smaller increments. I celebrate any little bit of forward motion---just not with food. This keeps me going. I am proud of myself (was not able to say that in most of my adult life), I can do way more stuff without being tired, and I feel awesome. Don't make any changes that you can not do for the long haul. If you can not sustain working out 2 hours every day, then don't do it. Find exercise that you like (or at least can tolerate until you like it) and do it consistently pushing yourself to go harder. I track my fitness goals and just seeing progress is a great thing. I think the main thing is that you have to be willing to do what it takes....log food into MFP, educate yourself, be willing to try some new things just to see if you like it (food, exercise, a change in a habit or two--if you like it keep it up, if not, ditch it and try something else), and just have fun. Don't look at exercise as punishment for being overweight or overeating. Do not use your diet to punish yourself either. Just make healthy choices because you love you. Keeping it positive keeps me going.
  • 40andFindingFitness
    This time is different for me because I have owned the mess I created and decided to change it.

    Pretty close to this. ^^ I just got tired of making excuses and got up and started moving.
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    I know for a fact this time isn't different. I'm the same person with the same weaknesses and I am just as likely to fail. However, this time I am aware of my weaknesses and I have had a couple failures under my belt to analyze and understand how they happened. Now I see them coming, and I can mentally prepare myself ahead of time.

    Don't be afraid to fail. Every great success has a ton of failures behind it. As long as you learn from your mistakes and keep trying, you'll succeed. Maybe you'll succeed this time, which would be great! Maybe it won't be this time, and that's okay too. As long as you don't give up and keep learning from your mistakes, you'll reach your goals.
  • schonsdragon
    schonsdragon Posts: 102 Member
    This I am taking things slower getting used to each change before adding another change. I am listening to my body better and if something isn't working with it I try to figure why and change it to something that will work. Every change I make has to be something that I can continue the rest of my life. I am working at making these healthy changes a habit so they are just part of my day to replace my bad habits because motivation will only last so long but habits keep you going.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    I am determined to lose weight but I can't stop the voice in my mind that is wondering if I'll fail this time as well...

    MFP is actually a lot like WW, only even more responsibility lands directly on the weight-loser. You need to understand why the previous attempts failed, the reasons will be a bit different for everyone. Only you can answer that for yourself.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Back in 2011 when I decided to change my lifestyle, I knew calorie counting was the only way to do it. The simple equation of calories out > calories in is what made it different for me. All of the common myths of weight loss were in my head, (must eat breakfast, don't eat carbs, etc) and once I realized that I didn't have to follow rules, everything fell into place for me.
  • Tabbitha1968
    Tabbitha1968 Posts: 41 Member
    I am determined to lose weight but I can't stop the voice in my mind that is wondering if I'll fail this time as well...

    MFP is actually a lot like WW, only even more responsibility lands directly on the weight-loser. You need to understand why the previous attempts failed, the reasons will be a bit different for everyone. Only you can answer that for yourself.

    Understanding the reason why the previous attempts have failed is the key. This time around I decided that i would not give up when the scale doesnt move. I will have the patience to not give up on myself because things aren't going the way I would like. It has made the biggest difference and is the determining factor of success and failure.
  • noiradle
    You can't fail at losing weight. It's a matter of calories in and out.

    Keep that in mind. The only thing that can stop you from being fitter and healthier is you.