Locker rooms



  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    i couldn't give a damn about naked men in the locker room. but when they want to have a conversation while flopping around, it's time for me to go.

    i hope "natural" hiker doesn't mean what i think it means


    I've always thought this problem could be easily remedied if all the men simply hung a wet washcloth on their personal portable "towel holder". That provides the necessary modesty on the offending part whilst also leaving you hands free to carry the other toiletries.

    This unfortunate mental image is called the "tuck tuck strut"
  • parys1
    parys1 Posts: 2,072 Member
    i couldn't give a damn about naked men in the locker room. but when they want to have a conversation while flopping around, it's time for me to go.

    i hope "natural" hiker doesn't mean what i think it means


    I've always thought this problem could be easily remedied if all the men simply hung a wet washcloth on their personal portable "towel holder". That provides the necessary modesty on the offending part whilst also leaving you hands free to carry the other toiletries.

    This unfortunate mental image is called the "tuck tuck strut"

    A regrettable variation of STOP, DROP and ROLL.
  • Naturalhiker
    I have not heard once in the woman's locker room anyone complain about someone being naked.
    We all have the same parts, what is the big deal?

    This should be the same view in either locker room.
  • Naturalhiker
    Awww man I thought I was in for a crunchy locker story


    But on a serious note, I don't get it either. If my nakedness in the locker room makes other uncomfortable then they can just look eslewhere or walk away. They were meant for people to, you know, take a shower and undress lol

    I totally agree with that last part you said. Why people act shocked to see bare flesh in a locker room is just dumbfounded.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Going through boot camp makes you get over the scare of locker rooms with a quickness. As does being stationed on an aircraft carrier.
  • gelendestrasse
    Dunno what the problem is but I grew up in locker rooms on the swim team, including shaving down for important meets. All the ladies should get a laugh about the transfusions necessary after a bunch of guys tried to shave their legs! So I have no idea why some guys are worried about being naked. But then the US seems to have a big hangup about nudity in general. The fact of the matter is more like the old "Far Side" cartoon where two bears are looking into a nudist colony and the one says to the other "Well, there goes my appetite!"

    Oh, mine's not bigger than yours either, so don't get uptight.
  • JONZ64
    JONZ64 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Retired Military & Ex Hockey player, With Boot camp, multiple deployments and locker rooms I'm not really "Creeped" out by locker rooms.

    What IS creepy; The guys who feel the need to walk up to you Butt Naked and put their foot up on the bench while you're sitting and talk like you're having a conversation over the back fence! Dude, some personal space!!
  • kamyers1289
    kamyers1289 Posts: 129 Member
    I guess I'm the dissenting opinion. But I do not understand why you need to parade around without a towel on. No matter how free and open you are with your body, not everyone feels that way. I was raised fairly conservatively and was taught that you don't parade around in the nude. I always at least keep a towel on because of that. And there's a lady who does put on her makeup/dries her hair/etc. completely naked. Sorry, it's weird. Put a towel on.

  • jlahorn
    jlahorn Posts: 377 Member
    I was also raised with a strong sense of personal physical modesty. If at all possible, I avoid going in to locker rooms because it makes me extremely uncomfortable when people are wandering around naked. I find most people completely repulsive when they're naked, and it's probably for the best that I don't expose them to my shuddering horror, anyway ;) I just drive home sweaty and shower there.
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    I'm not creeped out by others naked in a locker room, but spending too much time naked isn't necessarily in a men's locker room.

    Pretty ladies should strut around naked in the women's locker room though. It is my understand that it usually doesn't play out like this.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I guess I'm the dissenting opinion. But I do not understand why you need to parade around without a towel on. No matter how free and open you are with your body, not everyone feels that way. I was raised fairly conservatively and was taught that you don't parade around in the nude. I always at least keep a towel on because of that. And there's a lady who does put on her makeup/dries her hair/etc. completely naked. Sorry, it's weird. Put a towel on.


    this is about how I feel about it.

    I'm not uncomfortable with nudity- but don't saunter about- it's not for sauntering. The gym locker room is a place for you to get ready to do what you need to do. there is a woman who dries her hair standing in the walk by by the sinks completely naked. to me that's to much- put your underwear on- you aren't going to sweat through that so much it's going to ruin your day. Seriously.

    I understand that the men tend to be hairy balls out- foot up chillaxing more than the women do.
    Pretty ladies should strut around naked in the women's locker room though. It is my understand that it usually doesn't play out like this
    the only women who really saunter about nude and casually are all older and over weight- I've never seen a fit head turning woman doing this. and most of the time one of these sauntering types sits down.

    Do not sit down naked on the bench- that's flat out disgusting- there is absolutely unequivocally NO need for this what so ever.
  • SkinnyFatAlbert
    SkinnyFatAlbert Posts: 482 Member
    I think it's one thing to shower, change, etc in the locker room and another to walk around naked for an extended period of time for seemingly no reason. How long does it take to throw on some underwear?
  • tomwatso
    tomwatso Posts: 1,304 Member
    I just avoid eye contact, if possible. I view the locker room and the gym like the subway. I go there. I do my business. I leave. I don't socialize. I do not stay too long. Just do your burn and get out.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    A locker room is there for people to change and shower so you can get on with the rest of your life. That means some people might be naked. Is the dude who shaves completely naked a little wierd and creepy...yeah. But it's still a locker room and you have to expect that the normal rules of clothing in society will be suspended there.

    Just don't talk to me unless both of us are some what clothed.
  • waltcote
    waltcote Posts: 372 Member
    What is weird is the guys who even shower with their swim trunks on....what's up with that? Where I work out, community rec center, you see alot of the same people daily. You talk no matter what their state of dress. Not like I'm discussing their personal body parts with them. "Hey John, is it me or is that mole getting larger?" :huh:
  • motherwesser
    motherwesser Posts: 35 Member
    It is a locker room. It is what it is. Many individuals from different backgrounds at a captured time and space moment passing through. I grew up with constant locker room use so I have no issues - other than not being courteous and not having good hygeine . On the other hand, if you got it....flaunt it! Haha!
  • bugaha1
    bugaha1 Posts: 602 Member
    I was sitting on the bench in front of my locker getting dressed and this guy I played racquetball with comes up to me after his shower. He starts talking to me about the game while drying his junk in front of me in my fair catch zone and I just asked him if he could move his c*ck back out of my zone. lol
  • SkinnyFatAlbert
    SkinnyFatAlbert Posts: 482 Member
    I was sitting on the bench in front of my locker getting dressed and this guy I played racquetball with comes up to me after his shower. He starts talking to me about the game while drying his junk in front of me in my fair catch zone and I just asked him if he could move his c*ck back out of my zone. lol

    15 yards for illegal use of hands
  • waltcote
    waltcote Posts: 372 Member
    I was sitting on the bench in front of my locker getting dressed and this guy I played racquetball with comes up to me after his shower. He starts talking to me about the game while drying his junk in front of me in my fair catch zone and I just asked him if he could move his c*ck back out of my zone. lol

    Throws the penalty flag :grumble:
  • logtecbrad
    logtecbrad Posts: 7 Member
    My wife has complained about it before. She is not comfortable in her body is her main reason. I think that the main reason for people not feeling comfortable in the locker room is how they look or how they don't like how someone else looks. It is all thanks to Adam & Eve and their apple eating... lol