i want to quit!!!

i am angry. i am pissed off. i am tired. I am in the middle of week 3 of T25 and i REALIZE that it hasn't been that long but i am about done! i plan on keeping at it... even though i KNOW nothing will change. i haven't lost a single pound. and my legs are getting bigger! i have lost inches on my hips but i cant tell. none of my clothes feel looser and im pretty sure thats because i have NO idea how to log what i have burnt and i think im over logging my burn. my fiancee says "its only a number why do you need to know" :explode: he is supporting me in this and says i look more toned but im seriously mad. i want to cry and scream and quit and i hate myself for it....


  • Barbieeprincess
    Barbieeprincess Posts: 5 Member
    Quit and stay the same
    Or keep going and see results
    Don't just do it to only look better, do it for your health.
  • LVCeltGirl
    Don't quit and have you taken your measurements? I think you need some NSV (non-scale victories). Measurements will do that. I'll try to send you a private message regarding your diary. There are some tweaks that might help. You've been doing great and I know you can continue with it.

    But if you feel the need to quit, then do it for the rest of today and private message me!!!!! I'm here to help you get back on track. You've got support!
  • Chris_58
    I'm sure you've heard this but If you're doing a lot of exercise your body can store more water leading to a higher scale value.
    I can't see your diary but as long as you're logging ACCURATELY and eating back most of your exercise calories and you're not starving yourself the weight will drop.

    I'm losing weight mainly without exercise, doing T25 sounds like too much work for me, I tend to just keep to my diary ;)
  • kangaroo33
    kangaroo33 Posts: 76 Member
    Ditto! Quit and NOTHING changes, except your self-esteem...for quitting!

    Keep going, stay the ride!

    Check your diary and make sure you're not eating what you think you're burning!

    You will feel much better as you work through it!
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    Remember, it's an either or deal.
    If you set you level to *active* (or not sedentary) AND log all of your exercise MFP will give you more calories than you need.

    I like to set my activity level to sedentary and log all of my exercise.
    That way I can see how little things add up.
    It also tracking my norms encourages me to up them.
    I a big fan of baby steps and incremental changes don't seem like much until you check them a year later.
  • mmm_drop
    mmm_drop Posts: 1,126 Member
    Quit and stay the same
    Or keep going and see results
    Don't just do it to only look better, do it for your health.

  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    If you haven't lost a pound, maybe you are over estimating your food intake? Do you have food scale and weigh everything you put in your mouth?
  • jbug5j
    jbug5j Posts: 277 Member
    it just i see all the reports and here "i lost x pounds and x inches in week 1" then "x more on week 2" and it just pisses me off. PLUS i dont see anyone who actually needed to loose weight anyway whos doing this. i know that comment will offend people but its true. i have 30 pounds to lose before im even at the top of normal range and its stuck on me and it feels like its not going anywhere. the whole "weight is just a number" is plain BS! (in my opinoin) i think im going to stop logging my excersize and see where that takes me. as for my setting its not on sedentary because i stand all day at work and i do heavy lifting at times. i work at save a lot and that actually can make you sweat. plus if i set my activity to sedentary i will only have 1200 calories to work with and i know me, i will NOT care at all about anyone or anything or how i treat people because i will always be hungry. so that wont work. i know this all sounds like an excuse but im venting mostly and theres a reason i posted this under "help and support" so yeah... just throwing that out there before i start getting rude comments. its bound to happen. yes im paranoid.

    edited to add: it shouldnt be this EFFING hard!!!!
  • littleburgy
    littleburgy Posts: 570 Member
    ...but you aren't going to quit, because you posted here! So that shows that you really DON'T want to quit. :flowerforyou:

    Hang in there. 3 weeks is pretty short term. Many people take longer to actually see and feel results.
  • jbug5j
    jbug5j Posts: 277 Member
    If you haven't lost a pound, maybe you are over estimating your food intake? Do you have food scale and weigh everything you put in your mouth?

    no not every little thing but about 95% of what i log is accurate
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,720 Member
    Just buy an HRM.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    what kind of miraculous change were you expecting over a 3 week period of time? Fitness is a lifetime endeavor...you don't get a fitness body in 3 weeks or 3 months...it takes a lifetime of dedication.

    Your diet has far more to do with your weight loss than exercise...trying to create a deficit of energy with exercise is not really that efficient...it's much more efficient to do that with your diet...and it takes time. It took me the better part of 10 years to pile on 40 excess Lbs...it took me about a year to lose them and do some maintenance...when you look at it that way, yeah it's slow...but not nearly as slow as it took to put on.

    You didn't put it on overnight and it's not coming off overnight. Wrap your brain around the fact that there is no finish line...if you look at this as, "i want to lose X Lbs and then I'm done" I can guarantee you the weight will come right back. There is no finish line...this is a lifetime endeavor, not a 3 week whatever...
  • bellevie86
    bellevie86 Posts: 301 Member
    First off, I am halfway through BETA phase, and I have lost 12 pds, so yes I need to lose the weight.

    Second, do yourself a favour and get a Heart Rate Monitor, it will tell you what you burned, no guessing and overestimating.

    Thirdly. I did Insanity k, only lost 8 pounds but let me tell you, those inches I lost were wayyyyy better than the pnds I lost. I loved the way I looked after. Inches MATTER. Trust me, it will change your composition. Ever see 2 ppl that weight the same, same height but their bodies looked COMPLETELY different? It's call composition. One had more muscle and muscle is more dense than fat which makes you slimmer, so although the scale may even go up some days trust the program. It works! Don't be so hard on yourself!
  • D8vidFitness
    Quit and stay the same
    Or keep going and see results
    Don't just do it to only look better, do it for your health.

    Quit and stay the same

    omg i loved that line
  • _jayciemarie_
    _jayciemarie_ Posts: 574 Member
    I don't mean to discourage you, but I think you should change your attitude towards it. You are expecting immediate results. Our bodies don't work that way. It can take weeks before your body gets in the rhythem and sheds the fat. If you are only 30lbs over a normal weight, you really don't have all that much to lose, so a 1lb a week would be a hefty goal. Take it from me, I read and read and read this forum and thought the people on here were crazy, but a FOOD SCALE is a must. I cannot believe how off I was with measuring via cups/spoons. The thing that blew my mind was a 1/3 cup of cheese. Yeah...a 1/3 cup of cheese is really only about a 1/6 cup of cheese when you weigh it. I can't believe how inaccurate my logging was. So, long story short, don't give up because your other option is to do nothing and stay the same weight.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    If you are only doing 1200 calories, which is to low in my opinion, you should be losing, which means you are eating to much and not 1200 calories. ETA: You are NOT in a deficit!!

    Do you have food scale?

    I eat between 1600 and 1900 calories, I am 5'2 and 44 yrs old, I weigh EVERYTHING and lose about a pound a week.
  • jbug5j
    jbug5j Posts: 277 Member
    what kind of miraculous change were you expecting over a 3 week period of time? Fitness is a lifetime endeavor...you don't get a fitness body in 3 weeks or 3 months...it takes a lifetime of dedication.

    maybe a few pounds at least. i know its not overnight. im just saying that i was expecting SOMETHING not next to nothing
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    you've been doing this for three weeks and you want to quit?

    Maybe you really should quit and then come back when you're ready to make a commitment that lasts a lifetime.

    This is a marathon, not a sprint.

    ETA weightloss is not linear.

    Be consistent in your activities to meet your goals, accurate in your logging (buy a food scale), and don't give up if you want to be successful.
  • jbug5j
    jbug5j Posts: 277 Member
    If you are only doing 1200 calories, which is to low in my opinion, you should be losing, which means you are eating to much and not 1200 calories. ETA: You are NOT in a deficit!!

    Do you have food scale?

    I eat between 1600 and 1900 calories, I am 5'2 and 44 yrs old, I weigh EVERYTHING and lose about a pound a week.

    im averaging 1500 a day when i work out. my calories are set to 1 pound a week at 1460 calories. i dont have a food scale but i watch my portions and i use measuring cups and i use the scanner option on my phone a lot when i log my food. whatever the lable says, thats what i log. (factoring in how much of whatever it is im eating)
  • bellevie86
    bellevie86 Posts: 301 Member
    You are not wrong to expect something. 30 pounds is 30 pounds. When I was logging accurately, got my HRM to accurately log my exercise instead of guessing, got my food scale, and stuck to it I was losing 1.5lb a week. And I "only" had 35 pounds to lose.

    Put all these things together and you will lose. It's just math, but you have to have the right numbers to solve the problem!