Goals for 2014?



  • My goals... Ahh I have so many that feel so impossible to achieve
    1. No more binge eating or snacking (I have such bad self control at times it upsets me so much ugh)
    2. To stay at or under my calorie goal (Again, lack of control hah)
    3. To be able to run 5km - I'm a sprinter not a long distance ._.
    4. PORTION CONTROL oh my lord I SUCK at eating small amounts
    5. Increase muscle mass
    6. To be at my goal weight by my birthday <3 (4.5kg to drop)
  • mrsamanda86
    mrsamanda86 Posts: 869 Member
    Finish getting to my goal of about 15-20 more pounds lost, but more importantly getting my bf% down to like 20%(currently 25%). Then just maintain that and replenish my wardrobe which might take a little while!

    Once I hit goal, I will add a bit more cardio in and train to be able to run a 5k without walking so hubby and I can do one together in the fall. Will definitely be doing some type of color run by the end of 2014 and would love to also do an obstacle 5k as well, like the Spartan sprint or whatever it's called.
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    1. Bench my body weight
    2. Do my first bulk
    3. Continue to improve
  • 98 lbs by Dec. 31st next year. 8 lbs a month and it will bring me to 5'1 and 110lbs.
  • FitMolly182
    FitMolly182 Posts: 303 Member
    I want to have a healthy relationship with food! That's my main goal.

    I'm also getting married in October, so I want to look fabulous on my wedding day :happy:
  • blably
    blably Posts: 490 Member
    get back on track the way i was before my surgery.

    get my health under control that would be my main goal.

    and then of course, buy a new bike, maybe get a job that i will actually enjoy :D
  • blably
    blably Posts: 490 Member
    1. Complete my free month of boot camp in Jan/Feb and learn a thing or two about weights.

    2. Increase from a 6km run to a 10 km run and complete the Sydney Mothers Day Classic.

    3. Enjoy my 7 week trip to Europe in June while fitting in a run or two a week and not gaining too much (very loose goal, haha. I'll probably just go wild).

    europe? where to? we can get some coffe while ure here :P
  • 1. turn 38 on jan 2 would love to be at my GW by the end of 2014:sad:

    2. learn to love food that is good for me.:drinker:

    3. six pack and a sexy *kitten*:blushing:

    4. love myself :heart:

    GOOD LUCK TO ALL!!!:smile:
  • rjdunn87
    rjdunn87 Posts: 385 Member
    I would like to be at 150lbs by the time I go visit my family in July 2014… currently at 181.5. At that point, I'll reevaluate and figure out my "final" goal weight.

    My short term goals are to complete T25 (starting on 12/30) and hopefully lose 10 pounds, to continue being as diligent as possible about counting my calories and learning portion control, oh, and to not fail out of graduate school would be good.
  • mamma_nee
    mamma_nee Posts: 809 Member
    My goal is to celebrate my 100 lbs gone with all of you here !
  • lisaanne1369
    lisaanne1369 Posts: 377 Member
    Keep running ! 10-K in May !
  • pwittek10
    pwittek10 Posts: 723 Member
    To get back to 117 and STAY below 120!!!
    I want to get there by Aug.
    I have a Las Vegas trip planned again and I want to fit in
    my Calvin Klein little black dress!
  • jfauci
    jfauci Posts: 531 Member
    Build some muscle!! And probably put on a few pounds without feeling guilty about it. I went a little overboard with losing and I need to focus on having a healthier relationship with food.
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    1.2 lbs left to meet my 2013 goal of losing 75 lbs. 2014 goal is to lose the other 75.
  • Kat5343
    Kat5343 Posts: 451 Member
    My goal(s) for 2014:

    1) Start heavy lifting along with walking/jogging.
    2) Move to ONEderland.
    3) Buy clothes in single-digit sizes.
    4) Exercise at least 3-4 times a week.
    5) Stick with low-carb to improve my weight and my health.
  • Kat5343
    Kat5343 Posts: 451 Member
    1.2 lbs left to meet my 2013 goal of losing 75 lbs. 2014 goal is to lose the other 75.

    Awesome!!! Way to go!!!
  • KateK8LoseW8
    KateK8LoseW8 Posts: 824 Member
    Continue to lower body fat percentage and build a few pounds of muscle. I'm almost done with my initial fat loss, so I'll probably bulk for a couple months, cut for a couple months, etc for 2014.
  • prettygirlstorm1
    prettygirlstorm1 Posts: 721 Member
    I want to run another 5k.
    Learn to eat more healthy
    Increase weight lifting
    Stop over eating on weekends
    Get to goal weight by June
    Take family on vacation
  • bluestarlight19
    bluestarlight19 Posts: 419 Member
    This is going to sound cliche but I am joining a gym after the new year. Had money issues and baby/sleep issues so I never joined one before. Also, this time I'm joining with my mom, and my sister already goes to the gym but never uses it so hopefully she will also join up with us. All 3 of us need to lose weight but my mom really needs to build some fitness in as well.
    I would like to get out more after the weather gets nice. Take my kids for outdoor adventures like hiking and maybe biking if I can get a bike pull trailer, they are a bit young to be riding a bike. Maybe the oldest one could do a tricycle.
  • emmaandavery1
    emmaandavery1 Posts: 3 Member
    1) Lose 66 lbs
    2) Exercise 6 days a week for at least 25 minutes
    3) Run a 5K on Castaway Cay on a cruise we are taking early July 2014
    4) Maintain weight loss through end of year
    5) 15 pull ups
    6) 50 push ups

    I am going to write these down separately and track on my fridge for the whole family to see.
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    1. keep maintaining
    2. keep up with strength training-after I finish Mark Lauren's programs I want to start building a home weight room
    3. run a 5k with no walking (ran half, walked half of one this past fall)
  • I want to put a real dent in my weight loss by Mid June 2014. I've been teetering on the same 15 pounds for a long time now. I want to get serious about losing the weight and actually see a real difference.
  • JenApril1993
    JenApril1993 Posts: 6 Member
    I want to be nearly at my goal weight for my 21st birthday in April. I want to start lifting more. I want to attend a spinning class. I want to run a half marathon.
  • jellybeanhed313
    jellybeanhed313 Posts: 344 Member
    My goal is to get as strong as I can, one workout at a time! I just started heavy lifting and I love it! After 1 week, my pants already fit better! :)
  • acpgranberg
    acpgranberg Posts: 137 Member
    Saying Adios to sugar.
  • fat2strongbeth
    fat2strongbeth Posts: 735 Member
    My goals for 2014:
    1. Reach my goal weight.
    2. Reach my body fat % goal.
    3. Wear a bikini next summer.
  • amcsouth
    amcsouth Posts: 283 Member
    *Bench bodyweight
    *Master pull ups and push ups
    *Decrease body fat and get my weight down to below 65kg (Not because the scale bothers me but to say I did it, I've never seen that number on the scale)
    *Hopefully start my first bulk towards the last half of the year
  • I'm going to train and run my first marathon
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,035 Member
    1. Get my half marathon time UNDER 1:45:00 (at 1:46:49 now)
    2. Marathon time UNDER 3:50:00
    3. BF% - 18%
  • sprale
    sprale Posts: 117 Member
    A goal I have for 2014 is to get below 32% body fat. Last time it was measured it was 44%, and I'm getting a Tanita scale that can track it, so I will be focusing on improving my body composition this year.

    Another goal is to lose about 25 pounds to get down to a little over 150 lbs. This is what the doctors told me was a healthy weight for me, so once I reach that I'll start maintaining and keep working to get a healthy body composition.

    My other goal is to keep maintaining my health. This means taking all of my medications and going to the doctor when I need to, as well as eating healthy and maintaining healthy relationships.

    My final goal is to graduate from college! It has been a long and winding road, with several major changes and some time off, but this summer I'm planning to graduate with a dual major in computer science and psychology. I'm really excited about this!