Last 10 lb Challenge!



  • antonia98765
    antonia98765 Posts: 6 Member
    I went running this morning - a big breakthrough for me! I don't think I would have done it if I hasn't read how much you all work out - so thanks!!!
    I had no water at all today - very bad. BUT did stick to the calories really well!

    Gonna try and wait til thurs before I weigh myself again

  • fitbot
    fitbot Posts: 406
    ok new month new motivation!!!!!!!
    lets do this
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Haven't been doing the best lately, ate more Halloween candy than I should have and have been slacking on my water.....gottan get back into it....hoping to get some workout in today and drink, drink, drink!!! Hope all is well with everyone...:drinker:
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    I had one piece of candy! A fun size Milky Way. It was the best thing I've ate in months!!
  • rymattsmom
    rymattsmom Posts: 369 Member
    oh timbo i understand where your coming from. my hubby got rid of the candy for me, well, he says its gone but i have a feeling i could find it in the house if i looked, but i won't. can't have those temptations in my house or i suffer.

    did the elliptical for an hr last night to make up for all the bad eating, but i don't think i will end up losing this week, which will be first time in months that i gain, but i deserve it after all i ate this past week. will work hard the next few weeks to get to my goal. well, not final goal but on my way at least! have about5-7lbs to goal. wanted soo badly to get there for nov 17th (my 1 yr anniversary) but won't and i need to be ok with that knowing this is a process, not a destination.............
  • I lost 75 lbs in the last 1.5 years and I've been stuck at 145-150 since this summer. I REALLY want to get to 130lbs! I haven't really had that "drive" that I know I need to lose the last 15. It's been easier to maintain this weight than I thought, so it's made me a little lazy :-(
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi all! Hope this week is going well. I am a slacker with exercise this week but good with water....when will I get the whole equation together!!! Busy at work but plan on making time for exercise tonight. Sooooooo glad Halloween is over! Now Thanksgiving to deal with. We can soooooooooo do this! Hang in there and remember to eat clean and down that water! :drinker:
  • vickiele1
    vickiele1 Posts: 394 Member
    Okay, well I lost this group for a while - but finally found it again this morning. When I joined this group on 10/9/10 I weighed in at 161. This morning 11/5/10, I weighed in at 152.2 that is nearly a 9 lb decrease in weight in a little less than a month. I still have a ways to go to reach my goal (actually I adjusted my goal a few weeks ago due to Body fat calculations).

    We are doing this everyone - it is tough, challenging, hard work, but the results are that we will be healthier and happier in the end.

    Great job everyone.

  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    I spend weeks getting from the 120s to 117, then gain 5 lbs overnight that will probably take me weeks to lose again

    I give up :sad:
  • rymattsmom
    rymattsmom Posts: 369 Member
    don't know how but i lost .8lbs. very happy with that considering all the candy i ate this week, but i did exercise a lot and drank my water which for me i think is key!

    slow but steady wins the race!

    vickie- you rock sista! that is amazing! keep it up girl!

    elloradannon- i know what u mean, i plateaued and was ok with it over the summer but then changed some exercise routines around and some of my food choices and it kickstarted things again for me, but i had to wait to get my head back into it to be ready to move ahead, take your time, as long as your not gaining your doing ok!

    cutmd- don't give up girl! it may be water weight, it may be candy, my scale is my friend one day and my worse enemy the next, give it time and mix things up a little and see what happens, don't give up though, all that hard work cannot be thrown out the window, respect yourself!

    have a great weekend everyone!
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    FAB--know exactly what you mean about getting the whole picture together....I have been at 171 for abou 2-3 weeks (loosing a pound, then gaining it back) but I haven't been buckleing down like I was before either....need to get serious if I really want to loose those last 6 lbs......but then long as I am doing some form of exercise, and watching what I eat most of the time...that was my true goal in the get healthy (and I have acheived that)...who would have thought when I started this whole journey back in April that I would be saying now that I lost a total of 57lbs....not me...never thought I would be wearing size10 (and those getting big)??So I have to celbrate my accomplishment too.......:bigsmile:

    Have a great weekend all....enjoy your family....:flowerforyou:
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Okay, well I lost this group for a while - but finally found it again this morning. When I joined this group on 10/9/10 I weighed in at 161. This morning 11/5/10, I weighed in at 152.2 that is nearly a 9 lb decrease in weight in a little less than a month. I still have a ways to go to reach my goal (actually I adjusted my goal a few weeks ago due to Body fat calculations).

    We are doing this everyone - it is tough, challenging, hard work, but the results are that we will be healthier and happier in the end.

    Great job everyone.


    Congratulations! You are doing just great! Yes, the results of being healthier and happier should be our ultimate goal...not just a number on the scale. Even though most of us are a few pounds above our goal weight...we can reflect on how much healthier and happier we are now compared to our pre MFP days!

    You are achieving your true goals and the scale is cooperating. Loose 10's are a nice reward girlie! I am so proud of you! Keep up the consistancy and dedication and you will be splurging on 8's before you know it.

    :heart: :heart: The weekend is here and it is a great time to really take care of yourself. The workweek gets so hectic it is hard to find time and energy to do what we really need to do to take care of ourselves. Get enough rest, drink lots of water and work up a good sweat. Eat clean and healthy and check in with us to let us know of your progress. Here is a challenge for you: Shake things up and do something different....different food, different exercise.....think outside the box. Do you normally workout inside in front of the TV? Go to a local park and do some hiking for a change......visit a gym if you never a yoga tape after your workout.....try a totally meatless day......try a caffeine free day (for me that would be a REAL challenge!) a friend and ask them to meet you at the mall for laps and then fat free latte....turn the TV off and read something that will encourage you in this quest for health. :heart: :heart:

    :drinker: Here is to an amazing weekend....and doing something different! Life is interesting and should be enjoyed. Get out of your groove and enjoy it!:bigsmile:
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    :flowerforyou: Weekly stats-

    LW: 159.5
    CW: 159.5
    GW: 150

    Happy time change! Don't forget to "fall back." We get an extra hour of sleep today in the US!:happy:

    :bigsmile: I am just glad it stuck! I don't know about you but sometimes after a loss my weight will jump back up for a few days. My goals for this week are to exercise 6/7 days....NO EXCUSES! Bring it on!
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    My husbands at work, my son is at my moms, so it is just me and my with my extra hour today...I am devoting it to gotta run and get it done.....Have a GREAT rest of the weekend all!!....:flowerforyou:
  • crosedonahue
    crosedonahue Posts: 21 Member
    Ugh I'm so frustrated. I need encouragement. I really should be too frustrated, but I am. I've maintained my weight (didn't gain thankfully) for 2 weeks) I want to LOSE another 6 pounds. I've been eating above my calories, stressed out, and mother nature doesn't help. Please help! I need to be 6 pounds down and I have 3 weeks to do it. My "buffer time" is now out. Ugh. :(
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,552 Member
    Checking in, lost another 1.1 lbs. 7 to go until my ultimate goal weight!

    Crosedonahue, you can do it. YOu said it yourself what you were doing wrong, so make a commitment to eating better for the next 2 weeks, get your exercise (which will help with the stress) and mother nature will do what ever she wants. Good luck, you've already lost a LOT of weight. Keep it up!
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hey, that was a goal to meet in 3 weeks...even if you lost a few you are better off than if you didn't set a goal. Don't beat yourself up! Just dust yourself off and do your best each day to take care of yourself. Drink alot of water, exercise vigorously, and eat clean and within your calorie budget....your body will eventually cooperate...hang in there and realize this takes time. Any progress by Thanksgiving is progress indeed! Here is to our health!:drinker:
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Just a quick midweek check is everyone doing? I have had a stressful week. I don't feel totally out of control but not really on track either. I lost a former student this week....a beautiful young lady who wanted to be a teacher. Help me lift her family up in prayer. Hug your kids tonight and remember that we don't know what tomorrow will bring. These things help us keep priorities in check.

    :heart: Thanks to all who have served our country. God bless and keep you and your families~We honor you today.:heart:
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    Everything's good... I had a bad week, too. From my parents visiting and going out to eat and spoiling myself a bit sharing a brownie/ice cream dessert with everyone to the Marine Corps Ball and eating a piece of cake. Ah well, I am back on track this week. I have sodium in me that I need out so I have been drinking about 40 more ounces of water a day.
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,552 Member
    Just a quick midweek check is everyone doing? I have had a stressful week. I don't feel totally out of control but not really on track either. I lost a former student this week....a beautiful young lady who wanted to be a teacher. Help me lift her family up in prayer. Hug your kids tonight and remember that we don't know what tomorrow will bring. These things help us keep priorities in check.

    :heart: Thanks to all who have served our country. God bless and keep you and your families~We honor you today.:heart:

    Thanks for the priority check. This has been a rough week (funeral here too) and my younger son has been giving me fits. You know what, it could be so much worse, I am truly blessed. So, I'm gonna pull my big girl pants up and eat better today and NO DRINKING! (I truly don't have a problem but I don't drink much and have had wine or a cocktail several times this week! What a waste of calories.)

    Thanks to all the veterans and active duty service people for all you do!
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