Looking for 90-100% clean eaters

I try my best to eat clean most of the time, but think I would be really motivated if I could have "friends" that did this, too. Lots of veggies (high fiber), proteins, and very limited processed foods. My biggest downfall is my soy consumption (in my coffee creamer), and weekends. Feel free to add me -- I lift heavy, and eat about 1500-2500 on most days. It varies depending on my hunger. I worry more about my nutrients vs. calories. I also normally burn 3000 or more calories 5-6 days a week (total expenditure via my bodymedia fit arm band) so this is a plus if you have a huge daily deficit. If you fit into this, please add me. I want more nutrition minded folks vs. fitness friends at this time. :)


  • abickford82
    Lots of people have left mfp since my last post, and would love to add some more clean eaters. Bumping! :)
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Please show the universally accepted definition of "clean eating".
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Feel free to add me old friend. While i do eat pretty clean (read as little processed foods as I can) I don't log much anymore so I'm not likely to be very helpful.
  • abickford82
    Feel free to add me old friend. While i do eat pretty clean (read as little processed foods as I can) I don't log much anymore so I'm not likely to be very helpful.

    Hey!! Nice to see you still here. :) Added you back!
  • abickford82
    Please show the universally accepted definition of "clean eating".

    What in the world is the big deal? I follow Tosca Reno's "clean eating". Healthy wholesome, natural foods. Mostly unprocessed. That's why I said 90-100% b/c I'm not perfect but strive to eat as clean as possible as much as possible, but I also still eat fast food (a few times a month), and get myself a treat at a coffee shop here and there. If you want my definition, read up on Tosca. Universally, I can't do that. I just do what works best for me and enjoy connecting with others to see what works for them.
  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    Please show the universally accepted definition of "clean eating".

    What in the world is the big deal? I follow Tosca Reno's "clean eating". Healthy wholesome, natural foods. Mostly unprocessed. That's why I said 90-100% b/c I'm not perfect but strive to eat as clean as possible as much as possible, but I also still eat fast food (a few times a month), and get myself a treat at a coffee shop here and there. If you want my definition, read up on Tosca. Universally, I can't do that. I just do what works best for me and enjoy connecting with others to see what works for them.

    It isn't a big deal. You say the words "clean eating" around here and people go bat**** crazy. I know what you meant - whole foods, healthy stuff like lean meats, veggies, fruits ect. Some people just like to nitpick and go off topic, and never contribute to the topic of the thread itself. Topic here was basically "looking for friends with similar eating habits" NOT "what is the definition of clean eating" :laugh:

    Anyway. I'm a "dirty eater" I guess so you wouldn't want me, lol!! I do try to fit some healthy food choices in though on a regular basis in addition to my naughty foods. But to each their own, congrats on your 100 pound loss!! You have obviously found something that works for you.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    What about 89% clean eaters?
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Please show the universally accepted definition of "clean eating".

    What in the world is the big deal? I follow Tosca Reno's "clean eating". Healthy wholesome, natural foods. Mostly unprocessed. That's why I said 90-100% b/c I'm not perfect but strive to eat as clean as possible as much as possible, but I also still eat fast food (a few times a month), and get myself a treat at a coffee shop here and there. If you want my definition, read up on Tosca. Universally, I can't do that. I just do what works best for me and enjoy connecting with others to see what works for them.

    I don't think there was a big deal. Perhaps you should have just went with "Looking for people that follow Tosca Reno's clean eating".
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Please show the universally accepted definition of "clean eating".

    She said exactly what she believes the definition to be and what she is looking for in the first post. "Lots of veggies (high fiber), proteins, and very limited processed foods".

    She isn't trying to convert anyone and she isn't saying it's the only way. Don't turn this into another one of those.
  • gemmyjamjam
    gemmyjamjam Posts: 2 Member
    This is maybe a bit off track of what you were asking but I was just wondering what kind of weights you use when you say you lift heavy?

    I've started doing weights not so long ago and im interested :D x
  • airdiva1
    airdiva1 Posts: 198 Member
    I try my best to eat clean most of the time, but think I would be really motivated if I could have "friends" that did this, too. Lots of veggies (high fiber), proteins, and very limited processed foods. My biggest downfall is my soy consumption (in my coffee creamer), and weekends. Feel free to add me -- I lift heavy, and eat about 1500-2500 on most days. It varies depending on my hunger. I worry more about my nutrients vs. calories. I also normally burn 3000 or more calories 5-6 days a week (total expenditure via my bodymedia fit arm band) so this is a plus if you have a huge daily deficit. If you fit into this, please add me. I want more nutrition minded folks vs. fitness friends at this time. :)
    I think that my daily food intake is at least 90%.
    One of my goals was to limit process food.
    I was a big coffee lover,but rarely drink it now.
    I have my meals open to the public. Look at it and see if it meets what your are requiring
  • mamma_nee
    mamma_nee Posts: 809 Member
    I am pretty clean :) lol I stay away from processed foods . I am here every day
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Please show the universally accepted definition of "clean eating".

    What in the world is the big deal? I follow Tosca Reno's "clean eating". Healthy wholesome, natural foods. Mostly unprocessed. That's why I said 90-100% b/c I'm not perfect but strive to eat as clean as possible as much as possible, but I also still eat fast food (a few times a month), and get myself a treat at a coffee shop here and there. If you want my definition, read up on Tosca. Universally, I can't do that. I just do what works best for me and enjoy connecting with others to see what works for them.

    I don't think there was a big deal. Perhaps you should have just went with "Looking for people that follow Tosca Reno's clean eating".

    Agreed. There are as many definitions of "clean eating" as there are stars in the sky. Or so it seems. Just thought maybe you have come across the universally accepted definition. But nope. You are using Tosca Reno's. No bid deal. Suite yourself.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Please show the universally accepted definition of "clean eating".

    She said exactly what she believes the definition to be and what she is looking for in the first post. "Lots of veggies (high fiber), proteins, and very limited processed foods".

    She isn't trying to convert anyone and she isn't saying it's the only way. Don't turn this into another one of those.

    Dude, maybe you ought to go have a poptart or an ice cream cone or something and reduce that toxic reactive stress level.
  • Shellz31
    Shellz31 Posts: 214 Member
    I'm a vegetarian and not as active as you, but I do eat "clean" focusing on produce, legumes, nuts/seeds, and a little dairy with as little processed as I can. Add me if you want :happy:
  • kaylorraine44
    kaylorraine44 Posts: 135 Member
    I'm a pretty "clean" eater but do enjoy my not-so clean snacks at the end of the day. Feel free to add me if you'd like - I'm a regular logger. :)
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    what about 75% ..??? Can I be in too?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Please show the universally accepted definition of "clean eating".

    She said exactly what she believes the definition to be and what she is looking for in the first post. "Lots of veggies (high fiber), proteins, and very limited processed foods".

    She isn't trying to convert anyone and she isn't saying it's the only way. Don't turn this into another one of those.

    oh but it already is..it already is...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I am pretty clean :) lol I stay away from processed foods . I am here every day

    define processed?
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    I clean my plate every day when I eat.