Freaking out (Lots of "what if" questions.)



  • 00NL
    00NL Posts: 171 Member
    you will love the results
    no one likes the efforts
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    Yup. You might have loose skin. Depending on your heaviest weight, and how long you've been heavy, yeah, you might. You might not, it depends on genetics too. It depends on the rate you lose weight (slower is better) and lots of other factors. You're young, you might bounce back. You won't know until you get there. You may end up with a flat belly, or with skin that hangs over.

    To me, the loose skin is better than being fat for at least a dozen reasons.

    I wrote this in another thread recently, so I'll share:
    as for loose skin and vanity...i have VERY loose skin and a hanging belly (and thighs) that will jiggle until the time comes when/if I can have surgery, and I've still got at least 30-40 pounds to go and no plans on giving up. I don't have a husband/boyfriend who already loves me for who I am, and sometimes I get self-conscious getting naked in front of someone new...but in my most recent naked adventure...the guy had his hand on my belly and said something like "it's obvious you've been working hard, I'm proud of you." He actually grabbed my belly when he said it, and I didn't feel the least bit unattractive. He was proud of my loose belly because it was a sign of my strength and dedication to myself...a different kind of beauty. A tall, attractive, funny, strong, smart guy, who runs his own business, owns his own home, a "good catch" you could say...found beauty in that jiggly belly. and that's what I am going to remind myself when i see myself naked in the mirror.

    Don't let your jiggle stop you from seeing the whole picture.
  • baldmitch
    baldmitch Posts: 90 Member

    Very natural questions to ask.

    Let me ask a few:

    What's the alternative to losing weight? Is the alternative somehow preferable? Didn't you already come to the conclusion the "devil you know" needed to go? So, why all the self-defeating, freak-out questions?

    I don't get to use this a lot, so don't hold it against me for enjoying this a little: Go put on your big girl panties and deal with this! You have a goal, you have a plan. And that goal and plan to get there may be uncharted territory for you, but you know it is worth it. Even if your belly-button ends up on your forehead.
  • MEJovanovich
    Thank you to everyone! It has been helpful. I do not have healthcare until the beginning of the year, but I will look into what they can help me with.

    I know I don't get enough Protein. Is it super important? ( I don't eat a lot of meats, so I'm looking into alternative ways.)

    I'm trying to cut back on carbs, which I learned may be causing my weight gain. As well as I had been doing a week of nothing but strength without any cardio.

    My BF and I just got an apartment, so we don't have the money to buy healthy food. I can buy salad and such, so don't get me wrong. It's just having the budget for the next few months.

    I'm not so worried about the sagging anymore. ( I still think about it.) I think my problem is, I can't picture what I will look like. I just don't see me thin.

    I know I won't have a "perfect body" if one did exist. I'm okay with that. I just don't want to do this the wrong way either.

    Thank you sooo much! I am learning soo much! You guys are awesome!!!
  • piratebear1
    piratebear1 Posts: 88 Member

    Honestly I think looking good in clothes is going to feel so much better than being fat naked.

    The above is one of the best quotes I have seen on here - Love it !!!
  • maybeazure
    maybeazure Posts: 301 Member
    Lots of people who need to lose a lot of weight worry about loose skin. Looking at your picture and your age, I can pretty much promise you that you won't...especially if you lose the weight now, and not wait until middle age. If you lose it fast, you might have some for awhile, but it will shrink. It will take time and effort to lose it, but you'll look and feel much better after you do it.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I get what you're saying. I had been obese for pretty much my whole adult life when it finally hit me 4 years ago that it was time to finally put some effort into losing weight and getting healthier. My initial fear was more about setting the long term goal and really committing to reaching that goal (lose 100 pounds? Yikes!!) it's not an easy thing to express either. I think for anyone who hasn't gone through this, it's totally foreign territory. (By the way, the person who called you a weirdo has been reported - that's just rude and uncalled for)

    It wasn't until about a year later that the whole fear of my personality, relationships and body changes came to mind. And I couldn't even tell you what brought it up but I was freaked out for a little bit. But then I realized that it was just one of those things I had no control over and getting healthy was more important than achieving a perfect beach body so I just kept with it and eventually go over my fears.

    First of all, you have youth on your side. I so wish I would've started this out 20 years ago instead of waiting until my mid 30's.

    And yes, things like hydration and proper diet will help. Try to get plenty of protein (if using MFP defaults, it's ok if not recommended to go well over) and healthy fats. Keep up with the exercise, make sure you don't cut your calories too low and enjoy that nice slow and steady loss.

    Bottom line is, you can't predict the future. You can't know how your body will change. I'm actually a little amazed at how my body looks now - I never realized how much I look like my paternal Grandmother!! You just have to learn to accept whatever happens, don't worry about the things you have no control over and set goals for the things you can change.

    Deep breaths!
  • MissFushi
    People here are very supportive and it's beautiful. <3 Just take a deep breath. It will be okay. Take your time and loose the weight healthy. You arn't just doing this to look and feel better, you're doing this for your health. For your friends and family; treating your body like it deserves to be treated. <3
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    My BF and I just got an apartment, so we don't have the money to buy healthy food. I can buy salad and such, so don't get me wrong. It's just having the budget for the next few months.

    it's not as expensive as you think to eat healthy's some links

    google "eating healthy on a budget" and you'll find lots of advice.
  • albloomfield60
    My what if has always been, what if I would of started this diet 4 years ago. I put 100 lbs on in the last 4 years and it frustrates me thinking where I'd be if I started this diet 4 years and 100 lbs. lighter.

    Don't be 4 years down the road and thinking about those what ifs. Start today, and all the other what ifs, take them one at a time as they arise.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    I can't picture what I will look like. I just don't see me thin.

    5 years after losing most of my weight, I still can't see myself as thin. I still grab larger sizes off the rack and am surprised when they don't fit in the changing room at the store.
  • baldmitch
    baldmitch Posts: 90 Member
    RE: Protein...

    grilled chicken breasts and greek yogurt are my favorite ways to get protein. Plain greek yogurt tastes a little more like sour cream, so add some fruits and nuts (walnuts - also a very good source of protein).

    Dried beans - pinto and white - are not only good sources of protein, but pottassium as well.

    As for the price: dried beans aren't terribly priced. Chicken can cost a little more. If you buy a whole, raw turkey breast cut up into steaks, it comes out to $1 or so a day. You can probably find greek yogurt on sale sometime during the week. We just bought some 10 for $10 single serving cups.

    I figure my lunches cost $2.50-$3 a day - turkey on "thin rounds" with the cabbage from a slaw pack, OR chicken breat and quinoa/brown rice blend with a little feta OR Progresso light soup and a cup of greek yogurt with walnuts and dried fruit.

    Dinners, for me, are more of the same mostly, with a salad. Breakfast is always eggbeaters (and oatmeal, most of the time).

    Spicy Wheat Thins for 1 snack, and a cored apple with cinnamon for the second snack....Water, water, water, (diet powerade, ) water, and a little more water....maybe a green tea for breakfast or right before a workout. Diet Powerades are on sale wherever I go - $.69 for 32 oz.
  • MEJovanovich
    I am now finding ways to "hide" protein in my meals. Thank you soo much. I have been eating healthier since I posed this and I am learning to read labels. I'm also going to try and eat as local/organic as possible in the new year. Thank you all for the advice and the help. It really does mean a lot to me.
  • supergirl6
    supergirl6 Posts: 224 Member
    Take a very deep breath.

    what if is fine - you can wonder what things are going to be like when you've lost the weight. It's a big change. Who knows what it'll be like until it happens?

    But what's the alternative? Staying exactly the same? You already know how that feels.

    Sure you might have loose skin. Maybe only for a little while, maybe forever. Half of it is your age and health, half of it is genetics. you can't control it even if you wanted to. You can do what you can - my doctor recommends fish oil twice a day, vitamin D, and has me keeping my skin healthy. I use a very good lotion every night - I have an expensive one (Epionce body lotion) that has faded my stretch marks and scars so you can barely see them, and I have a cheaper one (Jergens with Vitamin E) for everything else. My doc said the only thing I can really do is keep my skin hydrated, drink lots of water, moisturize, lift weights, hope for the best. Even if you have loose skin, most doctors won't even consider taking off the excess skin until you have been done losing weight for a certain amount of time because the body takes a while to bounce back. My doctor recommended I wait a year before I start to really worry I'll need to have excess skin removed.

    Will other things happen like, you lose the weight and you're still not happy? That's all up to you. Your weight isn't really tied to your happiness. Not really. That's a mental change that takes time and patience and self-love. Loving yourself has absolutely nothing to do with weight loss. I honestly didn't make the switch to being happy and loving myself until after I started to take care of myself - not just lose weight but eat right, go to the doctor regularly, keep my hair and skin and nails in good shape...whatever I needed to do to feel like I was the first person on my list of important people. That happened a long time before I lost 70 lbs.

    Wonder how it'll be, but don't let it stop you from finding out. Seek guidance from friends and counselors and family. Talk about how you're feeling, never be ashamed of asking these questions. Just remember why you are doing it in the first place and be mentally ready for anything.
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    It sounds like you're getting your excuses lined up so you can rationalize your failure when you give up (or don't start at all).

    All those "what ifs" will take care of themselves in time.

    Loose skin? Why, yes, I have some.

    A perfect life? Why, no, losing weight doesn't fix everything.

    Guaranteed happiness? It doesn't exist.

    ... but life is much better after losing 100 pounds. I am much more energetic, disciplined, strong, fit, healthy, happy, confident and self-loving. None of it came easy, but all of it was worth it.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    You don't have to limit carbs. Just weigh everything you eat and log it, and stay under your calories. You just want to try and eat 1g of protein per pound of lean body mass (or change your macros to 40% carb, 30% fat and 30% protein).

    Now the saggy skin... I have it. I'm actually unsure right now if that soft pocket on my stomach is mostly skin or fat (thinking mostly skin at this point, I already had stretch marks too). And yes, it looks horrible (picture a Shar Pei, that's the idea). But I still look so much better in clothes, I don't lose my breath when I bend over anymore, my acid reflux is better, my blood pressure is perfect, my cholesterol is normal... It's totally worth it. I'll never look good in a bikini (really... even if I manage to lose my last 12-14 lbs, over my dead body you'll see me in one, I think), but that's ok with me at this point.
  • determined_erin
    determined_erin Posts: 571 Member
    After losing 90 lbs and getting to my goal weight, I still have a "belly overhang." Getting rid of that will mean losing maybe around 10 lbs more and working on toning. You can't know what will happen, but you can work on yourself today. Focus on getting to a healthy weight, and then go from there with what you want to do next to achieve the look you want.
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    If I may, (because you sound like you're trying to find reasons not to do this) I'd like to go the opposite direction with a few "what If's"

    What if you develop Diabetes and go blind, or lose a foot?
    What if you develop apnea?
    What if you suffer a massive heart attack and die?
    What if a stroke turns you into a potato?

    Loose skin is nothing compared to any of those. Your fears are minimal compared to what lies ahead if you don't get on the proverbial wagon. Will you fall off? You may, find some supportive friends who will motivate you, set small goals for yourself to keep you going. When I started I made my goal to just lose 40 pounds, and it terrified me because it seemed like a lot of weight. After that I figured I'd like to weigh 205, that sounded about right to me, this morning I was 202, and my new goal is 185. Once you start seeing progress you'll just want to keep going. Friend me if you like, or don't, most people read my profile and decide I'm an @$$, and that's fine, but the small group of friends I do keep seem to really like my lack of bush beating.

    Good luck.

  • MEJovanovich
    I appreciate it all guys. I am not quiting this time. I found a "challenge" and I like the routine that I have myself on. I'm just anxious to see a change. I'm sure once I do, I'll feel so much better. Doing the challenges and seeing that I can do more then I thought is amazing, and seeing your messages, are very lifting. I'd MUCH rather have lose skin then die at 22. I have done some extensive research and know what I can do to attempt to help with the skin. I'm not making excuses. I am going to finish this. Thank you for calling me out on it. I know that is what it sounds like. rest assured, I am not going to just be done. I'd rather have these "what if's" then a "What if I didn't quit... where would I be" then have to go through the whole starting over process again. No thank you!
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Don't worry about "what if" ......

    Do make the healthiest choices at each meal ....... move more ...... no excuses ...... use common sense & enjoy the "adventure" ......

    And at the end of each day, go to bed knowing you made the best possible choices for yourself :flowerforyou: