Looking for 90-100% clean eaters



  • susanrechter
    susanrechter Posts: 386 Member
    Hi. I try to eat foods that are fresh, with lots of seeds and nuts. I cut out red meat, although I eat chicken and tons of fish.
    I try to stay away from breads although I will go through phases when I eat Ezekial bread. I find I really do feel better when I eat clean and not add sugar, or eat the salty, trans-fatty processed foods. I hear ppl on mfp say it doesn't matter, a calorie is a calorie, but for me it does. I bloat and react to certain foods... so eliminating them from my diet helps me. I have found that I lose weight easier and as soon as the weight goes, I feel great. The clean eating helps me feel better. Keep doing what makes your body happy.:smile:
  • MrGonzo05
    MrGonzo05 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I try my best to eat clean most of the time, but think I would be really motivated if I could have "friends" that did this, too. Lots of veggies (high fiber), proteins, and very limited processed foods. My biggest downfall is my soy consumption (in my coffee creamer), and weekends. Feel free to add me -- I lift heavy, and eat about 1500-2500 on most days. It varies depending on my hunger. I worry more about my nutrients vs. calories. I also normally burn 3000 or more calories 5-6 days a week (total expenditure via my bodymedia fit arm band) so this is a plus if you have a huge daily deficit. If you fit into this, please add me. I want more nutrition minded folks vs. fitness friends at this time. :)

    Congrats on your weight loss and lifting. I also lift and lose weight.

    What's clean eating?
  • Barbonica
    Barbonica Posts: 337 Member
    I am a healthy eater, which I persoanally define as eating a well balanced diet primarily consisting of meat, veggies, fruits, nuts. Nothing is off limits, but I do not eat a lot of starchy food or foods with added sugar. Feel free to check out my diary and fr me if
    you like. I have been a little lax during this holiday season, so a little heavier on stuff I normal don't work into my daily diet.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I try my best to eat clean most of the time, but think I would be really motivated if I could have "friends" that did this, too. Lots of veggies (high fiber), proteins, and very limited processed foods. My biggest downfall is my soy consumption (in my coffee creamer), and weekends. Feel free to add me -- I lift heavy, and eat about 1500-2500 on most days. It varies depending on my hunger. I worry more about my nutrients vs. calories. I also normally burn 3000 or more calories 5-6 days a week (total expenditure via my bodymedia fit arm band) so this is a plus if you have a huge daily deficit. If you fit into this, please add me. I want more nutrition minded folks vs. fitness friends at this time. :)

    Congrats on your weight loss and lifting. I also lift and lose weight.

    What's clean eating?

    well cleaning your food in the washing machine of course…everyone knows that
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I am a healthy eater, which I persoanally define as eating a well balanced diet primarily consisting of meat, veggies, fruits, nuts. Nothing is off limits, but I do not eat a lot of starchy food or foods with added sugar. Feel free to check out my diary and fr me if
    you like. I have been a little lax during this holiday season, so a little heavier on stuff I normal don't work into my daily diet.

    nothing is off limits …except added sugar…LOL how ironic...
  • Barbonica
    Barbonica Posts: 337 Member
    I am a healthy eater, which I persoanally define as eating a well balanced diet primarily consisting of meat, veggies, fruits, nuts. Nothing is off limits, but I do not eat a lot of starchy food or foods with added sugar. Feel free to check out my diary and fr me if
    you like. I have been a little lax during this holiday season, so a little heavier on stuff I normal don't work into my daily diet.

    nothing is off limits …except added sugar…LOL how ironic...

    please do not misquote me, I said I do not eat a lot of starchy foods or foods with added sugar. Meaning that I do not eat a lot of food with added sugar. I never said I do not eat food with added sugar.

    I am responding to OP who is looking for people with similar eating habits. Why pick on me? I think my post is clear - nothing is off limits, but I choose to primarily eat certain foods. Because I like them. You hurt my feelings. :sad:
  • We eat clean - lots of veggies, grains, nuts, seeds, fish. I cook from scratch - a Mediterranean diet. I did gain weight, but I think it has to do with the extra carbs and the eating out. I took a nutrition class because I wanted to eat a healthy, balanced diet without having to take vitamins.
  • I'm a fairly clean eater. Very little dairy, soy and grains (quinoa and rice) no wheat, corn or refined sugars (they don't agree with me). Lots of fresh produce and lean meats. My food diary here is just being used as a rough estimation of what I eat since I'm not actually tracking amounts of food consumed. I just wanted to place to write things down to have a rough estimate of what I'm eating (helps me eat consciously). If that fits for you feel free to add me.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    I don't know what "processed" means in this context. Is salsa considered a processed food? What about a nice, dark whole grain bread? I looked on the TR website mentioned by the OP - it looks like granola is on the list of "clean" foods, but other cereals aren't, which I'm having trouble understanding, especially as the granola recipe included vanilla extract, which is a hyper-processed food.

    I'm not trying to nit-pick, I'm just genuinely confused by what does and doesn't qualify.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,144 Member
    Most of my food would be considered clean and minimally processed but I don't track on this site. Most people that try and conform to a "clean lifestyle" generally restrict many foods or ingredients based on quite a few flawed premises and I suggest that you keep that in mind when you think of omitting complete food groups or ingredients because of misinformation or biases that just about every website that is trying to sell this lifestyle and where it requires you to spend some money or from people with little nutritional know how.
  • Most of my food would be considered clean and minimally processed but I don't track on this site. Most people that try and conform to a "clean lifestyle" generally restrict many foods or ingredients based on quite a few flawed premises and I suggest that you keep that in mind when you think of omitting complete food groups or ingredients because of misinformation or biases that just about every website that is trying to sell this lifestyle and where it requires you to spend some money or from people with little nutritional know how.

    Oh no, I won't buy into anything special. My husband and I have a pretty tight budget so we can't afford no shakes like Shakeology --- used to be did away with them (and it's a blessing alone we can even buy protein shakes to supplement for our protein needs), or silly foods like that. We eat our lean proteins, lots of veggies, brown rice, little bit of fruit, oatmeal, etc. I do try to follow Tosca as closely as possible, but keeping our budget in mind. I won't blow our finances in order to keep up with the newest fad diet.

    I do have to LOL at how people get bent out of shape by eating healthy though.
  • I am pretty clean :) lol I stay away from processed foods . I am here every day

    define processed?

    Now I see why you are "*****y" about my posts in other thread. You're even subtly picking on the OP about processed food.
  • This is maybe a bit off track of what you were asking but I was just wondering what kind of weights you use when you say you lift heavy?

    I've started doing weights not so long ago and im interested :D x

    Since I do work-out at home heavy may be different from that in a gym. I can do 50lb. dumbbells on my legs (squats, lunges), and yesterday I did split squats doing 65lbs. -- so that for me was huge, and I was only able to do 8 reps. (part of a super set). Upper body I'm not so great (Unless it's back day and I can really do so pretty heavy weights for my back), and I usually do between 8lbs. to 20-30lbs. for my heaviest for my arms, shoulders, chest days. I can deadlift up to 95lbs. (but really struggle -- this is with an olympic sized bar, and *2* 25lbs. plates) but usually only can do 8x8's. I have a lot of great equipment at home, but know as I get stronger I'll need more access to things like a squat rack, and leg press, among other cardio equipment. I primarily follow the BodyBeast & LiveFit programs.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I am a healthy eater, which I persoanally define as eating a well balanced diet primarily consisting of meat, veggies, fruits, nuts. Nothing is off limits, but I do not eat a lot of starchy food or foods with added sugar. Feel free to check out my diary and fr me if
    you like. I have been a little lax during this holiday season, so a little heavier on stuff I normal don't work into my daily diet.

    nothing is off limits …except added sugar…LOL how ironic...

    please do not misquote me, I said I do not eat a lot of starchy foods or foods with added sugar. Meaning that I do not eat a lot of food with added sugar. I never said I do not eat food with added sugar.

    I am responding to OP who is looking for people with similar eating habits. Why pick on me? I think my post is clear - nothing is off limits, but I choose to primarily eat certain foods. Because I like them. You hurt my feelings. :sad:

    I was just pointing out the ironic nature of your statement..
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I am pretty clean :) lol I stay away from processed foods . I am here every day

    define processed?

    Now I see why you are "*****y" about my posts in other thread. You're even subtly picking on the OP about processed food.
    oh its you again ...ms stay off topic/wanna be troll..

    I asked for a definition of processed foods...care to provide one? Or are you going to go on a rant about Asians and there 5% obesity rate?
  • Most of my food would be considered clean and minimally processed but I don't track on this site. Most people that try and conform to a "clean lifestyle" generally restrict many foods or ingredients based on quite a few flawed premises and I suggest that you keep that in mind when you think of omitting complete food groups or ingredients because of misinformation or biases that just about every website that is trying to sell this lifestyle and where it requires you to spend some money or from people with little nutritional know how.

  • I am pretty clean :) lol I stay away from processed foods . I am here every day

    define processed?

    Now I see why you are "*****y" about my posts in other thread. You're even subtly picking on the OP about processed food.
    oh its you again ...ms stay off topic/wanna be troll..

    I asked for a definition of processed foods...care to provide one? Or are you going to go on a rant about Asians and there 5% obesity rate?

    There is a thing called Google. Why can't you do it. And I'm pretty much confident you know what the OP is implying when she said processed food.
  • I try my best to eat clean most of the time, but think I would be really motivated if I could have "friends" that did this, too. Lots of veggies (high fiber), proteins, and very limited processed foods. My biggest downfall is my soy consumption (in my coffee creamer), and weekends. Feel free to add me -- I lift heavy, and eat about 1500-2500 on most days. It varies depending on my hunger. I worry more about my nutrients vs. calories. I also normally burn 3000 or more calories 5-6 days a week (total expenditure via my bodymedia fit arm band) so this is a plus if you have a huge daily deficit. If you fit into this, please add me. I want more nutrition minded folks vs. fitness friends at this time. :)

    Congrats on your weight loss and lifting. I also lift and lose weight.

    What's clean eating?

    well cleaning your food in the washing machine of course…everyone knows that

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I am pretty clean :) lol I stay away from processed foods . I am here every day

    define processed?

    Now I see why you are "*****y" about my posts in other thread. You're even subtly picking on the OP about processed food.
    oh its you again ...ms stay off topic/wanna be troll..

    I asked for a definition of processed foods...care to provide one? Or are you going to go on a rant about Asians and there 5% obesity rate?

    There is a thing called Google. Why can't you do it. And I'm pretty much confident you know what the OP is implying when she said processed food.

    actually, I do not and would like a definition. So feel free to clarify at anytime.
  • jennegan1
    jennegan1 Posts: 677 Member
    I am pretty clean :) lol I stay away from processed foods . I am here every day

    define processed?

    Now I see why you are "*****y" about my posts in other thread. You're even subtly picking on the OP about processed food.
    oh its you again ...ms stay off topic/wanna be troll..

    I asked for a definition of processed foods...care to provide one? Or are you going to go on a rant about Asians and there 5% obesity rate?

    can we say stalker? lmfao sorry but back to the other topic now....exits slowly