How am I gaining weight?



  • therealnerwin
    I hate cardio and, because I am in my 50s, feel embarrassed in dance classes. I started lifting and, although still very much a beginner and progressing slowly, am amazed at the differences it is making. My flabby arms are gradually toning up and my legs are so much better! I still do some cardio, but only the stuff I like, mainly the stepping machine and rowing rather than running and doing HITT.. Dont be too hard on yourself. You have lost 16 pounds. Great! Restart when you feel like it and are in the right mind to do it. Forcing yourself won't help! I plateau continually and probably have not lost nearly enough weight over a year compared to other people, but it is still a loss and I am happier for it. Good luck!

    You are right, I have lost 16 pounds and I should be proud of myself..I also should be proud that I've managed to work out straight for 2 weeks without giving up..that's a huge achievement for someone like myself. Sometimes I am a bit hard on myself..but you know..maybe just walking on the treadmill isn't what I need..maybe I need to find something that I want to do rather than hate to do.

    I like boxing, but I just don't have the room for it. I'm not a big fan of going to the gym..I have my own gym at home and just need to get some more equipment for it..but dang are they expensive.

    Like others have said..I could use my own body weight to my advantage too.

    When the weather is warm, I'm outside most of my day doing physical landscaping mostly and I love to hike too. Now that the weather is cold and boring, I don't get outside that much unless its snow shoveling. I am planning on buying snow shoes to go snowshoeing..but I don't see how that's going to burn enough calories..but it might and that would be something I love.

    I mean all that I want to do is just change my lifestyle habits, eat better and be more active. I don't care if it takes me 5+ years to lose weight, I rather lose it slowly than too fast.
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    I have easily packed on over 5 pounds of water weight from starting a new exercise program. And it doesn't go away until you take at least a few days off from working out. So I ignore the scale, I keep working out, and I use measurements to track progress instead.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member

    I know I don't log everything..I just find it time consuming or I either forget. But I do log it in my head and I've learned how much I can have.

    I could give you some advice... its just that I find it time consuming. It's in my head though so that's ok.

    It seems that although you are questioning why you are gaining weight, you actually arent that bothered about it either.
  • jennegan1
    jennegan1 Posts: 677 Member
    to the OP....from what I see, on days you go over on your carbs you dont go over on sodium and the other days are the opposite.....Its all about trial and error and finding what works and what doesnt. Do you or can you eat whole wheat products? Or try to eat less carbs in general? I didnt exactly look to close to your meals but if they are processed and pre packaged meals then thats where the high in take of sodium is coming from. Sodium holds onto water aka water weight.....Plus if you arent drinking enough water then thats why you arent losing any weight just yet. Plus it takes up to 4 weeks just to see a difference. So a suggestion over the next 2 weeks do a trial and error with your food meaning experiment with what you cant either cut back on or find foods that you can eat that will help with the carbs and sodium. And drink water water water lol ok
  • therealnerwin
    I drink a lot of water.. at least 8 cups a day. I forgot to add it on here...I just don't think about it sometimes. Because its water, drinking it is a habit.

    But I don't eat any processed foods or at least try not to. I've stopped eating that junk a year ago and I've been eating mostly all natural foods..I try to stay away from all the artificial ingredients HFCS and what not.

    I know to others, it may not look like I'm eating better..but compared to what I have ate years ago..its a night and day difference to me.

    As a kid, my grandmother packed me full of sweets, she made them so convincing and I was stupid little
  • rhoule76
    rhoule76 Posts: 217 Member
    It could also be that you are gaining muscle. Don't let it get you down, just keep at it. Log all food taken in, log all exercise. It will come off if you continue to be within your calories and are exercising.
  • therealnerwin

    I know I don't log everything..I just find it time consuming or I either forget. But I do log it in my head and I've learned how much I can have.

    I could give you some advice... its just that I find it time consuming. It's in my head though so that's ok.

    It seems that although you are questioning why you are gaining weight, you actually aren't that bothered about it either.

    You are right, I am not completely bothered by it and I know it will go back down..but I was just basically looking for some advice that I can throw into my diet and exercising plans to help lose weight more efficient. Not every exercise out there works for everyone, I just need to find something that I like.
  • jensiegel39
    jensiegel39 Posts: 163 Member
    In my first 2 - 3 weeks, I was up and down. I think my body was rebelling, like, what the heck are you doing? Now, I've been consistently losing. Some days, I stay the same or gain a little, but then I drop a little for a few days. We all have our own ways of losing.

    Don't get discouraged. Don't feel like you have to be a fitness guru. Find some exercises you like. I love bike riding and playing tennis. I try to do both as much as I can. I found a the gym the arc trainer (like an elliptical) and I like it. I watch t.v. and catch up on shows while on it and listen to good music. It's not half bad. I don't like lifting weights, but I do because I want to tone. I was also told by my trainer that lifting will help you to burn calories even when you aren't doing anything! I do lifting every other day and cardio after. I also recently discovered Zumba and attend four days a week now. I find it really fun; it barely feels like exercise.

    I think you have to spend time finding more foods that are healthy that you actually like (trust me, it's hard for me because I'm a very picky eater, but I spent some time really thinking and in the grocery store and finding recipes and such) and any type of exercise that you don't mind and commit to it. Don't say it isn't for you! You had a reason you started, so think about that when it gets tough! You want to be healthier and look better, I would imagine. Don't let the tough times of gaining deter you! I understand what it's like to be discouraged, but it's only been a small gain - probably water weight - and it'll come off.

    I really agree about logging your food. Don't keep it in your head. I faithfully log every day now for 2 months, and I've dropped almost 21 lbs. It really works! And it lets me know if certain foods are too high in something like sodium or sugar, which I didn't realize. Certain foods I'm staying away from because they're higher than I thought.

    Also, make friends on MFP. I find people on here so wonderful and encouraging. Feel free to add me if you like if you'd like some support!

    Jen :)
  • therealnerwin
    It could also be that you are gaining muscle. Don't let it get you down, just keep at it. Log all food taken in, log all exercise. It will come off if you continue to be within your calories and are exercising.

    Thanks, I don't see how some people can be dead on perfect with their calorie goals. I'm either slightly under or a little over..but I don't see that being a big deal. But I think I might have to watch my macros a little bit more closely..I think I am eating a little to much salt and carbs.

    But is my birthday and calories isn't going to bother me today!
  • carolose46
    carolose46 Posts: 199 Member
    I've been doing cardio exercise for the past 2 weeks. I'm on the treadmill for 40 minutes 5 days a week and I tell you, the sweat is just dripping off me and I feel great after and everything seemed like it was going fine, I was losing weight and I got down to 227 early this week and as of yesterday I was back up to 229 and its been staying there.

    I don't try to overeat, I try to stay within my calorie goal and I've been doing pretty good watching what I eat. I do have a protein bar every morning before I work out, because I can't walk/jog on a empty stomach, I just don't have the energy too.

    Also before I get on the treadmill, I do stretches and calves exercises.

    I drink plenty of water as well, could it just be water weight? Maybe there is too much sodium in my diet?

    It was nice seeing the numbers go down on the scale, but when they are going back up..its really discouraging to me. It seems like every time I want to lose weight and get fit, it never works out..maybe I'm destine to be fat?

    I really wish I could do some strength exercises, but I just don't have any weight lifting equipment yet. I'm not trying to over do it like my cousin did and end up destroying his shoulder because he over worked himself. I just want to slowly lose weight and get down to a health weight.

    Am I doing something wrong? I know its only been 2 weeks..but I need a sign that I'm losing weight.

    I am only going to address the strength training aspect. YOU DO NOT NEED WEIGHT LIFTING EQUIPMENT! You should really master your body weight first. Trust me you can kill it with body weight alone.

    you can trust him! :wink:
  • jensiegel39
    jensiegel39 Posts: 163 Member
    Forgot ... Happy Birthday!
  • therealnerwin
    Thanks everyone so much! I forgot how awesome the community is here.

    I may not be perfect at exercising or eating for that matter..but I am doing something and that something is better than nothing!

    Like someone else said, its trial and error and it will just take me some time until I figure out what works and what doesn't work.

    I guess I should go and get my butt on the treadmill.
  • Samstan101
    Samstan101 Posts: 699 Member
    From you eratic logging I'd say you're under-estimating what you're eating and over-estimating what you're burning so you're eating more than you should to lose weight. 40mins of cardio at your weight & height will burn around 3-400 a session based on intensity (get a Heart Rate Monitor for a more accurate & consistent log)
  • Jenni129
    Jenni129 Posts: 692 Member
    It's only been TWO weeks!!!!! Like others have said, have some patience. Also, don't rely so heavily on the scale alone; take measurements of your body, so you can keep your ego boosted when the scale is not being your friend.
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    - it's only been two weeks
    - you do not seem to log consistently so you might not be in deficit
    - your burns from exercise might be over-estimated
    -it might be water retention - check your sodium levels in your macros
    - you don't need equipment to do strength exercises - look for exercises using body weight

    This. Take a look at

    Also, I find I lose the best when my macros are at 40C/30P/30F, so you may not be getting enough protein, especially since you've started working out.
  • Saramelie
    Saramelie Posts: 308 Member
    Give it time!
    I know it's a bum out to see the number go up..... I also started on december 1st, at 215, went down to 206.5 and then.... nothing for the past 4-5 days. Up to 207 this morning. Still eating within my calories, still exercising.... But what is the option, instead of ""keep going""? Going back to our old ways and pilling the weight again? Giving up and being unhappy? Nope. WE KEEP GOING!!
  • jodycoady
    jodycoady Posts: 598 Member
    You need a lot more patients. A lot more patients.

    He's not a doctor. He just needs patience.
  • jennegan1
    jennegan1 Posts: 677 Member
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    dude, snowshoeing is a huge calorie burn!!!
  • Chrisdoc1984
    It's only been TWO weeks!!!!! Like others have said, have some patience. Also, don't rely so heavily on the scale alone; take measurements of your body, so you can keep your ego boosted when the scale is not being your friend.

    ^^ THIS ^^

    At times, the mirror can be a better friend than the scale.