Good Food Vs Bad



  • csuhar
    csuhar Posts: 779 Member
    There are no "good" or "bad foods... only food. Eat what you want in moderation. Meet your macronutrients.

    This. Moderation and ensuring you meet your macro and calorie goals will usually do just fine while also keeping your diet relatively balanced. In the process, you will likely find a combination that seems to work the best for your situation.

    What I think tends to happen is studies will come out that talk about certain foods that might be *better* for people in some regards than others and then people take it a little far and assign foods to "good" or "bad" categories.

    Protein, for example, tends to make people feel fuller, longer. This can make it "better" than other foods in regards to feeling full, which can be important if your problem is that you're someone who wants to eat every time you feel hungry and that has been why you've gained weight. But that doesn't mean protein is automatically good and other foods are bad by default, because carbs and fats have their purpsose, too, while you can still eat too much protein.
  • Rosannajo88
    Rosannajo88 Posts: 212 Member
    Bad foods can generally be found hanging round with the cold beers in your fridge, making fun of the tofu and dabbling in petty cream.

    The good foods, whilst wholesome, can be a little boring and full of themselves.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    What kind of dieting are you trying?

    Are you simply using MFP to count calories? Then "good" and "bad" don't play into the math.

    Are you trying to do low carb? You would need to learn quite a bit before doing that, given how you framed your question.

    Are you trying to lose weight and learn how to successfully maintain? You might want to do some reading on healthy eating. I personally prefer a plant based whole food diet (I aim to eat a lot of vegetables, lean meats, and some whole grains, but not a lot of heavily processed convenience foods, and not a lot of fast food)

    But, you're starting and that's awesome! Have a look around here. Look on the main boards. Look through the groups. Do some reading... and decide what your goals are.

    Best of luck!
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I just visualized a pizza in a cape battling an apple.
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    cauliflower is evil
    Fixed it for you. :sick:

    Everything else is fine.
  • bethanp
    bethanp Posts: 72 Member
    broccoli is evil
    If broccoli is wrong, I don't wanna be right :wink:
  • SailorKnightWing
    SailorKnightWing Posts: 875 Member
    hey richard i have been subscribed this diet by a nutritionists...honestly in a week with garcinia ive not felt much difference..

    Some of the most bizarre ideas Ive read about on MFP were prescribed by a "nutritionist".
    I went to a Christmas dinner with some coworkers last night and one of them said she went to a chiropractor/nutritionist a couple of months ago. He held vials of various food substances (wheat, sugar, caffeine, etc) over her head while she was lying down and had her push against his arm to see any strength changes. He determined she was "intolerant" to just about everything. Because he held gluten over her head.

    I told them I lost around 25lbs just by eating slightly less cheesecake and not exercising and they had no response. They probably assume it's because I'm young.
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    I went to a Christmas dinner with some coworkers last night and one of them said she went to a chiropractor/nutritionist a couple of months ago. He held vials of various food substances (wheat, sugar, caffeine, etc) over her head while she was lying down and had her push against his arm to see any strength changes. He determined she was "intolerant" to just about everything. Because he held gluten over her head.

    I told them I lost around 25lbs just by eating slightly less cheesecake and not exercising and they had no response. They probably assume it's because I'm young.

    I hope your coworker didn't pay for that "advice". I'm amazed at the things people believe. Next time you need backup to prove your point, invite me. I am not young (55) and I've lost 75 lbs in 6 months by doing nothing more than eating at a deficit and walking a few times a week. Why do people insist on complicating a pretty simple concept?
  • SailorKnightWing
    SailorKnightWing Posts: 875 Member
    I went to a Christmas dinner with some coworkers last night and one of them said she went to a chiropractor/nutritionist a couple of months ago. He held vials of various food substances (wheat, sugar, caffeine, etc) over her head while she was lying down and had her push against his arm to see any strength changes. He determined she was "intolerant" to just about everything. Because he held gluten over her head.

    I told them I lost around 25lbs just by eating slightly less cheesecake and not exercising and they had no response. They probably assume it's because I'm young.

    I hope your coworker didn't pay for that "advice". I'm amazed at the things people believe. Next time you need backup to prove your point, invite me. I am not young (55) and I've lost 75 lbs in 6 months by doing nothing more than eating at a deficit and walking a few times a week. Why do people insist on complicating a pretty simple concept?
    I was just short of pounding my head on the table. Granted, her goals were different from mine: she doesn't need to lose any weight and just "felt foggy," but hey. The placebo effect is working for her so more power to her, I guess.
  • KnM0107
    KnM0107 Posts: 355 Member
    Broccoli and cauliflower-good!!

    Okra and liver-bad!!

    Chocolate-freaken great!!

    Fried okra is my favorite! Boiled okra is disgusting!

    I agree on everthing else.
  • richardheath
    richardheath Posts: 1,276 Member
    hey richard i have been subscribed this diet by a nutritionists...honestly in a week with garcinia ive not felt much difference..

    Actually, I see from your profile that you do have diabetes. For *you* (and for me too, as I have prediabetes) watching carbs is important. And yes, whole grain are better as they contain more fiber. So I understand what you are saying! It doesn't make white food evil though, just that people like us have to watch the amount. I still eat white rice, pasta and potatoes. I just limit how much and "eat to my meter".

    And, as another poster pointed out, chocolate is brown, so the whole "white=bad; brown=good" isn't an absolute. Things rarely are so black and white (or should that be brown and white?).

    Best wishes!