Zumba was seeming undoable even though I love dancing

I just entered my first exercise in My Fitness Pal. I was only able to do Zumba for about 20 minutes. In those 20 minutes my heart rate was feeling so high and my body was feeling so tired that I was yawning (for some reason I yawn once my body gets tired of working out whether at gym or during any workout). I am not sure if this is normal but Zumba was seeming undoable for next time even though I love to dance. Any tips??



  • mrsamanda86
    mrsamanda86 Posts: 869 Member
    If you like it, then just keep going. Even if you have to duck out after twenty minutes. It's not my cup of tea, but you seem to get a pretty great burn doing it, so if you enjoy it, that's awesome. Eventually I'm sure you'll be able to stay longer.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Not sure what basis your using for saying that Zumba is undoable
  • my body yawns when i get tired too Arpita :flowerforyou: I also really like your name
  • Not sure what basis your using for saying that Zumba is undoable

    I meant that in just 20 mins I was so tired that I had to sit down to lower my heart rate and my body was feeling so tired.....so I am thinking may be I cannot do it again as a workout (30-60 mins). I was doing Zumba because I love dancing so I was thinking to do it as an alternative to gym (I hate going to the gym), but looking at the way I felt today I am not sure if I can do it as a workout again that is 30-60 mins.
  • If you like it, then just keep going. Even if you have to duck out after twenty minutes. It's not my cup of tea, but you seem to get a pretty great burn doing it, so if you enjoy it, that's awesome. Eventually I'm sure you'll be able to stay longer.

  • JourneyingJessica
    JourneyingJessica Posts: 261 Member
    I feel totally uncoordinated doing Zumba but i love it lol. Just keep moving is my advice. If you can't do arms, hips and legs, just do legs. Focus on one part.
  • my body yawns when i get tired too Arpita :flowerforyou: I also really like your name

    O really, I thought I was the only one...lol.... because when I tried to google if anybody else experiences the same but was unable to find any posts or articles.

    Awwww, thanks for the compliments :happy:
  • fedupfatty86
    fedupfatty86 Posts: 92 Member
    I absolutely love Zumba! You really should take at least 3 classes before you give up on it. You may only be able to get in 20 mins to start off but if you keep going I guarantee you'll eventually build up the endurance to last through a 60 min class
  • Thanks JourneyingJes.....I am able to do legs, arms and hips at the same time so that's not an issue for me......I think I am just freaked out at how I got so tired so quickly.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I absolutely love Zumba! You really should take at least 3 classes before you give up on it. You may only be able to get in 20 mins to start off but if you keep going I guarantee you'll eventually build up the endurance to last through a 60 min class

    I agree with this. It's just new for you to dance in that way for a steady amount of time without breaks probably. You may get used to it faster than you realize. Maybe you were just tired that day. Do what you can, take a break, take a sip of water. Try more. If you need to stop then stop. But go back again and you will continue to build your endurance and cardiovascular health.
  • ashlbubba
    ashlbubba Posts: 224 Member
    If you think that there's a medical issue on why you can't do cardio see your Dr.

    Otherwise keep at it and you'll build up your stamina very quickly!
  • Thank you all! You guys are right....endurance/stamina is the issue currently I think.....I will keep at it and hopefully I will build stamina to be able to do it longer and longer everytime.


  • BobbieInCA
    BobbieInCA Posts: 102 Member
    Your weight may be a factor, but there are some heavy gals in my Zumba class. They just do what they can, and still love the dancing...and they don't give up! Believe me, it's not undoable. I'm 73, and do a Zumba class twice a week in addition to my other aerobics classes, plus a Zumba DVD on the weekends.
    I didn't start to exercise until I was 35, so you still have time!
  • stephv38
    stephv38 Posts: 203 Member
    I work out with someone who yawns under extreme heart rate HIIT workouts! I think it is a body chemical response to stress of any type!
  • suziepoo1984
    suziepoo1984 Posts: 915 Member
    Zumba is one of the major cardio i do, because i love dance too! In the begining i was able to do only 15-20 minutes myself:) I just added it in with walking. As i kept going, my endurance increased, and now i can easily sail through 60 minutes or maybe even more!
    I love going to the group class than doing at home though. At home, i will get easily bored and give up!
    Keep trying it! Any intense exercise is going to be tiring the first few times, you will get used to it! But take breaks in between, do some steps slowly , keep drinking little sips of water and stop if you are feeling uncomfortable!
    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • Thank you all for your encouragement and great tips! Also, thank you for sharing your personal experiences. I will keep at it :happy:
  • Sphyk1
    Sphyk1 Posts: 85 Member
    I start yawning when my body thinks it needs some extra oxygen coming in :) I agree with the person that said just start with legs and then add arms etc as you build up. It keeps your heart rate in a reasonable range when you start out. Don't be discouraged, just keep moving :)
  • GoMizzou99
    GoMizzou99 Posts: 512 Member
    If it makes you feel any better...it took me 3 weeks to get through the Insanity warm-up without hitting the pause button and the first fit test made me feel like I was going to lose my lunch lol.

    Keep after it. Stop when you need to. Hydrate! You will see results and feel so much better!
  • Shuuma
    Shuuma Posts: 465 Member
    The first day I worked out, I puked afterward. The second day, I thought I was going to puke, but I didn't. But, on the third day, the endorphins kicked in and I was feeling GREAT! It was hard to do because I was uncoordinated, overweight, and bewildered that people can actually do the things Jillian was trying to make me do. Running mans kicked my butt, but I conquered them three weeks later!

    Stick with it. Tell yourself you did 20 minutes, so today, you'll do 21 minutes. Tomorrow, 22. You can do it! In a few days, you won't be yawning because you will be eating better and the exercise will help you feel better.

    You can do it!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Just keep doing it. You need to build endurance and the only way to build endurance is to continue doing the activity.
  • FerretBuellerr
    FerretBuellerr Posts: 468 Member
    I was the same way when I started doing Zumba - I was sweating like crazy and panting after the first 15 minutes of a 60 minute long class. So you know what I did?

    I kept going.

    When I started getting tired I just went a little slower, but I kept doing it. I didn't give up, no matter how uncoordinated or tired I felt. It took a few weeks (going 3 times a week) until I was able to not feel completely exhausted. Now I find I don't even work up enough of a sweat when doing it, but I still go because I enjoy it.

    I think it takes time for any person to get used to a new routine. Don't give up!
  • pahock
    pahock Posts: 27 Member
    I absolutely love Zumba. Do what you can do. You will eventually build up enough stamina to get through the whole class. I just started working with a trainer and I almost passed out during our first session. Your body just has to adjust. Keep at it and have fun!
  • I feel your pain. I am 220 pounds and did a few rounds of Zumba class, and have the discs at home. I also yawn when I'm tired of exercising, lack of oxygen. I love Zumba, but I do find I can't keep up and jump around like the smaller people can. Just keep doing them, as much as you possibly can, and your body will get better and better at it! I just have fun flailing around like an idiot.
  • WeepingAngel81
    WeepingAngel81 Posts: 2,232 Member
    Zumba is one of the only cardio exercies I love! I am signed up to become certified in March (so excited!). When I first started out I wasn't sure if I would keep up. I used videos at first and hated it. Then I decided to give it a try with a friend of mine at the gym and had a blast! I do a 60 minute class and it can wear you out, but I also feel great afterwards. Just stick with it!
  • donna710
    donna710 Posts: 91 Member
    it is doable! don't give up..... I wasn't sure about it, but it's been almost 2 years and I love it!!!
  • jensiegel39
    jensiegel39 Posts: 163 Member
    I've been doing Zumba for 2 months now, for 4 days a week (one day is in the pool), and I still can't totally keep up. And I've been at the gym every day and have lost 21 lbs. With that said, I still go because it's fun and a great workout. When I can't keep up, I just march in place. As long as you're moving, it doesn't matter. We have a horrible room with a carpet, so it's hard to twist and I have bad hips, so I don't do much of the twisting moves either. However, like you I love dancing and am hoping to return to that once I lose a little more and improve my back and hips. In the meantime, the Zumba workout is a great alternative to boring gym routines and you don't have to go as high intensity as the instructor. I look around me during class, and most aren't doing all the jumping and twisting. Many are just marching in place during certain moves. But they keep coming. So, keep at it. My first few sessions, I thought I would die in a few minutes, but now I'm doing the full hour four days a week and love it! Good luck!
  • Thank you all for all the support and tips. This really means a lot!!

  • VelveteenArabian
    VelveteenArabian Posts: 758 Member
    Just modify your movements, even if it means all you can do is two-step for a while. If you're two stepping, try to keep up with your arms, or stop doing arms and just move your feet. If you want to keep pace, make your steps smaller, leaps lower (just to on your toes instead of jumping if need be). If you're not sure how to modify something, please feel free to private message me and ask. I'm Zumba licensed.

    It's very doable! I'm one of the more energetic people in my classes where I'm not leading and I have exercise induced asthma. If I can do it, you can too!
  • Thank you all once again!
  • JustYandy
    JustYandy Posts: 221 Member
    Yawning is a effect from lack of oxygen to the brain