
  • kattungen - New to myfitnesspal and I'm starting Insanity today too. Been my 3rd or 4th time starting it, so it'll be great to use this thread to help stay accountable.

    ash15nicole - We're coming for you! We'll keep up to date on this thread and we'll only be a week behind. Lead the way!
  • doo1963
    doo1963 Posts: 320 Member
    Congrats Stooooo. That is a great accomplishment. I'm sure there were days when you didn't want to do the workout but you just have to push through.

    If you miss a workout it's not the end of the world, just come back and start again the next day.
  • doo1963
    doo1963 Posts: 320 Member
    I started today, can I join in on this challenge? I'll be a week behind y'all though...

    Welcome to the group! Always room for more.
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    Congrats Stooooo. That is a great accomplishment. I'm sure there were days when you didn't want to do the workout but you just have to push through.

    If you miss a workout it's not the end of the world, just come back and start again the next day.

    There were plenty of days that I didn't want to push play. However I have to say with Insanity there were more days that I did want to push play, then not. Which is surprising for me. With Insanity I actually looked forward to my work out.
  • @lakergreat1 How did the fitness test go? :)
  • kattungen - New to myfitnesspal and I'm starting Insanity today too. Been my 3rd or 4th time starting it, so it'll be great to use this thread to help stay accountable.

    ash15nicole - We're coming for you! We'll keep up to date on this thread and we'll only be a week behind. Lead the way!

    YAY! here we goooo!
  • I did the first fitness test yesterday, with some depressing results :p

    Switchkicks: 54
    Power jacks: 26
    Power knees: 60
    Power jumps: 10
    Globe jumps: 6
    Suicide jumps: 6
    Push-up jacks: 4
    Low plank oblique: 41

    My arms are so weak, I can't even do one real push-up, so the push-up jacks killed me! :p
  • doo1963
    doo1963 Posts: 320 Member
    Cardio power and resistance done this morning. Burned 326 calories. With the workout tomorrow it marks the end of week 3.

    I am going out of town for the weekend then will be gone a couple of days for work so I am treating next week as a flex week (I'm calling it my week 3b). Hoping to get 2 insanity workouts in and then do some running.

    Modify when you have to.
  • Plyometric Cardio done, and OMG I am dead.

    Stats from my HRM:
    Max 192, average 164

    Sone 1: 06:16
    Sone 2: 10:13
    Sone 3: 28:23
    Calbrn: 516 (17% fat)

    I am seriously starting to doubt if I'll ever be able to complete a whole week of Insanity :p
  • doo1963
    doo1963 Posts: 320 Member
    Plyometric Cardio done, and OMG I am dead.

    Stats from my HRM:
    Max 192, average 164

    Sone 1: 06:16
    Sone 2: 10:13
    Sone 3: 28:23
    Calbrn: 516 (17% fat)

    I am seriously starting to doubt if I'll ever be able to complete a whole week of Insanity :p

    Good job. The first full workout is the toughest. I was impressed by your heart rate as my max is supposed to be 164 - then I realized your in your early 20's. Oh to have a young heart again. :wink:
  • Plyometric Cardio done, and OMG I am dead.

    Stats from my HRM:
    Max 192, average 164

    Sone 1: 06:16
    Sone 2: 10:13
    Sone 3: 28:23
    Calbrn: 516 (17% fat)

    I am seriously starting to doubt if I'll ever be able to complete a whole week of Insanity :p

    Good job. The first full workout is the toughest. I was impressed by your heart rate as my max is supposed to be 164 - then I realized your in your early 20's. Oh to have a young heart again. :wink:

    Thank you :wink:
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    Hey Gang,

    Here are my Fit Test Results

    Day 1 Day 60
    Switch Kick: 50 55
    Power Jacks: 30 50
    Power Knees: 60 95
    Power Jumps: 17 40
    Globe Jumps: 3 7
    Suicide Jumps: 8 13
    Push-Up Jacks: 16 26
    Low Plank Obl: 30 40

    Pretty good overall improvement. Not where I want to be, so after I finish with the 5k training I may come back and do another round of Insanity. Good luck everyone, and I am here if you have any questions.
  • Insanity Cardio Power & Resistance, 50 mins
    Max 191, average 161

    Sone 1: 06:13
    Sone 2: 14:05
    Sone 3: 29:07
    Kcal-b: 550 (17% fat)
  • doo1963
    doo1963 Posts: 320 Member
    Pylo cardio circuit completed this morning. End of week 3. 326 calories burned. What's even better is the scale went down 1.5 lbs this past week. :drinker:
  • Pitterpatter
    Pitterpatter Posts: 243 Member
    hi all!!!! i'm been consistently working out since March (run, shred, kettlebell) and my husband and i are interested in Insanity. i am much more fit than he is and it scares me, lol. a HUGE concern of mine though is that my husband has back problems (2 herniated discs). he insists he will be fine but the name of this is INSANITY!!!! :noway: how Insane is it really?
  • doo1963
    doo1963 Posts: 320 Member
    hi all!!!! i'm been consistently working out since March (run, shred, kettlebell) and my husband and i are interested in Insanity. i am much more fit than he is and it scares me, lol. a HUGE concern of mine though is that my husband has back problems (2 herniated discs). he insists he will be fine but the name of this is INSANITY!!!! :noway: how Insane is it really?

    I don't know if I can really answer your question as I have never had back problems. Insanity involves jumping, squats and twisting so if these moves would normally hurt your husband's back then I would say that insanity is not right for him. He can always try and then just modify the moves if he feels pain.
  • kattungen - I'm still with you.. keep pluggin away!

    I'll post my monday fit tests results when I get home today. Trying to juggle p90x week off with start of insanity (not the smartest thing) and also fit in basketball 2-3 times a week. But I'm still with you!
  • kattungen - I'm still with you.. keep pluggin away!

    I'll post my monday fit tests results when I get home today. Trying to juggle p90x week off with start of insanity (not the smartest thing) and also fit in basketball 2-3 times a week. But I'm still with you!

    Cardio Recovery tomorrow, looking forward to that! :) I know it's more static strength-exercises, but I find that I'm pushing soooo hard on the intervals in the cardio work outs that I'm queesy and dizzy at the end :p
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Cardio Recovery tomorrow, looking forward to that! :) I know it's more static strength-exercises, but I find that I'm pushing soooo hard on the intervals in the cardio work outs that I'm queesy and dizzy at the end :p

    You may want eat half a banana before the workout to help with dizzyness.
  • doo1963
    doo1963 Posts: 320 Member
    Pure Cardio completed this morning. Did not have time for cardio abs. Hope to do that tonight (or maybe AB Ripper X). Burned only 318 calories. Feeling like I'm getting a cold so I was not 100% this morning but I pushed myself through it.

    Doing some traveling starting tomorrow so I won't be able to check in with all of you till mid next week.

    Keep at it everyone.
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