Gastric Sleeve Patients?????



  • Where are you having you surgery at? I am having mine at Saint Mary's in longhorn on January 29th.
  • hi I'm rosie, I have my surgery on dec 23,2013 a lil scared cuz I don't no what to eat the first two weeks it don't look like much choices I have,can I get some ideals plz....thanks
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    Every surgeon has different rules and allowances for the first few months post-op. You really should get this information from your surgeon and his support staff. Many people are limited to clear liquids for a long time, I was able to progress more quickly according to my surgeon's plan. The best idea is to be scrupulously compliant to YOUR surgeon's post-op eating plan.
  • SMT0227
    SMT0227 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm currently scheduled for my sleeve procedure on January 16th and would love to have a few buddies for support! Anyone interested in buddying up?
  • Wannabslim2014
    Wannabslim2014 Posts: 21 Member
    I'm currently scheduled for my sleeve procedure on January 16th and would love to have a few buddies for support! Anyone interested in buddying up?

    I'll buddy up with you as I will be sleeved late February and will be needing the support too :-) We can help each other xx
  • I will be having the gastric sleeve in Feb/March time frame. I had my appt with dietician last week and she told me the part of stomach they remove holds the hormones in it that tell you your hungry or full. I have been thnking about this alot lately and want to know how you know when to eat if you do not feel hungry. Do you have to set alarms or have a schedule for the meals and snacks. I am trying to talk to people who have recently had the gastric sleeve done and to see how they are doing with their meals and how their daily energy levels are. Thank you for any response.
  • Let me begin with - Good Luck to those of you who are just getting started on your Weight Loss journeys. I wish you all the luck I can give :0).

    I myself, had VSG on 5/8/13, I began the process on 7/2012 at a weight of 270 lbs. The day of surgery I was 243 lbs. I am now down to 160 lbs. Having this surgery has not only started to give me a new body, but it has given me a new attitude, a new lease on life, the ability to do new things, try things I never would have attempted before, shop in places I only dreamed of in my "past life", etc.

    I am so thankful to have had this opportunity and I hope that everyone else's experience can be as positive for them as mine has been for me.

    Don't get me wrong - I struggle. I have mental battles every day. I don't always win either. Temptation is horrible and my mind is an evil temptress! I don't always make the best choices and I don't exercise as much as I need to. This surgery truly is a TOOL it is one helping hand in a series of things we need to do to change our lives. It is not a cure, a miracle, or anything of the above. But ... It is and can be a LIFE Saver!

    That will be all.
  • Not sure where to start, so I'll start with this. I was always a chunky child, then I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism when I was 16 and my weight seemed to get out of control after that. I've been morbidly obese for about 20 years (fluctuating between the mid 300's and as high as 450). I've tried every diet you could imagine and some would work, other's failed miserably but each and every time I would gain the weight back and then some!

    My husband who was obese and a diabetic started researching the different types of surgeries and started the process in 2012 and after I had some health issues arise I decided to start the process as well. He had his surgery in July 2013, left the hospital off all diabetic medications and immediately started dropping the weight! He's lost 70 pounds (he's down to 224 lbs) and only in the last month has he plateaued.

    I was so amazed to see how much weight he was losing that I couldn't wait until my day arrived and it finally did on October 23rd of this year. I managed to lose 26 pounds prior to my liquid diet before surgery, lost 10 pounds on the liquid diet and as of today I've lost 23 pounds since surgery. However, I'm not seeing the large number loss that I guess I thought I would see for someone who weights as much as I do and I know I shouldn't compare my husbands loss to mine because everyone is different but I'm finding that I'm getting angry with myself when I step on the scale every morning and either see no change or very little loss.

    I feel as though I'm becoming more obsessed with food now than before I had the surgery because I'm so afraid of what the scale will say in the morning and the fact that the Doctor said he wants to see a 50 pound loss when I return at the beginning of February. I've joined a gym and was going every day until I made myself sick, so now I go 3 days a week and last night I was able to walk a mile and a half in 35 minutes, which to me is a huge accomplishment.

    I would love to hear from anyone who may have possibly run across some of the same struggles and to find out what you did to over come them. I known in one of the previous posts that their was a link to a group, so I'll try to check it out as well.

    Wishing everyone great success in their journeys!
  • reneemosley
    reneemosley Posts: 95 Member
    Lap band surgery 5/2006
    Revision surgery to sleeve 5/2012
    I have struggled and had victory, sometimes in the same day.
    The biggest battle for me is the head. I think many WLS patients would agree.
    I follow a paleo style diet (although I do have some dairy) high protein and low carb. I will agree low carb allows my body to function at its best, with regards to cravings, energy, and satiation. I log what I eat with. Out. Fail. And drink lots of water.
    Although I still have 60 to lose to be a healthy BMI, I feel fantastic and am living a life I didn't think possible pre sleeve.
    My ability to lose came to almost a halt after 1 year. Work that first 6 months like mad and work on the head. Also do something to build muscle, weights, pilates, whatever....just do it.
    I have had 0 absolutley 0 health complications with either surgery.
    Welcome to your new life.....embrace it.

    I am available for friend requests or questions.

    Carry on ladies and gents.
  • Hello everyone,

    I recently went to my doctor and was told that I should consider having the sleeve done. This past year I lost 65lbs but have gained about 40 back as of right now. I'm only 24 years old and feel as though maybe I'm too young for this surgery, but part of me thinks it would help. I've struggled with my weight my entire life and have lost and gained and lost and gained. Does it really matter how old you are or what does everyone think about this?
  • Hi everyone! I am thinking very seriously about doing the Gastric Sleeve sometime in mid-late February. I am very nervous, but excited at the same time! I have food allergies that make me absolutely miserable, but I have a very hard time avoiding them because I just want to eat, eat, eat! Additionally, I have Celiac disease, so gluten and wheat are very cruel to my body.

    I am looking at this surgical procedure to assist with weight loss and the ability to make smarter food choices. If I'm full from steamed, soft zucchini and a protein shake, I won't have room to be tempted to eat the foods that make me ill. I am a big fan of water, so getting my proper water intake each day won't be an issue.

    For the time being, I am just looking to meet new friends for encouragement and advice. I just turned 43. I am 5'10" and the scales hover around 220-235 pounds no matter what I do. It's maddening! lol. (I'm sure a lot of you can relate) So, please....if you have any advice for me, I'd love to hear it! Thank you in advance! :)
  • lizzie770
    lizzie770 Posts: 2 Member
    I can totally relate to your struggle, lady! And I took the same route you are exploring. I had my gastric sleeve on the 16th. Exactly 7 days ago. This by no means makes me an expert but I will tell you how my experience has been thus far.

    I was nervous as hell to do this. Just like child birth stories, you hear every scenario so my mind was swimming with frightening news I had read in blogs about this procedure. But i forged ahead cause at a little over 300 lbs and only 30 yrs. options were limited.

    The first night in the hospital after surgery was miserable. The dry mouth was the absolute worst of it. I was dying for some water or ice or anything. THey finally let me swish and spit with water but you can't drink anything till they do an Xray "leak test". My leak test the next day went great and I was given the green light to begin fluids. I was so excited...till I attempted it. I was scared to death to swallow and my stomach was so traumatized it was hard to get the fluids in. I was super nauseous the first 2 days just from anesthesia and pain meds. I was beginning to hate my decision and regret everything....

    Then day 3 came. The clouds parted, the sun was shining and the nausea was gone. I was able to get my protein shakes in, take walks, go get my nails done, etc. By Saturday I was at the Christmas party with all my friends...drinking Gatorade and avoiding all the yummy party foods but I was there!

    Today I am back at work and feel great! I have lost 15 lbs in the one week since surgery. Its slowing down now but its still falling off. EVERYONE (even people that don't know bout my surgery) tell me how skinny my face is looking. My one huge struggle this far is the mental part. I am so sick of protein shakes and liquids....I would probably shank someone for a slice of pizza at this point :) But I know I did not go through such extreme measures to throw this opportunity away. Instead I have been spending tons of time on Pinterest pinning healthy recipes that I look forward to cooking when I am able to eat solid food again and also pinning cute outfits that I will be able to wear when this is done. It is all psychological at this point and I know I am stronger than the food addiction.

    So I guess in closing, I don't regret it at all so far. I have so much energy and I don't want to sit around and eat so I am out and active. Best thing I have done and its only the beginning. I can't wait for the rest of the journey though and there was a time years ago that I couldn't say that.

    Best of luck to you and please reach out with any questions or whatever!
  • JenBuck
    JenBuck Posts: 2 Member
    I am scheduled for the sleeve on January 14th. I know I am going to need lots of support after my surgery--so I will be looking to groups like this to lean on--people who will be able to totally relate to what I am going through!! I start my liquid diet on the 6th of January--and as this may sound odd--I am more concerned about the 8 days prior--while I'm on that liquid diet-- than I am about the surgery! Any suggestions on making it through the first couple of weeks pre and post surgery will be greatly appreciated!! :smile:
  • yoopergirl
    yoopergirl Posts: 41 Member
    I had the surgery in August. Have not lost anywhere near the weight I hoped (30#), but am working from home, have a very sedentary life & am having a very hard time planning meals. It is a tool, not a "cure" for anything. I am able to eat less, but still need a kick in the butt to get off the couch & MOVE! Would love it if anyone was willing to be my butt kicker. : )
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    After surgery, walk, walk, walk can't walk enough. Get the intestines going again to pass gas and prevent constipation. Log everything on MFP. Stick to the diet packet they give you. And memorize this!!! No Grazing and No reintroducing your problem foods. Otherwise you will probably end up like those biggest loser contestants that already had wt loss surgery and gained it all back plus some. I know I am in the Honeymoon phase but I have lost 37 # in about 35 days. If I break the rules I immediately stall and start gaining wt. go to your support group meetings. Measure and weigh everything!! I had no concept of real portions. To help me repattern my brain away from carbs I am going on a meat odyssey. I am trying all sorts of new meat dishes. When I feel weak I remind myself that simple carbs were killing me and why do I desire poison. This helps me. Good luck.
  • Im having mine jan8 im having the sleeve... im doing the two week diet. Ive been good im on day 5 but today ive been weak and nauseous. Has anyone else had this issue and what do u feel like after surgery? I have a 18 month old.
  • I had my sleeve surgery 6/17/13. I am just over 6 months post surgery and I am currently down 117#. As many others have said the sleeve is a tool. The greatest advice I can give is to follow the tools given by your dr. If you weren't given nutritional information then find a nutritionist that specializes in dealing with WLS patients. Be sure to do some exercise whether going to a gym, walking around the block or using weights and bands at home. Keep your carb level at no more than 30gm (my nutritionist states) unless you are working out heavily. Get in your water, stay away from sugar, in my opinion carbs like potatoes, bread, corn, and especially junk like potato chips, grains and try very hard to meet your protein levels daily. I even have difficulty with the last. A book I found very helpful is by Cynthia Alexander. The Emotional First + Aid Kit. It talks about many things from before surgery to even information like how to decipher when you're having head hunger or real hunger and how to get through it as well as other post op info. Hope this helps!
  • So glad to have read your post! I am day 6 of pre-op diet and scheduled Jan 9th for surgery! I am both nervous and excited at the same time! I would love to follow your journey and interested in how you are doing now since you are a little further down the road?
  • I am set to start the process (seeing all of the specialists; cardioligist, therapist, etc) so I am in the beginning stage. My surgery will most likely be in Summer 2014. I am excited and a little nervous. My family doesn't agree with it, and my fiance is on the fence about it. Nevertheless, I am here to work on me and I am going to continue researching until my operation day is here. Is there any advice anyone could give ?
  • The thing to know is when they tell you the complications that can happen from surgery, can happen. I had sleeve surgery October 14th. I have not been well since then. I have had 2 thoracentesis done. I have had 3 hospitals stays. One for 3 days, one for 7 days, one for 9 days. They have involved having pneumonia and having to do high power antibiotics. The 3rd hospital stay, I had to have a thoracotomy. I spent time in ICU and had a drain tube in back for a week. I got the shingles while in the hospital. I got out of the hospital on December 19th. I am still suffering from the shingles. I was very healthy before this surgery, just overweight. I am definitely not in the phase yet where I am glad I had this surgery. I have just been trying to survive! On another note, I've lost 55 pounds since surgery, but at what a cost. I know I am in the minority that this happens to, but it does happen. Good luck to all that are considering surgery.