Christmas Tree Decorating (What exercise?)

I'm about to put up the Christmas tree, it generally takes at least 2 hrs to get everything done, what would I put this under for exercise? Does anyone know? :)


  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I wouldn't say it is exercise.
  • CaptainJim157
    No? Okies, lol, I wasn't sure that's why I asked :P
  • MrsMills712
    If it's like our tree, it'd be exercise.
    Carrying the tree box in the house, carrying boxes of ornaments and decorations.
    Lots of bending, moving, etc.

    I'd say the 'cleaning' category would probably be most accurate :)
  • CaptainJim157
    Yes, it's like your tree, we have the ornaments and tree in boxes and everything, takes a few hours to complete everything :)
    So cleaning put it under? Thanks! :D
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    No? Okies, lol, I wasn't sure that's why I asked :P

    I am sure many people will disagree with me, but I just don't believe that everything is meant to be logged as exercise. :wink:
  • Hummmingbird
    Hummmingbird Posts: 337 Member
    any kind of movement burns calories, even SLEEP burns dont let the nay sayers get you down! even if you cant log it...still believe that you are doing it! the only thing i would warn is dont get used to just doing light activity as your workout for the day (i have actually done this lol!) so after you decorate the tree, go for a light walk so you can put it in your diary and you can see an actual caloric number!
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    It's never ceases to amaze & amuse what some choose to count as exercise. :laugh: Hm, will it be counted as strength training or cardio?:wink::laugh:

    Yes my point exactly, logging some things we do seems odd to be calculating calories from them. Yes movement IS exercise in the broad sense but to log it all, seems like it'd get tedious.
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,434 Member
    No? Okies, lol, I wasn't sure that's why I asked :P

    I am sure many people will disagree with me, but I just don't believe that everything is meant to be logged as exercise. :wink:

    Grokette, I both agree and disagree with you. If somebody has their activity level set at sedentary and does an activity for a couple of hours that is somewhat strenuous (and after getting down our Christmas decorations and making 30 (no lie, I counted) trips up and down stairs with boxes) that is exercise to them. I agree that not everything needs to be logged, trips to the grocery store, sex, cooking dinner-your normal, daily activities for example. But putting up a tree can be a LOT of work.
  • VCStarr
    VCStarr Posts: 155
    I'd say light cleaning
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    I will not log it as exercise, like I don't log cleaning either. We can not make excuses in order to eat more. I have a large house and it takes 100 steps for a round trip from the office to the kitchen, and I do it several times a day, plus other "household" acrtivities.

    If I add those activites as exercise calories, plus what I do at the gym, then I will have to eat like a horse every day. Lets just log exercise calories for extreme activities such as mowing the lawn, shoveling snow, intense gardening, and moving.

    That is my two cents.
  • CaptainJim157
    People seem kinda rude about it lol, FYI, I don't usually put this kinda of stuff in, but just to let you know, I am sweating from doing it right now, that's why I was wondering,......... :/
    I usually on put my dog walks and the gym in for exercise, anyways, people are kinda being rude, so I'm just gonna leave it at that :wink:
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    In all honesty, I somewhat agree with the folks who say not to log it, but only for the worry of then overeating (by unintentionally not logging your calories entirely correctly—the estimation factor bothers me too much to be entirely inclined to eat my exercise calories.) And you know what? I don't log anything anymore. I don't log my food, I don't log my exercise, I just keep track of what I eat, exercise until I feel satisfied with myself and my body looks better than it ever did when I was tracking my calories.

    So, Cap, go ahead and log it if you like—I'll applaud your dedication :)—I don't think there's any harm in doing so by any means, however, bear in mind that you're not going to have an accurate measure of your calories.

    Oh, and for the smartass, you would log it under cardio, as this would be an aerobic activity, defined by its ability to cause your heart rate to increase and oxygenate the blood.
  • CaptainJim157
    Hehe, thanks Halo,
    I had a nap, so I'm not as cranky now :P
    I apologize for before, was having a rough day and over-reacted
    Btw, I decided not to put it in, I've burned over 400 calories anyways today, lol
  • JulieTX86
    Hehe, thanks Halo,
    I had a nap, so I'm not as cranky now :P
    I apologize for before, was having a rough day and over-reacted
    Btw, I decided not to put it in, I've burned over 400 calories anyways today, lol

    Captain, I don't think you should apologize. I don't think you were over-reacting at all. I too agree that some of the comments were rude and definitely agree with halo in that some people were even being smart@$$e$. You are not cranky for pointing out that someone is being rude to you.

    It was a simple question that you asked, you were seeking help, and some of the comments you received were less then helpful.

    Glad you got a nap in though, I am jealous! :) Way to go on the other 400 calories burned!
  • CaptainJim157
    Thanks! :) I really appreciate it!
  • mamacremers
    mamacremers Posts: 183 Member
    any kind of movement burns calories, even SLEEP burns dont let the nay sayers get you down! even if you cant log it...still believe that you are doing it! the only thing i would warn is dont get used to just doing light activity as your workout for the day (i have actually done this lol!) so after you decorate the tree, go for a light walk so you can put it in your diary and you can see an actual caloric number!

    I wouldn't worry about counting it. I don't count all my activities that I do under my exercise either. I have two young children, one of which is a toddler so I'm getting "exercise" all the while he's awake. All the activity you do that you don't count, you can just think in your head as a bonus. AND who knows how accurate those calories numbers are anyway, everyone's metabolisms are different. it's probably just for a general idea.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    People seem kinda rude about it lol, FYI, I don't usually put this kinda of stuff in, but just to let you know, I am sweating from doing it right now, that's why I was wondering,......... :/
    I usually on put my dog walks and the gym in for exercise, anyways, people are kinda being rude, so I'm just gonna leave it at that :wink:

    I am hoping you did not find my comments as rude. If anyone looks at my profile, I spell it out very plainly that I speak the truth and it does come out blunt.

    However, if I have other people's interest at heart, there is no reason to sugar coat anything. I give the facts and sometiimes my opinion, but the truth is always better.
  • JulieTX86
    People seem kinda rude about it lol, FYI, I don't usually put this kinda of stuff in, but just to let you know, I am sweating from doing it right now, that's why I was wondering,......... :/
    I usually on put my dog walks and the gym in for exercise, anyways, people are kinda being rude, so I'm just gonna leave it at that :wink:

    I am hoping you did not find my comments as rude. If anyone looks at my profile, I spell it out very plainly that I speak the truth and it does come out blunt.

    However, if I have other people's interest at heart, there is no reason to sugar coat anything. I give the facts and sometiimes my opinion, but the truth is always better.

    I don't think you were rude. :)
  • Furnonymous
    Apparently people have much easier trees than mine to put up each year if you wouldn't consider it a work out. Mine is a hassle, of course it's also 8 feet tall and 16 years old lol. I wouldn't say putting on ornaments as exercise, but definitely the assembling the tree is here when it is 3 feet taller than you lol. I was gonna count it as cleaning. Seems to match well for any exercise that isn't very strenuous but does take a lot of energy. I have a calorie counter heart monitor and last year is did get my heart rate up about the same as cleaning up each night after my sons. All that bending down and sweeping when you have 2 toddlers every night definitely is a workout, sometimes it takes more than half an hour,a no that's if I don't need to mop lol.
  • Floobaloob
    Floobaloob Posts: 25 Member
    My Christmas tree was quite a work out this year. Bought a potted live tree in town and then had a 2 mile walk back and 3 flights of stairs to get up with my tiny but surprisingly heavy tree.

    Bit different to you, but that one I'd have logged as walking (which I was doing, just with extra and awkward weight)