How you started/what motivated you to start losing weight



  • dgm82
    dgm82 Posts: 23 Member
    My clothes stopped fitting.
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    I started 5.5 years ago when I was diagnosed with diabetes and high blood pressure. We were trying to start a family and I had an incident where I thought I had miscarried. Saw a doctor for the first time in 10 years...scared her. She thought I was going to have a stroke right there in the office. After 9 months of meds and diet changes and exercise, managed to lose 50lbs. Kept it off for 2 years and had put off the babymaking for that time. Started in earnest with the baby making again 3 years ago, but when it didn't happen after 6 months, then a year, then 18 real down. Nothing made me happy, and having a terrible person for a supervisor at work didn't help. I couldn't stand to be around anyone who was pregnant, or to hold anyone's baby for a long time. Just couldn't handle it. Hated being asked why at 35 I didn't have kids (I kept my struggle mostly to myself and my husband). Put 38 of the 50lbs I had previously lost back on.

    Finally found an ob/gyn I am comfortable with, and told her frankly that I wanted help. I didn't want invitro, but wanted to try something that would make a potential difference. I've had 3 friends find success taking Clomid, so I'm currently working on losing 25-30lbs (the dr's suggestion for the medication to be more effective). I'm halfway to my goal, and my next appointment is February 6th.
  • Fuax75
    Fuax75 Posts: 70 Member
    A mirror and an infomercial!!!!!!
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    I want to age well. Both my parents are overweight and both have health problems. Neither one can walk any distance without getting winded. I don't want to be like that.
  • alienaliens
    alienaliens Posts: 64 Member
    The last weigh-in from 127 to 208.
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Weighing 337, on various medicines for weight related issues, and walking around with 46ddd breast, that pulled me down.
  • livingfortheone
    livingfortheone Posts: 273 Member
    Relationship issues that I wanted to have be different, when it dawned on me that the only thing I can change is me.
    So I decided that in order to effect change, I had to be the one to change.
  • johnthomasmoore
    johnthomasmoore Posts: 59 Member
    Went to my primary care doc to get a note that would allow me to wear crocs at work. New dress code banned them. Blood pressure was up and he advised me, for the nth time, to lose weight. I've done really well. MFP has been one of my best tools. I'm a geeky nerd and am really into tracking weight, diet, exercise, body fat, sleep and blood pressure. Self monitoring is key. My blog summarizes the hardware and software I'm using:

    Would love some new friends, especially if you're serious about tracking! :wink:
  • 1320GO
    1320GO Posts: 150 Member
    Major health crisis - Ended up with kidney and bladder failure - 33 days in the hospital. 70% of kidney funtion gone & I cannot afford for them to take any more hits like diabetes or high blood pressure. Started logging while in the hospital and it has become 2nd nature. 35lbs down so far and another 60 to go. TDEE less 15% and I am dropping 1-2lbs a week.

    Any guys out there 50+ - If you are getting up to pee 2x a night see a urologist. Do not wait. The consequences of ignoring your body can be life threatening.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Started 1 year ago when I spent last Christmas in the hospital with heart and lung issues, was my 4th long stay of they year. And thankfully a nurse in ICU told me point blank you can fix most of this, you're too young to be having these issues, you need to drop a lot of weight and that would help more than any medical treatment you can get.

    First reaction was anger at the nurse then I spent the night thinking about what she said, and she was right. It's been an interesting year but one filled of many transformations and changes. I'm looking forward to seeing what 2014 has in store. And I did send the nurse flowers a few months later, if it wasn't for her I'm not sure where I would be.
  • texerus
    texerus Posts: 62 Member
    High blood pressure with hypertension, not meeting Army standards, threat of being kicked out of the National Guard, promotion possibilities, remedial physical fitness as 5:00 am, and not being fit. Now I’m 5’11’’ and 170 and could not be happier because I hold myself accountable. I give most credit to MFP.

    By the way I am gorging myself with food today!
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    High blood pressure with hypertension, not meeting Army standards, threat of being kicked out of the National Guard, promotion possibilities, remedial physical fitness as 5:00 am, and not being fit. Now I’m 5’11’’ and 170 and could not be happier because I hold myself accountable. I give most credit to MFP.

    By the way I am gorging myself with food today!

    Great job! I'm with you on the gorging today! :)
  • Hating what I saw in the mirror and feeling embarrassed to go out in public. Wanting my husband to have a wife he could be proud of. Wanting to walk up the two flights of stairs to work without being winded. Wanting to see my children graduate from college, get married, and have their own children. Many, many things prompted the change.
  • The rest of my life
  • BeyMe
    BeyMe Posts: 43 Member
    Before I got pregnant I was a nice size. I had always been tall and skinny (5'9). I honestly thought I would go back to normal but I was wrong. I gained 62 pounds while pregnant. I never knew how much I was eating during and before pregnancy affected me. All though I wasn't over weight I still hasn't healthy. I decided to lose weight a year ago and was successful. I lost 25 pounds. I was about 197. My weight before I started was at a least 220+. I don't know what happen but I started slacking off and stopped all together. Now I'm 210-212. I decided to work out again when I saw my aunt. She lost so much and she looked great. She made a comment about my weight and I had to agree. Adding height and weight in I look really big. I decided it was time for a change, I'm young and I have a life to live. I want to look and feel good and I want to be happy about my body.
  • I started losing weight because I wanted to join the military
  • Ejourneys
    Ejourneys Posts: 1,603 Member
    I was at the upper end of my yo-yo range (again) and tired. I didn't like the way I felt and knew I had to work to get back down. Took 15 months to reach my goal. This time around I set the bar low at a half-pound loss per week and focused on sustainable eating and exercise. My main challenge is to ditch my "lifetime yo-yo" ways, through sustainable practices and better stress management.

    For more details on my methods, I posted this:
    Here's a follow-up:
  • ecottencat
    ecottencat Posts: 46 Member
    What is the couch to 5k running program?

    The couch to 5k program is one that gets you up to running a 5k. I used this one as well as an 8 week program my gym offered to start running (more like jogging) a 5k. Extremely helpful if you like going by time instead of distance.
  • ecottencat
    ecottencat Posts: 46 Member
    I've been trying to lose weight for years. I'll lose some and then something happens in my life. The latest has been being with an emotionally abusive boyfriend., that will cause me to gain. So since I've gotten rid of said bf I'm back to wanting to be healthy. My first biggest weight loss was 5 years or so ago when I quit drinking soda. Its a let down when you go to a store find a cute shirt to onnly realize that because you have too much fat you can't wear it. The self-esteem goes down a little till I realize thats fine I'm happy with the way I currently look and I can improve on that by losing weight. The other issue is I really don't have anyone that understands this battle to help support me and keep me accountable. so eventually I'll give up and go back to eating wrong and not really exercising. So hopefully I can find some more firends on here to keep me going and I can get this done!
  • 00NL
    00NL Posts: 171 Member
    top secret --- a guy :heart:
  • I was overweight when I got pregnant with my TWINS at 172#. That was 15 years ago and I've FINALLY returned to that weight... At peak I was 245# during pregnancy. I remember what it was like to be thinner and 145 is my fav weight. That's my goal now. I've done a Paleo training retreat and I'm very motivated. I want a healthy old age! My carbs were too high so now thanks to MFP I've dialed them way back! Good luck to everyone and happy holidays!
  • NinjaMaid
    NinjaMaid Posts: 48 Member
    I started doing Just Dance on Wii and lost 100lbs
    Joined Zumba classes and lost 30 more.
    What motivated me was I felt awful, I was lonely, and invisible.
  • I started unhealthy approach myself so your not alone lol started Akins and everyone know that is one of the worst ways to eat then gained back some and then starting binge eating then starved myself during all this i lost 70 pounds and now for the past 2 month i been eating healthy and exercising and i can say i feel better then i have in years :)
  • missie_515513
    missie_515513 Posts: 20 Member
    I have yo'yo'd all of my life - I was overweight growing up which gave me self esteem issues. I lost weight in my late teens early 20's however I do gain weight really easily. After my 2nd child I was about 224 and got down to about 150-154. Then over the last few years the weight has crept back. I am now about 179 and feel really uncomfortable - my fitness has gone down hill and as I get older I feel its time to take control. My relation ship with my partner ended in October and for the first time in a while I have more time to focus on me!!! I have been going gym 5 times per week and I plan to stay on track - eating mainly clean foods!!! New year new me and no more yo'yoing as its a waste of time!!!
  • Chizakura
    Chizakura Posts: 29 Member
    Being in a constant state of depression for several years. Life's too short to waste it like that. 95% of my depression was due to my weight, and how difficult it was to go on a hike with family, or kayaking or anything since I had no stamina. I finally got fed up with it and I've lost a ton of weight this year. I only have 15 more pounds to go, and at this point nothing's going to stop me. I won't be done when the scale says what I want it to though, I want to tone up and build up my endurance. Next summer I'm going to be super active and have fun doing it since I'll have the energy! :)
  • florentinovillaro
    florentinovillaro Posts: 342 Member
    I started losing weight because I was injuring my knees a lot due to being overweight. Each time I injured my knee, I would have a Gout attack which would put me out off work for 2 weeks. The last Gout attack sent me to the E.R. My other reason is I want to live long enough to see my children grow up.
  • Artionis
    Artionis Posts: 105 Member
    It's been a long time coming (put in some half assed efforts last summer) but the real kicker was finding this article amazing article a couple of weeks ago:

    Why Obesity Is Not Your Doctor's Problem

    The funny thing is that I never saw myself as fat. But I am. Somehow, gradually, over many years, pound by pound, I have become "one of those people." It's a weird thing to realize. For me, that is a completely unacceptable way to live. So here I am.

    Thank you for the link. That article is the most thoughtful and serious look at obesity that I have ever read. My husband and I are starting the journey towards better health and a healthier life together. His nutritionist recommended the MFP app and it is a great tool. My kickstart was twofold: 1) the knowledge that if I do well, my husband will be encouraged to do well, and 2) to take great care of the future me. Future me deserves to look great, feel great, be great (sounds like a slogan for some cereal:), and it's my job to insure that she does.
  • silencioesoro
    silencioesoro Posts: 318 Member
    My sister. She was having a lot of body issues and mom found a weight watchers meeting to take her to, she asked me to come along with for support. So I did, and I weighted myself... Once I saw 242 pounds, I cried and finally realized that I had my own body issues and I was tired of them.

    I'm the only one of the two of us that has lost the weight and kept it off, I'm now running often, able to run around with my students and fit into a size four - a far cry from being a size 22-24.
  • fat2fitdancody
    fat2fitdancody Posts: 259 Member
    The one constant throughout my entire adult life has been being either overweight, fat or obese.

    I used to daydream about being a normal weight, instead I sought solace in alcohol and food, consuming both to excess.

    At the start of every year I would make it my resolution to lose weight and get fit, I'd even been to the gym for 6 months in 2011 but my weight hadn't changed much.

    January 2nd 2012, I was tired of being not being happy and I decided to actually try and do it.