Crowded gyms in a few days



  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    My aren't you supportive. No wonder people are scared and feel awkward going to a gym, trying to change their lifestyle.
    That's why I walk at a local park!
    Years ago I join a gym (not at the start of the year), bad mistake! When asking the staff how to work certain equipment and weights, brushed off (but they had plenty of time for women who were in shape and pretty ) Also talked down to the one time an employee went through the motions to tell me how to use some of the equipment. I wanted to learn how,but with no one to show me, I quit going and haven't been near a gym since.
    Walking is doing me good at the moment. My next goal is to buy a bike and enjoy that.
    But I don't see myself joining a gym

    Looks like you happened upon the wrong gym...
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Sorry for not reading the full 6 pages but--for the haters on new January entrants--stop it--everyone starts somewhere--encourage not discourage. Nothing is easy and we dont need negative nellys to stand in our way.*************...

    I started in late January 2 years ago. Have been pretty consistent since then. I actually am a member in two gyms... One that I prefer and one with 24/7 hours that I can always get to for those days that I cannot get to the Y... (I actually keep the original membership so my daughter (11) will have something to do when she gets to come since the other gym has nothing for that age group)... but it is nice to be able to go in at midnight and work out if I have to.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    That's why I walk at a local park!
    Years ago I join a gym (not at the start of the year), bad mistake! When asking the staff how to work certain equipment and weights, brushed off (but they had plenty of time for women who were in shape and pretty ) Also talked down to the one time an employee went through the motions to tell me how to use some of the equipment. I wanted to learn how,but with no one to show me, I quit going and haven't been near a gym since.
    Walking is doing me good at the moment. My next goal is to buy a bike and enjoy that.
    But I don't see myself joining a gym

    i dunno, but at some point the onus is on the user to figure out how to do some of this stuff. the staff can give you a basic tour, but honestly, the front desk staff is usually comprised of minimum wage kids that barely know the equipment more than you do. if you want something more than that, you can pay a trainer, or you can let your fingers do the walking and find the answer to every single question on google and youtube.

    i mean, if you buy a car the dealer will show you where the light switch is and how to work the AC but they're not going to give you driving lessons. it's your body and your health so if when you are ready to get serious, you'll find a way instead of waiting for someone to show you the way (for free). no victims in the free weight area.
  • Jamie22184
    Jamie22184 Posts: 33 Member
  • toddis
    toddis Posts: 941 Member
    And like clockwork every year there are a dozen threads worrying about/complaining about/griping about the new people at the gym.
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    I'm not a consistent gym goer, in part because I only go during non-peak hours. I can't stand to wait in line for equipment. But if I'm not ready to go early enough and I don't like to go really late, because my gym is not convenient, I end up not going.
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    I can't wait!

    I was one of them last year, and this year I get to be the guy they watch in the squat rack before halfheartedly imitating in the smith machine.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    The problem isn't with newbs, the problem is with resolutioners. There is a distinction. Set goals year round if you want to last past February.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Thread is scaring the crap out of me.....

    Anyone suggest a time of the day or night where I'm least likely to bump into one of the 'regulars' ?

    don't worry about it. the real regulars are happy you're there. we were all new once. when I knew nuthin bout nuthin and was intimidatedthe guys at the gym were helpful to me. i always pay that forward

    ^^ This. There is always going to be somebody that remembers what it feels like to be a noob, is kind, and will want to either help or just give you a friendly smile. As for anyone else? Shake it off. You are there for you. Work hard. Nothing else matters.

    this ….

    I was a noob once too ..

    although it is annoying when people don't know basic etiquette….like if I am doing 60# dumbbell overhead press don't reach in front of me to grab weights…yes, someone really did this the other day..LOL…

    but I am with you on we all have to start somewhere…
  • nicenhealthy
    My aren't you supportive. No wonder people are scared and feel awkward going to a gym, trying to change their lifestyle.

  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    That's why I walk at a local park!
    Years ago I join a gym (not at the start of the year), bad mistake! When asking the staff how to work certain equipment and weights, brushed off (but they had plenty of time for women who were in shape and pretty ) Also talked down to the one time an employee went through the motions to tell me how to use some of the equipment. I wanted to learn how,but with no one to show me, I quit going and haven't been near a gym since.
    Walking is doing me good at the moment. My next goal is to buy a bike and enjoy that.
    But I don't see myself joining a gym

    i dunno, but at some point the onus is on the user to figure out how to do some of this stuff. the staff can give you a basic tour, but honestly, the front desk staff is usually comprised of minimum wage kids that barely know the equipment more than you do. if you want something more than that, you can pay a trainer, or you can let your fingers do the walking and find the answer to every single question on google and youtube.

    i mean, if you buy a car the dealer will show you where the light switch is and how to work the AC but they're not going to give you driving lessons. it's your body and your health so if when you are ready to get serious, you'll find a way instead of waiting for someone to show you the way (for free). no victims in the free weight area.

    Get out of here with that personal responsibility chit- that's just rubbish!
  • gmthisfeller
    gmthisfeller Posts: 779 Member
    Run outside -- Problem solved

  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    work out at home then to avoid the crowds. yeah it sucks that people crowd it up for a month or two before they decide to be lazy again until next year, but at least they are somewhat trying to make a healthy change in their lives. learn to work around it by picking a time where it may not be as crowded like early early morning or late at night, or just learn to wait online for a little bit until it calms down. i never go to the gym, i have dumbbells a thigh toner and ab wheel and i workout at home, to avoid all the madness to begin with.

    eta: and a skip it to do my cardio at home. cheap home gym woo!
  • mybelovedrebel
    mybelovedrebel Posts: 24 Member
    Ditto! Try reaching out to the newbies! Offer them a hand! If they look confused as to how to turn on a piece of equipment, help or point them towards staff! See if you can make at least one new friend in January at the gym! It is boring to have all the same people at the gym, and so hard to make real friends at work, so make a friend, help someone out, carry the spirit of the season well into January and beyond!
  • mybelovedrebel
    mybelovedrebel Posts: 24 Member
    Me too, and we are ready for the newbies too! Thankfully our YMCA is pretty darn friendly!
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    Thankfully I can go at non-crowded hours generally 1pm to 4pm is kinda light on weekdays and 6pm to 8pm on weekends is dead. Though I can do arms at home so really I just need to go for back, chest, legs. Back and chest will be a pain though I can stack up on Carbs before going to last long enough.


    I do what I normally do ignore them like my social life and watch them fade away.
  • _Giselle_
    I think it's quite inspiring actually. Looking at some of the newbies remind me of where I started out and I realise how far I've come even on days when I feel so far from my goal. It's annoying with a crowded gym though, but I'm lucky because I've never experienced anyone at my gym enforcing some kind of time limit on equipment.

    I'll try to avoid peak times while I'm still off work and then when I go back I'll just have to put up with it until people drop off...