


  • kgreenRDLDN
    kgreenRDLDN Posts: 248 Member
    I don't like drinking milk. Sometimes I wish I did though. I have a hard time hitting my recommended calcium intake and need to take calcium supplements.

    Calcium isn't needed as much as they try and sell you..............apparently they sold you well.

    Vitamin D is far more important than a recommended RDA of calcium. Sure, some calcium is necessary, but not as much as the FDA recommends.

    There is a family history of osteoporosis in my family and there is a link with vitamin D deficiency and osteoporosis.

    That is because Vitamin D is what helps your body absorb calcium. If you are deficient in Vitamin D (like most people are) then you are much more likely to develop Osteo because you cannot fully absorb the calcium you consume. The calcium Recommendation is actually much more accurate than the Vitamin D recommendation. RDA is 400 IU of Vitamin D a day-however this has been consistently shown in research to be too little. The Calcium RDA is actually very accurate for men and women. Just add an extra 1000/2000 IU Vitamin D to help absorb what you do take it. If you want to be sure your level is good, ask your doctor to tack on a Vitamin D 25-Hydroxy lab test to your next set of blood work and find out where your level stands.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    All this said, I personally do not like white milk...just don't like the taste...but I'll occasionally have some chocolate milk...and when I do drink milk, I drink Horizon organic milk because that's what we buy for my family because we like spending twice as much as necessary for our milk.

    Wait, that isn't why. It's because my pre-teen daughter likes to drink milk and we're trying to minimize the potential impact of the hormones in conventional milk. Does it really matter? Who knows...I like the illusion that it does, and for that reason, I pay double.

    Now if only I could find Horizon organic chocolate *whole* milk instead of the 1% stuff because reduced fat milk makes zero sense to me.

    We're trying to score a decent raw milk source, but that's a little trickier to navigate...or said another way, it's not as convenient as picking up cartons in the grocery store.

    You know the only reason we buy Horizon milk is because that sh-t literally lasts forever!!! Look at the expiration date on those cartons! I've never had a quart go bad on me in fact I just finished one I bought in October. How is it possible what magic is put onto this supposedly organic milk?

    IDK what they do to it but for the money and how slowly we drink milk Horizon is where its at!
  • I found that during most of my weight loss I didn't drink milk, not because I intentionally avoided it, but because it seemed like unnecessary calories when I already ate other dairy products like low fat cheese and yoghurt. It has a lot of carbs for my liking (and my family tend to buy whole milk) , but I use unsweetened almond milk now, a fraction of the calories :3
  • Chizakura
    Chizakura Posts: 29 Member
    I recommend unsweetened almond milk. It's very similar to milk nutrient wise (not exactly the same. The almond milk has more of some things, and less with other things) and only 30 calories for one cup. This is of course, assuming you don't have a nut allergy, heh. Otherwise probably not ;)
  • Amadbro
    Amadbro Posts: 750 Member
    drink it if you like it and it fits in your macros/caloric goal for the day
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,228 Member
    I occasionally drink a glass of plain (low fat) milk.
    I do also use it in coffee and with breakfast cereals.

    But you do not need to drink milk or consume milk at all - many people in the world, especially in non western countries, do not drink animal milk.
    On the other hand, milk is not sugar water (what a silly comment) or some terrible thing for adults to drink - it is just a food that you can have if you want and not if you don't want.
  • Howdoyoufeeltoday
    Howdoyoufeeltoday Posts: 481 Member
    you don't have to drink milk to get it's benefits. Eat yogurt, sour cream, cottage cheese, regular cheese...any dairy will do. and if you don't like any of that then don't eat it. Don't eat what you hate, just find alternatives.
  • TigerBite
    TigerBite Posts: 611 Member
    If you don't really like plain milk, just have some cheese or yogurt, they have the same nutrients ... And sometimes the acr of eating is more satiating than just drinking ...

    ETA: Oops, some one already said this, oh well ... I should have read the replies first ...
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    You can get more calcium from a vitamin and more protein from an egg. Milk is made for babies to gain weight. Dieting people don't need it.

    Protein in egg is at a much higher calorie per gram. Milk is like any other food/drink while dieting. Drink it if you like, just make sure that you have a mixed diet so you get enough micronutrients. Milk fits my macros very well and I drink a lot, whether dieting or not. Just because it is produced by cows for their young, does not magically chance its macronutrient profile.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    OP: if you like it, drink it, if not, then don't. You can get the micro and macronutrients from other sources.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Milk is just sugar water

    Not in the slightest.
  • Wenchiness
    Wenchiness Posts: 126 Member
    Like many others, I am going to urge you to try almond milk. I use the unsweetened for my cereal 30 calories a cup, more calcium than normal milk. The biggest benefit is that, if you are not much of a milk drinker this stuff lasts 6-8 weeks in the fridge. Woot. What really surprised me is that my dairy farm raised husband claimed that "Our official milk is now almond milk", and it only took me 2 years to get him to try it. Although, to be honest, for straight up drinking the dude prefers fully fatted buttermilk. I make him drink it in glasses I can't see through, because ewwwwwwwww. He likes the almond for cereal, dunking and adding chocolate to, or Ovaltine.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Like many others, I am going to urge you to try almond milk. I use the unsweetened for my cereal 30 calories a cup, more calcium than normal milk. The biggest benefit is that, if you are not much of a milk drinker this stuff lasts 6-8 weeks in the fridge. Woot. What really surprised me is that my dairy farm raised husband claimed that "Our official milk is now almond milk", and it only took me 2 years to get him to try it. Although, to be honest, for straight up drinking the dude prefers fully fatted buttermilk. I make him drink it in glasses I can't see through, because ewwwwwwwww. He likes the almond for cereal, dunking and adding chocolate to, or Ovaltine.

    And like, uh, no one else apparently, I'm going to urge you *not* to drink strained almond water...because it's ridiculously overpriced for what it is...and because it's an abomination of nature and WHO should orchestrate a worldwide campaign to eradicate this vile substance.

    Perhaps I should draft a petition to this effect.
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    They get to save 20 whole calories! Wooo!
  • Milk is just sugar water

    How is that so when it has quite a bit of protein and calcium?

    how do you think it gets white?
  • einzweidrei
    einzweidrei Posts: 381 Member
    I love milk so much (and only whole milk) that it will regularly accompany meals (even things like pizza) or I will just come home and down two glasses of it because I am craving it. Mm.

    That is all.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    You can get more calcium from a vitamin and more protein from an egg. Milk is made for babies to gain weight. Dieting people don't need it.
    You don't need the cheese or pizza that's in your ticker either...

    Well, YOU don't.
  • Chizakura
    Chizakura Posts: 29 Member

    Edited out a reply to the person arguing against almond milk. Changed my mind, just don't feel like getting into it.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    They get to save 20 whole calories! Wooo!

  • westendcurls
    westendcurls Posts: 252 Member
    I switched to almond milk for the lower calories. found I stopped getting the painful gas and bloating I had been told was IBS. What a way to find out your lactose intolerant right lol. so yeah it will definitely be a life long switch for me, though I do miss icecream. Yes there are other ways to get the nutrients in milk. If you dont like milk you certainly dont need to force yourself to drink it.