Any Pregnant Ladies on here?



  • sheri02r
    sheri02r Posts: 486 Member
    I'm 36 weeks pregnant today!! Would love some friends who are experiencing the same things that I am! :) Congrats to all you ladies!!!
  • dewsmom78
    dewsmom78 Posts: 498 Member
    Hi! I am 26 weeks pregnant with #2. I was on here quite a bit before I got pregnant, trying to lose the baby weight from having my daughter. I lost all but 10lbs of it. She will be 2 in February.

    I am back on here as of today because I am up 25lbs at 26 weeks. I know I have been going overboard with the holiday sweets, but darn it, that is all I crave! Decided I need to start tracking my food, so I don't gain the 45 I gained with my daughter.

    Feel free to add me! :)
  • Superpowered
    Superpowered Posts: 13 Member
    I am 22 weeks pregnant! Tracking to ensure I eat well and to remind me to exercise.
  • AproMunro
    I feel pregnant today. A bit too early to test but this is how I felt the first time... plus a little nausea, which I did not have last time. Could just be wishful thinking, but I definitely don't feel normal. Maybe I will be joining your ranks again very soon!

    Oh yeah and I gained about 5 pounds in the last week, which also happened last time. Hmmmmmm.....
  • mikaylavega
    mikaylavega Posts: 4 Member
    Hi I am about 10 weeks pregnant with my second baby. Also trying to keep my weight in check with a goal of 25 pound weight gain max (Im pretty short). Last time around I gained 35 and those extra 10 took a long time to get off.
  • jennk5309
    jennk5309 Posts: 206 Member
    Working on getting pregnant! I am kind of afraid of blowing up when I do get pregnant- I lost one a few months ago, and for the few weeks that I was pregnant, I ate and ate and ate.....I was reminded of how much I crave starchy foods when pregnant to combat nausea. I'd like to lose another 10 pounds before I get pregnant and be comfortably within a healthy BMI, but at 38, I don't have time to wait around!

    Good luck with your baby :)