PB2 Recipe Ideas



  • RedAce143
    RedAce143 Posts: 4 Member
    If you do Pinterest, they have a lot of receipes made with PB2.
  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 440 Member
    I mix some in with my Greek yogurt, I put it some of my protein shakes along with frozen strawberries and other frozen berries. I've put it in instant oatmeal as well.

    I made PB2 and chocolate chip yogurt pancakes for breakfast the other morning. I basically used the pancake recipe off a chobani vanilla yogurt container, and added a few tablespoons of PB2 and mini chocolate chips.

    I've made fruit smoothies for the kids using PB2. Coconut/Almond milk, banana, frozen strawberries, frozen blueberries and PB2.
  • superpapa16
    superpapa16 Posts: 244 Member
    I just recently started using PB2. I really enjoy it mixed with water and used as a dip. I've also added it to plain homemade yogurt and to fruit smoothies with plain protein powder.

    Once, because I was in a rush I used 2 Tablespoons of PB2 with 1 scoop of plain, un-flavored, protein powder mixed with about 8 ouces of water. That I do not recommend!

    Check out Bell Plantation's website. There's a whole recipes section.
  • thinnnnnnner
    PB2 was absolutely one of those discoveries that was life changing for me!!! :)

    Seriously. As ridiculous as it might sound it's so true.
  • Sassybecky
    Thanks for all the delicious ideas, keep them coming!
  • tkbronico
    Why PB2??? I guess I will have to check it out because I LOVE peanut butter!!!
  • tmpayton
    tmpayton Posts: 149 Member
  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    I just made some yummy 100-calorie chocolate almond oatmeal balls by mixing together oats, almond butter, chopped dark chocolate, whey protein powder, and enough water to hold it all together. I've never had PB2 but I imagine you could substitute it for the almond butter (with more water).
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    Honestly, tastes pretty good to me on a spoon! Or on a banana. Or as a do-it-yourself peanut butter cup with 2 squares of dark chocolate.
    I frequently use the chocolate PB2 mixed with plain non-fat greek yogurt - seriously yummy!
  • lisa799
    lisa799 Posts: 79 Member
    I love it mixed with yogurt, mixed with almond milk on noodles (yum!!), or just mixed up and eaten with a spoon.
  • rosy003
    rosy003 Posts: 251 Member

    This is from my friend's blog- I know she has other pb2 recipes in her recipe index.
  • cglenden
    I mix it with water and tablespoon of semi sweet choc chips. Such a good treat!
  • NaurielR
    NaurielR Posts: 429 Member
    2 tbsp PB2 mixed with one single serve cup of sugar free chocolate pudding. OMG! Its so thick, creamy, and delicious. You can eat it just like that, but if you put it in the freezer for a bit, it hardens up like ice cream. You can also spread the chocolate peanut butter concoction on graham crackers and top it with sliced bananas. A sprinkle of cinnamon is optional but tasty.
  • jkmiller82
    jkmiller82 Posts: 214 Member
    I made these brownies the other day and mixed PB2 with water (I'll mix it with almond milk next time) and used that instead of the real thing on top (to save calories) I also cut the sugar used down to 3/4 cup. You can eat a 1/9th of the pan for like 130 calories. They were so yummy, almost fudge like.


    I also mix the chocolate PB2 with vanilla yogurt and granola and raspberries in the morning. So yummy.

    I also put cut up overripe bananas in the freezer then throw them in the blender with the chocolate PB2 mixed with a little water and blend until smooth. Peanut butter chocolate banana ice cream.
  • ChiJenn
    ChiJenn Posts: 100 Member
    Sounds yummy!
  • ChiJenn
    ChiJenn Posts: 100 Member
    I discovered if I mix mine with almond milk it tastes MUCH better than mixed with water. Almond milk is pretty low calorie, and you only use a tiny bit, so the fat and calorie content is still way lower than regular full fat peanut butter!

    Yes, completely agree, so nice and creamy with almond milk!

    Excellent idea.
  • blac09
    I got a new blender for Christmas and made a smoothie for a night snack! It was delicious!

    1/4 cup milk (I used whole)
    1/2 banana
    1/2 cup strawberry halves
    1 1/2 tbsp pb2
    1/2 cup ice

    It was so yummy!!!
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I bought some PB2 because everyone raves about it but now I don't know what to do with it! Anyone have any good recipes to share for smoothies, treats, or anything really using PB2 and/or PB2 with chocolate?
    Get rid of it and replace it with real peanut butter? Seriously, the healthiest part of peanuts and peanut butter is the fat, PB2 removed it. So you're eating a highly processed version of something that was processed to remove the healthy part of it. Pointless.
  • cactuswax
    cactuswax Posts: 77 Member
    My favorite sugar-free dessert is pumpkin purée mixed with fage 0%, cinnamon! and topped with 2T of pb2 mixed with almond milk. Pretty low cal, low carb, beta carotene, protein, low fat plus fiber. Definitely a dessert I don't feel guilty eating.. Love pb2. :)
  • nobel99
    nobel99 Posts: 62 Member
    I use PB2 in smoothies: 1 cup almond milk, 1 TBSP of chia seeds, 2 TBSP of PB2 and a frozen banana.... blender/yum :)