


  • SarabearMcD
    SarabearMcD Posts: 9 Member
    I have a Fitbit One and LOVE IT! Its so little and lightweight I forget that I have it on.
  • str8bowbabe
    str8bowbabe Posts: 712 Member
    Hey all

    Just wondering if anyone has a fitbit? Is it helpful? Worth the $130? Please share your reviews.


    Toula :-)

    I just want to say thanks to the OP because I have wondered about fitbits for a while...guess what???!!! Its on its way to me!!!! Should be here in time for my New Years resolution!!! Heck yeah!
  • Tuili
    Tuili Posts: 34 Member
    My husband gave me the One for Christmas. I love it already!
  • rdpapag
    I've had the force less than a week and I'm hooked. Probably picking up the scale today. Take all of my money!!!
  • bellesouth18
    bellesouth18 Posts: 1,070 Member
    I got the fitbit one for Christmas (only $99 and it clips to my bra so it's not visible). So far, I really really like it! It motivates me to not sit around all day!

    This exactly. I got my One last year for Christmas. It has helped me get up and get moving.
  • ohaston
    ohaston Posts: 218 Member
    I BEEN READING ABOUT IT TODAY AND AM EXCITED TO USE IT SOON. Been recovering from a horrible chest (respiratory) situation and am scared to do too much cardio just yet ... but hopefully tomorrow I will be ready to GO!

    Have fun with yours!
  • silverdecadence
    silverdecadence Posts: 1 Member
    I have a Flex and an Aria (just picked up). The Flex is useful in that it gives you an idea of how active you are being over the course of the day. For example, if you've decided to walk 10,000 steps, you can quickly double tap and see, in increments of 20%, how far along you are. This is useful on a daily basis to get you moving. I use it a lot to track my sleep so that I know if I'm sleeping enough (a big issue for me), and how well I'm sleeping. I haven't used the Aria enough to comment on it, but the automatic internet sync removes a barrier for me to check and log my weight. That, in itself, is good enough for me, for now.

    You also get a weekly email of your progress, which is nice. Just keep in mind that the measurements that these devices take are estimates. If you can work with that, then it's worth it. If it needs to be perfect, then, it might not. But since all the measurements are subject to roughly the same levels of approximation, it's good enough for me.
  • rhondadwyer69
    rhondadwyer69 Posts: 74 Member
    LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE my flex! It has kept me motivated to be more active as I see my activity levels increasing all day long.
  • Mylolamia
    Mylolamia Posts: 88 Member
    I credit most of my weight loss and maintenance to my Fitbit One.

    Ditto here as well as MFP. Have had my Fitbit One for 19 months and love it. Wear it 24 hours/day except in shower...not waterproof, although the Flex and Force are said to be. Best little motivational tracker I have ever had!!!
  • Tracie31523
    I just got the FitBit Force for Christmas and I love it! It makes you want to do more activity because you see how many steps you've done in a day, and you want to increase it. It also tracks sleep, steps, and other activity, and tells you how many calories you've burned all day. I really love this new toy!
  • ifaber
    ifaber Posts: 195 Member
    Love Love Love my fitbit force! I check it ALL the time to see how many steps I take, my calorie burn, etc. I find myself just doing random stuff, getting up and walking up and down the stairs just to get some steps in. It definitely will help you if you are a visual/competitive type person or just like the motivation of SEEING your progress and efforts visually. I also like that there is a food plan available so if you want to set it to lose weight, you can chose that option, and it will tell you how many calories you have left and all that jazz! And it works so well with MFP!
  • randrews0407
    randrews0407 Posts: 216 Member
    I got a Fitbit Zip, only $50 on Amazon (a 1/3 of the price of the Nike Fuelband I got as a gift) and OMG, I love it so far. Simple, it syncs with my phone via bluetooth and with MFP and makes the adjustments based on my activity. Its easy to hide, hooks on my bra - so no questions about it - no one knows I have it on but me. Best of all, I don't have to charge it - it uses the same battery as watches. I hated that the Fuelband didn't support MFP or Android devices, that I needed to plug it to my computer every day, their pointless "fuel" algorithm and sorry excuse of a community - all geared toward selling you additional Nike and Apple products.

    I heard great things about the more expensive Fitbit models but for me less is more, I didn't need the sleep monitoring or an extra device to charge all the time.
  • _EndGame_
    _EndGame_ Posts: 770 Member
    I have one, but I never use it anymore.

    It's good in the sense of being a pedometer, but that's all it is really. A glorified pedometer.

    A HRM would be a much better and probably cheaper purchase.
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    I have a Flex .. and love it. Didn't think I would but it is pretty cool.

    The only thing is that I am still tweaking my stride ... as the distance that it calculated was WAY WAY WAY out. I have short legs and do way more steps than the normal person my height. Other than that .. it is pretty cool.

    I think I would like the Force, but the Force is not waterproof, so that makes it a non candidate for me. I am pretty well ok with my Flex so I am fine.

    I think that everyone that is thinking about buying one .. should do so. But for me .. it doesn't make me move more or anything like that .. as I am already very motivated. I just don't move more cause I only have X number of lights.
  • 1Cor1510
    1Cor1510 Posts: 413 Member
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I got a Fitbit Zip, only $50 on Amazon (a 1/3 of the price of the Nike Fuelband I got as a gift) and OMG, I love it so far. Simple, it syncs with my phone via bluetooth and with MFP and makes the adjustments based on my activity. Its easy to hide, hooks on my bra - so no questions about it - no one knows I have it on but me. Best of all, I don't have to charge it - it uses the same battery as watches. I hated that the Fuelband didn't support MFP or Android devices, that I needed to plug it to my computer every day, their pointless "fuel" algorithm and sorry excuse of a community - all geared toward selling you additional Nike and Apple products.

    I heard great things about the more expensive Fitbit models but for me less is more, I didn't need the sleep monitoring or an extra device to charge all the time.

    Same here. I have a 1 year old so if I get sleep then I am happy. Damn teeth!!! I ordered my zip yesterday and cant wait to use it!!
  • StevenKHubbard
    It is absolutely worth the money!

    I've been using mine for nearly a year and a half now. I've upped my goals consistently. I'm sleeping better. And I've lost weight. AND all that progress has been tracked.
  • NetmanNH
    I have the fitbit one .. I really like it .. it links with MFP and is a really good way to keep track of your everyday walking and activity!
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    i just purchased a FitBit One with the Aria scale. That was my Christmas present to myself
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I prefer the BodyMedia.