I want new RUNNING friends

I love people who run! I have been running for 3 years steadily now and do lot's of races everything from 5k's to full marathons. My favorite distance is halfs and I am a Half fanatic! Would love to meet more half fanatics or people who love to run and also are trying to watch their weight. Add me if you run!


  • schmenge55
    schmenge55 Posts: 745 Member
    Invite sent
  • southerndream24
    southerndream24 Posts: 303 Member
    Just added you!! I love having new runner friends!
  • bubbaduts
    bubbaduts Posts: 196 Member
    Yay Loving the new friends!
  • candicelh79
    candicelh79 Posts: 42 Member
    I'm fairly new to running, but really love it. I run 3 to 4 times over week...feel free to add me.
  • Daisy471
    Daisy471 Posts: 409 Member
    Request sent!
  • Deadlay
    Deadlay Posts: 135 Member
    Just started seriously running this summer and normally do a 5k twice a week and managed one 10k this summer.

    Been on a bit of a break this month and with the weather seems I'll be on a treadmill for the rest of the winter.

    Feel free to add.
  • sueozzy
    sueozzy Posts: 68 Member
    I run almost every day looking for more running motivators as we'll please add me!
  • A_Warrior_Princess
    A_Warrior_Princess Posts: 344 Member
    Add me! I have been running for almost a year. Completed my first half marathon a few months ago and had my best time ever. During inclement weather I run on the dreadmill but on the weekends I try to get out for a long run. I lift weights 4x per week too to balance my running! Love another motivating friend!
  • bubbaduts
    bubbaduts Posts: 196 Member
    Any other Runners out there?
  • sandywerks
    sandywerks Posts: 94 Member
    Not a gifted runner, but plugging away trying to keep up with my hubby. :) I've done 3 5Ks, challenging myself to finish a half at the end of April. Just coming back from a 3 week hamstring injury but I did not give up! Request on it's way.
  • EandA85
    EandA85 Posts: 63 Member
    I run! More of an treadmill/classes girl currently but planning to pick it back up in the spring. Hopefully a couple 5Ks, a 10K and maybe a half in the fall.
  • kbolton322
    kbolton322 Posts: 358 Member
    I love to run.. I'm getting back at it starting this week..
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    Another runner here and I love have running friends, feel free to send over a friend request :smile:
  • Samenamenewlook
    Samenamenewlook Posts: 296 Member
    I started running with a Couch to 5K group in June. I'm now training for my first Half in February. I'm not a great runner, but I'm running 3 days a week and always looking for others that enjoy running!
  • jenn26point2
    jenn26point2 Posts: 429 Member
    Hey everyone! Feel free to add me.

    I run 3-4 times a week. I've run 10 half marathons, one 25k, one 20k, one 15k, one 10k, and countless 5k's. I'm currently training for my first marathon to take place in March - Bataan Memorial Death March.
  • hevhoyda
    hevhoyda Posts: 146 Member
    Request sent! Congrats on your running success. I've also done 6 half marathons and am signed up for my first full next May in Cleveland. I would also love more running friends please feel free to add!
  • dandj13
    dandj13 Posts: 7 Member
    Fellow runner here! On and off for years but more serious about it this past year. Planning my 1st half in May!
  • Nomatterhowsmall
    Nomatterhowsmall Posts: 17 Member
    Hey runners! I started running in the fall of 2012 with the couch to 5k running program. Since then I have completed 4-5ks, but want to push past that this next year. I am registering for an 8k in April...slow and steady. I would love some runner friends. Any advice on extending your distance or training? Thanks!
  • Nomatterhowsmall
    Nomatterhowsmall Posts: 17 Member
    I run and hope to complete a half marathon sometime soon. I'll add you! :D
  • ***Attention*** HI! ha, I too am looking for running friends. I finally finisehed my first C25K this year. I've started 4 of them but thanks to a local runnign group I actually finished one AND on the second 5k I got my goal (and new PR) a sub 30 mn 5k (29:20). The head of the local running group said (and is pushing me) to do a half marathon on March 15th. YIKES!!!....
    Looking for friends and running advice and encouragement. Please feel free to add me as well.
