How do YOU do it?



  • DeterminedToLoseIt02
    I'm very new to this, I've only been at it a month but I've been eating pretty much whatever. Sometimes it's healthy, sometimes not so healthy. I would like to eat healthy because I find that I feel good when I do but that won't stop me from enjoying a bag of cnips, or a cookie every now and then.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    It's whatever, as long as I get enough protein and it fits into my calorie goal.

    GMOs and processed foods are yummy.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Do you eat whatever, and I mean whatever, (chips, soda, crackers, cake, full fat coffee creamer, etc) just a deficit and have succesuflly lost weight?
    Or sticking more to healthy, unproccessed, lof fat.. or what not?

    Just wondering.
    I eat what I want when I want and just stick to a calorie deficit. I lost 34 pounds this way.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    to those who eat whatever and whenever but within caloric limit, I guess you guys either don't eat very much to begin with or you don't really have bad eating habit with junk foods. :)
  • drcherokee
    I'm proof that you can eat whatever you want and lose 70 pounds of weight as long as you're at a deficit.

    The only kicker is that you must METICULOUS count calories, as I have done. This is especially true if you're new to this and don't have a good feel for calories or knowing how to properly estimate them. Don't underestimate calories or overestimate exercise (if you exercise, get a heart rate monitor which monitors your gross calories burned). Very calorie-dense foods are easy to underestimate! Get a digital scale. When measuring a serving, weigh it to be safe. Volume can be inaccurate.

    As others have said, eat right to lose weight. Exercise for fitness, not mainly to lose weight (although it does give you extra calories in your budget).

    Though it sounds unhealthy, TV dinners and precounted fast food (like a chicken sandwich) make it easier. For instance, a Wendy's Spicy Chicken Sandwich is 540 calories. Each time you get one, it may be more or less, but if you eat it fairly often it's going to average out. It's not perfect, but it works.

    As long as I meet my caloric budget for the day, I eat whatever I want. It does take planning and forethought. Some people do a weekly quota for more flexibility, but I try to make sure I meet it daily. Some days will be better than others, and it's okay to go over a bit occasionally. I view MyFitnessPal as less of a diet and more of a way of life...this is for the long-term. It shouldn't be super perfect one day vs. binging the next. Be's a marathon.

    What's great about calorie counting and not paying as much attention to carbs/proteins/fats is that it gives you CONTROL and CHOICE at the same time. But, of course, lots of carbs for instance may make you HUNGRIER, so it's good not to eat a lot of carbs for reasons like that, not necessarily specifically anti-carb reasons.
  • nseantae
    nseantae Posts: 29 Member
    I eat what I wanted at first, then I realized I needed to stay under 1200 calories. So I still ate what I wanted but when I got to 1200 calories for the day I was done. So if I ate 4 snickers that was 1000 calories I would only have enough for a small salad with 2 turkey slices and no dressing. needless to say I got tired of that and now I eat less sweets so I am able to have more food. but Either way works.. Ive seen people only eat snickers and diet Pepsi and lose weight. (not recommended)
  • lau444
    lau444 Posts: 120 Member
    I eat whatever I want, just not all the time. I try to stick to my macros as closely as possible, which keeps me from feeling hungry and binging. Funny thing is, ever since I became more conscious about my eating, what I WANT to eat has started to change. I actually crave veggies now. Go figure.
  • nseantae
    nseantae Posts: 29 Member
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Do you eat whatever, and I mean whatever, (chips, soda, crackers, cake, full fat coffee creamer, etc) just a deficit and have succesuflly lost weight?
    Or sticking more to healthy, unproccessed, lof fat.. or what not?

    Just wondering.

    I keep it healthy for the most part but allow myself a treat everyday. I usually save 100-200 calories for something sinfully delicious. This is a lifestyle for me, not a diet, I try not to categorize foods as 'good' or 'bad'. I keep everything in moderation, nothing is off limits. Full fat coffee creamer heck yea....but NOT 5 cups of calorie laden coffee a day, I'll stick with one cup prepared the way I love it...I keep it in moderation. My soda of choice is diet, one can a day.

    Find your calorie goal and stick to it. Reward yourself in moderation!
  • _runbitchrun
    _runbitchrun Posts: 205 Member
    Thank you for posting this, its nice to see not everyone loses weight from drinking protein shakes and salads. I like realistic. :)
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    to those who eat whatever and whenever but within caloric limit, I guess you guys either don't eat very much to begin with or you don't really have bad eating habit with junk foods. :)


    It reminds me of when I ate pescetarian for awhile (1 year) and realized my husband's friend lost like 60 lb from making just that one change. I didn't see the sudden/drastic loss from cutting meat, but I NEVER ate much meat. Meanwhile this guy ate tons of fast food burgers, chicken, as well as wings, steak, etc. So for him it made a huge impact quickly.
  • dtimedwards
    dtimedwards Posts: 319 Member
    to those who eat whatever and whenever but within caloric limit, I guess you guys either don't eat very much to begin with or you don't really have bad eating habit with junk foods. :)

    No. I just find out ways to make it work. If I'm going out to a big dinner and/or drinking, I make damn sure I spend an extra hour or two hiking, snowshoeing, running etc. I've been to plenty of 7-8 course beer or wine pairing dinners and for the most part maintained my daily deficit. If I've sat on my *kitten* all day, I don't get to drink beer, I don't get dessert, and I'm eating plain old grilled chicken and dry salad in my lonely apartment.

    I've also figured out the things I really want. I don't waste calories on french fries... unless I'm at a place that has awesome french fries. I don't mindlessly eat bread, but if I'm at a lace that has great bread...
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    to those who eat whatever and whenever but within caloric limit, I guess you guys either don't eat very much to begin with or you don't really have bad eating habit with junk foods. :)

    No. I just find out ways to make it work. If I'm going out to a big dinner and/or drinking, I make damn sure I spend an extra hour or two hiking, snowshoeing, running etc. I've been to plenty of 7-8 course beer or wine pairing dinners and for the most part maintained my daily deficit. If I've sat on my *kitten* all day, I don't get to drink beer, I don't get dessert, and I'm eating plain old grilled chicken and dry salad in my lonely apartment.

    I've also figured out the things I really want. I don't waste calories on french fries... unless I'm at a place that has awesome french fries. I don't mindlessly eat bread, but if I'm at a lace that has great bread...

    You aren't really saying anything opposite from my point. :) you do have a pretty good eating habit.

    my earlier point was that if someone can eat whatever and whenever and still within a small calorie limit, this person either eats very small amount of food or simply doesn't eat much of those junk foods which usually aren't very fulfilling and calorie dense. :bigsmile:
  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
  • F00LofaT00K
    F00LofaT00K Posts: 688 Member
    Do you eat whatever, and I mean whatever, (chips, soda, crackers, cake, full fat coffee creamer, etc) just a deficit and have succesuflly lost weight?
    Or sticking more to healthy, unproccessed, lof fat.. or what not?

    Just wondering.

    I eat a whole lot less of whatever I want. I don't do low calorie/low sugar/diet stuff. I eat full fat dairy and REAL sugar (except sodas... sugar sodas make me feel ill). I aim to at least meet (or exceed) my fat, fiber and protein goals. The snacks that I eat usually make up enough of the carbs. I've been losing weight steadily even though I eat what I want. If it doesn't fit in my macros, I go to sleep knowing that I can have it tomorrow if I still want it.
  • dtimedwards
    dtimedwards Posts: 319 Member

    You aren't really saying anything opposite from my point. :) you do have a pretty good eating habit.

    I've forced it (learned it?) upon myself. Without seeing the numbers, I'd eat all the food, all the time.
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    Way to addicted to simple carbs to eat what I want and still maintain control. Using MFP helps me see all the empty calories that prevent me from achieving deficit. Severe restrictions on food made with ground grains has cut my cravings. I am a pasta and fried food junkie but candy is meaningless to me. A snickers bar will rot in my fridge. I don't have self control issues with candy....but I could scarf a Super Bowl of pho and 4 fresh rolls with a Thai tea 3 x a day. 3 wks ago I had 3 tsp of Pad Thai and for 2 days I fought the cravings hour by hour. I would cruise the fridge and pantry looking at food. Scared me straight. Realized that there was no point in reincorporating the problem foods into my new lifestyle. Your relationship with food will determine whether you can just control intake of junk food or not.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    I had to cut carbs drastically, I don't metabolize them well. I stopped eating low fat foods & went with salads, soups & meats (sans sugar & starches).

    Absolutely no sugar & starch...this means different things to different people I've noticed, I had to lean to the extreme. I do best with foods that are as minimally processed as possible.

    Anyhow, that's what worked for me :drinker:

    ETA: I don't count calories or limit the amount of what I eat as long as I stay within the confines of the no sugar/no starch thing
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    I eat what I like, so I do use coffee creamer, eat chips, drink diet soda, have fast food, etc. I try not to eat terribly all the time but I lost my weight by exercising and having a calorie deficit! (I've lost 65 pounds in total so my ticker isn't accurate).
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I try and eat to match my macros, not fussed how I go about it. I'm particularly keen on hitting my protein levels. At the end of the day I want to come out of this lean and fit - rather than just thin :-)