HELP im lazy and want advice!

I am very lazy but ready to change it. Im 22 years old and have never really gotten into exersizing. I need some ideas of
1, fun ways to exersize
2. any great exersizes
3. great support groups that are actually active
I really dont know anything about exersizing. My family has always been couch potatoes. I cant go to a gym because the closest one is over 20 miles one way from my house and I cant afford the gas money babysitter money and membership money. I dont much care for the exersize videos either.
I truly appriciate any and all advise/help!
So excited I am now able to get into the Message Boards and start recieving Great Support!
Thank You!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • bearkisses
    bearkisses Posts: 1,252 Member
    I really enjoy classes, but since you are on a budget maybe you can download some apps instead. Try fitocracy or Nike Training Club.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    What do you like to do besides sit on the couch? Do you like to walk, play any sports, dance? Find something that gets you up and moving that you enjoy.

    I found I love to get on my bike and just ride, I forget about everything else and just focus on myself. I also found I love lifting it's a great stress reliever, and a punching bag is fun especially if my husband is annoying me
  • kelseyjsnyder
    kelseyjsnyder Posts: 219 Member
    Well I love riding my bike as well i hate the cold weather though cause my body starts ACHING being outside and I really am in need of something I can do with a 4 Year old with me.
    I have asked my husband to buy me a treadmill(even if it is a cheap $200 from walmart) because i like to walk (again not in the cold) but he thinks it is a waste of money. When we lived near a gym he said the same thing though that it was a waste of money because we can go outside and it can be our gym.
  • kelseyjsnyder
    kelseyjsnyder Posts: 219 Member
    I really enjoy classes, but since you are on a budget maybe you can download some apps instead. Try fitocracy or Nike Training Club.

    Thanks ill look those up when i get off work today
  • kelseyjsnyder
    kelseyjsnyder Posts: 219 Member
    and a punching bag is fun especially if my husband is annoying me

    LOL thats hilarious
  • AndyRogan
    AndyRogan Posts: 195 Member
    Download some music onto your phone/ipod, and get out walking.
    The music will distract you so you don't feel bored, and the beats will encourage you to keep going.

    Once you get going, it gets easier
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Well I love riding my bike as well i hate the cold weather though cause my body starts ACHING being outside and I really am in need of something I can do with a 4 Year old with me.
    I have asked my husband to buy me a treadmill(even if it is a cheap $200 from walmart) because i like to walk (again not in the cold) but he thinks it is a waste of money. When we lived near a gym he said the same thing though that it was a waste of money because we can go outside and it can be our gym.

    If you love riding a bike but can't take the cold you can get an inexpensive stationary bike. Or you want to do something with your 4 year old, put on some music and get up and dance around the house for 30 minutes. It's only a waste of money if you don't use it, but if you use it think of how much you are saving in doctor visits later.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    check into crossfit training online. Short bursts of different exercises to keep you interested, and you mentally know you only have a few reps to get through each part and then on to the next. You can do them at home. Buy some light hand weight and use them not just for your arms but when you are doing squats and lunges too. Resistance bands are fairly inexpensive, easy to use at home.
  • april1445
    TRY 30 DAY SHRED!!! Level 1 is free on YouTube--it's challenging, time efficient, motivating, and makes a difference pretty quickly. It will get you going to start other things. Jillian Michaels is very good at her job.
  • trijoe
    trijoe Posts: 729 Member
    In a way you answered your own question. You must find something you like to do. It's pretty much that simple. If you don't know what you like to do, then as sarcastic as this sounds? You now get the joy of figuring yourself out! WOOT!!!

    I was in your shoes about 7 or 8 years ago. Couldn't do the gym, don't much enjoy weight training, and had 3 very young children at home while my wife worked shamefully long hours. What to do what to do.

    I got a used 3 seat walking stroller, loaded the children into it, and just started walking. We also got a used treadmill (you'd be surprised what you can find on ebay and craig's list). I'd get the children situated where I could see them, turn on some music, then walk on the treadmill. Or load them in the stroller and go out into The Great Outdoors.

    Just the simple act of walking. I took to it. Eventually I sped the treadmill up and started jogging. A few months later, as I had my walking routine down solid, we bought a used stationary bike. I took to that, too. Before too long, it's a year or so later, I'd lost roughly 50 pounds, and my wife celebrated by buying us matching bikes.

    Things kept progressing, and before I knew it, I was signing up for local running and triathlon races. I've clearly found my joy. Truth is, a day without a workout is a day when I feel uncomfortable. Some days, there's just nothing better on Earth than a bike ride. But it all started with those simple joyful walks.

    I have a motto: "If it's not fun, I'm not doing it." I live and breathe it. You can do the same. But like you said, you have to figure out what you like to do. Experiment. There is a wide world of activities open to you. I wish you well discovering which activities bring you joy.
  • rie_q
    rie_q Posts: 73
    Zombies, Run is a great running game. It plays in between music tracks and keeps me entertained.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Walking and Hiking did WONDERS for me. I also found Zumba to be really fun.

    You just have to try all sorts of things and see what you like/what holds your attention.
  • kelseyjsnyder
    kelseyjsnyder Posts: 219 Member
    I actually bought 30 day shred and tried to do it but i live in a trailor and everytime i did a jumping jack or anything my stuff was falling off the walls and the house was shaking and i kept hitting the cealing* fan with my head and hands(owweee lol) but i did enjoy it when i could do it. I tried rearranging my living room to make it so i could do it in a different area and it didnt work :(
  • nklp
    nklp Posts: 62 Member

    If you love riding a bike but can't take the cold you can get an inexpensive stationary bike. Or you want to do something with your 4 year old, put on some music and get up and dance around the house for 30 minutes. It's only a waste of money if you don't use it, but if you use it think of how much you are saving in doctor visits later.

    ^^ THIS :) Health is priceless, and teaching your 4 year old how to be active is such an important lesson! Dancing with your kid is great fun and great for both of you - you can also try to join in with games like tag, or invite his friends round and play stuck in the mud. When I was very little my mum used to take me swimming, too, which I loved back then, but I know it's hard getting into a swimming costume now we're old enough for body worries!

    I hate exercise too, and I'm very very out of shape, so I'm starting small and working my way up to where I want to be. This is my 'exercise calendar' for 2013/2014:

    December = 30 day squat challenge

    January = 30 day ab challenge (doing 250 squats additionally every day)

    February = 30 day arm challenge (doing 250 squats, 2 minutes planking, 200 crunches, and 65 leg raises additionally every day)

    March = Pop Pilates 4 week challenge for beginners

    April = 30 day shred

    May = Couch to 5k challenge (while doing 30 mins of blogilates every day)

    June = Stay devoted to running, work on speed, stamina and distance (while doing 30 mins of blogilates every day)

    July = Keep pushing yourself and aim to get to 8k comfortably (while doing 30 mins of blogilates every day)

    By August I want to =
    - Do 60 mins of Pop Pilates every other day.
    - Run 5 miles every other day (in 30 minutes or less)
    + Climb Ben Nevis
    + Do a 10K run.
  • Wilhellmina
    Wilhellmina Posts: 757 Member
    Well I love riding my bike as well i hate the cold weather though cause my body starts ACHING being outside and I really am in need of something I can do with a 4 Year old with me.
    I have asked my husband to buy me a treadmill(even if it is a cheap $200 from walmart) because i like to walk (again not in the cold) but he thinks it is a waste of money. When we lived near a gym he said the same thing though that it was a waste of money because we can go outside and it can be our gym.

    Despite of what your husband says, what do you think? I can't imagine he's the only one who decides? After all we are talking here about your well being. Hospitals bills are more expensive and if they could have been prevented a true waste!
  • kelseyjsnyder
    kelseyjsnyder Posts: 219 Member
    Thanks everyone! Is there any inexpensive equipment/stuff that could help?
    Things ive thought of:
    walking/running shoes
    headphones for my phone(for music)(and then from there good ways to play music on a android smartphone preferably free)
    journal for logging everything(i plan to use MFP and also hand log it all)
    treadmill or stationary bike(if i can talk the hubby into it or find one very cheap)
  • kelseyjsnyder
    kelseyjsnyder Posts: 219 Member
    Walking and Hiking did WONDERS for me. I also found Zumba to be really fun.

    You just have to try all sorts of things and see what you like/what holds your attention.

    I have heard people mention Zumba but have no idea what it is. What is zumba?

    also I have no internet at home so anything involving a computer and stuff is out i can only sometimes get my cellphone to work at home.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    You can get an exercise bike for under $100 at walmart. Or check craigslist.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Walking and Hiking did WONDERS for me. I also found Zumba to be really fun.

    You just have to try all sorts of things and see what you like/what holds your attention.

    I have heard people mention Zumba but have no idea what it is. What is zumba?

    also I have no internet at home so anything involving a computer and stuff is out i can only sometimes get my cellphone to work at home.

    Zumba is a form of Dance that's geared specifically for exercise. It's mostly like Salsa/Merengue moves and the like, usually set to latin music, but if you search for zumba on youtube, you'll find all sorts of dances that include like Shakira, Pitbull, Black Eyed Peas, etc. It's alot of fun and burns the calories.

    EDITED to add, there's Xbox and Wii Zumba games to play as well if you have those gaming systems.... not sure about Playstation.
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    There is a child's song called "Head Shoulders Knees and Toes" love doing that song. While it might not build muscles for you it will at least get you moving...if done fast enough...a little cardio.

    I have joint and stomach issues which prevent me from doing a lot of things. What I did however was find things that worked for me. I have a couple of yoga stretching hour long videos that I alternate every morning. I use resistance bands for upper body and researched muscle and joint strengthening exercises until I found enough to put together a routine.

    I started out walking until it caused more hip problems. I now use a home rower (inexpensive at around $140) that I love. Most of my cardio comes from that.

    In some research can get confusing...but just keep working until you find what you can do.

    BTW I also ran found a few seated cardio routines that I am going to add. This way I can change up my cardio without pounding my joints.