Any 5" woman have success stories and or pics?



  • spaceyplum
    spaceyplum Posts: 54 Member
    Hi everyone! First off, reading this post has been super inspiring!!!

    I'm 5'1" and started out my weight loss journey in March of this year at 140lbs. I think the heaviest I've ever been is around 148-150 but I had managed to get down to 116-118 around 3 1/2 years ago but slowly gained it all back. When I got to the point where I could barely button my size 8P's I realized I had to get myself back in control. I started with C25K in March and didn't look back. I originally started logging my calories with another site and reached the 130 mark by May but went on vacation and got back up to 136 and lost motivation once more. Switched to MFP at my brothers suggestion back in August and it has really made a difference. I'm down to 123 and only five pounds away from my UGW of 118lbs and I have done it without starving myself, just kept track of my calories and exercised consistently. It was important to me to do this realistically this time out so I have not cut out any of my favorite foods or done a strict diet. I love bread, chocolate and ice cream and I find that restricting anything tends to backfire on me so now I have everything I like to eat, just in moderation. I was hoping I'd reach 118 by the end of the year but I'm okay with not doing so since I met my other goal which was to fit back into my "skinny" clothes. I'm down to the 4P's I had stashed in my closet so now I want to concentrate on getting stronger and toning up my body. I lost the bulk of the weight running and I've come to really enjoy it this year. When I first started I could barely run 5 minutes without losing my breath and now I can run over a 100 miles a month which feels like a major accomplishment. Considering the weather is too crappy to run on a regular basis right now I've started to concentrate on using my body weight to tone and will be adding weightlifting into my routine next month. It doesn't happen overnight but you can definitely do this... Slow and steady wins the race :)
  • crunchy_runner
    crunchy_runner Posts: 23 Member
    I'm 5'0" and am trying to lose about 10-15 lbs. When I tell people that I am trying to lose weight, I get that "you're crazy, you don't need to lose weight" look. I think many people fail to take our height into consideration. Little do they know that I have handfuls of fat around my stomach area and my thighs that I can grab. Just by the average person looking at me, I do not look like I have any weight to lose. 105 lbs has been my comfortable weight and is my current goal. I"m currently 115 lbs and currently working on losing it. I'm struggling a bit with the holidays and with my issues with binge eating. I'm trying to find that drive and motivation so I can reach my goal!
  • sola24
    sola24 Posts: 334 Member
    I'm 5'0" and am trying to lose about 10-15 lbs. When I tell people that I am trying to lose weight, I get that "you're crazy, you don't need to lose weight" look. I think many people fail to take our height into consideration. Little do they know that I have handfuls of fat around my stomach area and my thighs that I can grab. Just by the average person looking at me, I do not look like I have any weight to lose. 105 lbs has been my comfortable weight and is my current goal. I"m currently 115 lbs and currently working on losing it. I'm struggling a bit with the holidays and with my issues with binge eating. I'm trying to find that drive and motivation so I can reach my goal!

    You could have just been me!! I am 5ft and now I am around 52kgs and people keeps on telling me I look okay now.. I dont need to lose.. But like you I can grab the fat off my tummy and legs.. and I would ideally want to lose 5kgs more and atleast built a toned look,.. really difficult with the amount of calorie we can consume.. :-/
  • blankney94
    Hi - I'm 5'3" and at the start of October I was 142lb (64kg). I was starting to feel uncomfortable in my jeans, so I decided to do something about it. The first few days were horrendous as I cleaned up my diet. I had headaches and lethargy. Ridding my diet of Cola and excess sodium have certainly helped me.

    Now 2.5 months later I'm 128lb (58kg). Lost 14lb. I could have lost weight faster if I hadn't torn my calf muscle. I'm really happy with my success, and my clothes fit a lot better for summer.

    I would like to take off another 4 or 5lb and then see how I feel about going further. It has to be realistic and able to be maintained.
  • redlipsticklyfe
    redlipsticklyfe Posts: 164 Member
    Not quite 5' I'm actually 5'2 with a CW of 131 and a GW of 125. I'm not rushing the weight off anymore though. I've figured out my TDEE and my macros and I'm going to let my body lose the weight in its own time. I've recently (Monday) started strength training and I'm excited to see what that does for my body too.
  • loriq41
    loriq41 Posts: 479 Member
    Started at 164.4 and am down to 122.8...about 8ish more to can do it!
  • MrsElguapo
    MrsElguapo Posts: 25 Member
    I am 5'2" and I started at 194 and am currently at 169. Weight has been a struggle for me for many years, lots of yo-yoing up and down. MFP has been a great tool for me. There are days when I don't log my food or exercise but I still log my weight and measurements which helps me stay on track. We are in this together!!!
  • amandastephens9003
    I'm 4'11, 31 years and just had a baby in March. I currently weigh 153
    Between 2007 and 2012 i weighed anywhere from 142-168 pounds.

    My goal weight is 100-110

    Wish me luck that 2014 will be my year!
  • azlifah95
    azlifah95 Posts: 177 Member
    Let me try to convert the metric system here. HAHA!
    I'm about 5''1, 155cm actually, and I started in January 2013. I was 169lbs back then. It was my heaviest that I've ever been at and I had a pretty ****ty year. I lost my best friend, I didn't get into a school that I really wanted and my brother went to another country to serve the army. I'm very close with my brother so that hit me pretty hard. I didn't have a support system.
    My wake up call was when I saw this dress that I bought a few months ago and I swore to myself that one day, I'll be able to fit it in. I wanted to be fit and healthy subliminally to prove to myself that all hope is not lost. I wanted to feel happy again. All those people who put me down, I threw all my motivation in exercise.
    Watching the biggest loser helped too. LOL

    Slowly but surely, with the help of Jillian Michael's 30 day shred and FitnessBlender, both highly recommended, I persevered. Instead of looking for results every day and beating myself over it, I calculated inches lost and weight loss every week. I compared to what I was able to do physically a week before to a week after and it helped tremendously. Getting fit is such a mental process. Look at the bright side of everything and you'll get fitter, I guarantee it.

    To the actual loss of weight, I am now currently 149lbs. I've lost a total of 20lbs in the span of 11 months. It's a huge accomplishment for me seeing that what I could learn with getting fit, I got it on the internet and since I'm a full-time student and part-time worker, it's definitely was not easy.

    I hope this helps for you to find motivation. :)
    Remember that it's a step by step process and you will gain a pound or two when you feel demotivated but rest assured if you don't give up after gaining that pound or two, what you lose and gain in the process will be much more worth it.

    Sorry, I don't have pictures yet.
  • tiggsnanny
    tiggsnanny Posts: 366 Member
    I love reading peoples success stories, very inspirational :)
  • Wilhellmina
    Wilhellmina Posts: 757 Member

    I'm 5'1 and 21 years old. I started out 4 and a half months ago at 271 and am currently at 220.5. I still have 91 pounds to go, but I'm so thankful for the 50lb loss!

    Here is the fifty pound difference:

    Way to go girl! Before you know it you're slim and sexy!
  • RedRita32
    RedRita32 Posts: 321 Member
  • JojoEffeckt164
    JojoEffeckt164 Posts: 146 Member
    (Sorry for my language mistakes. I´m not a native speaker)

    To all of you who posted pictures: GREAT! You all look wonderfull.
    I also really liked the post from azlifah95. Very honest and hearttouching story.

    I´ve just started losing weight and right now I´m getting extreamly good results. The plan is to lose about 1lbs each week. right now I´m losing about 4lbs each week for some misterious reason.

    For motivation: psychologywise motivation always needs to come from yourself. Here a few common methods how to increase motivation

    - think about why you want to lose weight, write it on a big sheet of paper and put it on a place where you can see it every day
    - imagine very detailed how it will be when you have reached your aim! professional athletes use that technic by imagine how it will be to reach the goal.
    - Get a nice dress right one size smaller than you fit in right now and put it on a place where you can see it. By summer you will fit into that dress!
    - Try to find a friend who wants to lose weight with you. That way you can motivate each other and stick to it! You can also make appointments for sports.

    As azlifah95 I also recomment Jilian Michels. You can find a full workout on youtube ( I have to admit though that I did it yesterday for the first time and I still feel like crap! :sick: unsporty, every muscle hurts, tired.....) I guess I´m not ready for this right now. But I will try in 4 weeks again :laugh:

    I hope I could help you a lil bit
    Greetings from Germany
  • happieharpie
    happieharpie Posts: 229 Member
    5'4" but very small frame. Started at about 260, haven't felt as well in MANY years. Doing fun things I thought I had given up FOREVER, but now I can do them and enjoy them again. SO CAN YOU!
  • Dreamsfly
    I want to say congrats to everyone. It's a real feat to lose weight, in a healthy way. Don't let anyone tell you you don't need to lose weight. I am at a pretty healthy weight, but I'm used to being more toned, so need to lose about 25 pounds of fat and gain about 10 of muscle. People say I look great. I know what my body is capable of. I know what my great look is. No one but you knows that. As long as you have a healthy mindset, you are the one to determine where you are comfortable weight wise.'

    So continue along with what you're doing. Lose the weight. I just started the Venus Factor 3 weeks ago. I've lost about 5 pounds. I feel much lighter already, I'm more toned already, and I am already happier. I am using a supplement that I found at to help the fat burning hormone, Leptin, burn the fat efficiently to get better, faster results.

    So, know your goal and what is healthy for you. The calculator says my optimum is between 118 and 143. When I was toned to the max, and in amazing shape, I was 135. Anything lower than that, I look anorexic. So, know you. A calculator can give you guidance, but you are the one to make the ultimate decisions.

    To a HAPPY New Year!
  • CeeCeeMee
    CeeCeeMee Posts: 356 Member
    I'm 5' 1/2" (on a good day) and am 51 years old. On January 3rd of this year I weighed 199.6 and thought "NO WAY!"

    I didn't hear about MFP until April and joined right away. Over the past 260+ days I've managed to get my weight down to 155, so a 44 pound loss, over 41 inches overall, and I've dropped from a XL and 16/18 women's petite to a Medium and 12 (almost 10) slacks! I still want to lose at least 10-15 pounds more through.

    MFP has me on a 1470 calorie restriction and I usually do keep between 1200 - 1400 calories a day. I have my activity level at "Lightly Active" but try not to eat back any extra calories earned by exercise.

    I don't know for sure if these pics will load alright, but here are some before, during and after pics so far.
  • Maryaly40
    Maryaly40 Posts: 551 Member
    I'm 5'0" and am trying to lose about 10-15 lbs. When I tell people that I am trying to lose weight, I get that "you're crazy, you don't need to lose weight" look. I think many people fail to take our height into consideration. Little do they know that I have handfuls of fat around my stomach area and my thighs that I can grab. Just by the average person looking at me, I do not look like I have any weight to lose. 105 lbs has been my comfortable weight and is my current goal. I"m currently 115 lbs and currently working on losing it. I'm struggling a bit with the holidays and with my issues with binge eating. I'm trying to find that drive and motivation so I can reach my goal!

    Can I ask how many calories you eat and how much exercise each day? I'm 5' and stuggling so badly :(
  • nikkidar3al3st
    I started off 177 and I am now 146 my goal weight is 130 though I'm 5'1 also at the beginning if the week I started gnc women's ripped vitapak to help to be up as I lose the last few lbs can't tell you how good it feels to be close to my goal so just do it is all I can say
  • gsdz4me
    gsdz4me Posts: 66 Member
    Hi! I am just over 5ft tall. In October 2012 I was 100.6kg (221.78 lbs). I joined MFP after being told about it from someone who is now a great friend and support when I wanted to look at the food side of things after I had increased my exercise so started here in Dec 2012 and my weight then was 96.2kg (212 lbs). My main exercise is walking. I own two German shepherd dogs and walk them separately. I am now at between 58 - 59kg (127 - 130lbs) and on maintenance.
    It has been a long journey but I have made heaps of friends, improved my fitness and health and gained heaps of confidence as well. I am really enjoying my new found freedom, walking and the relationships with my two dogs who thrive on the one and one attention and are my biggest motivation to keep up the walking. I have participated over the year in two 10km walks and a half marathon.
    Before this journey I would get out of bed in the morning stiff and sore and feel like I was 25 years older than I am. Not now, I have a spring in my step and seldom take any pain relief or anti-inflammatory tablets for my arthritic knees. I am enjoying life. Wish I had done it sooner but I am grasping the opportunities gained with both hands now and leaping back into life so for all you out there, you can do this and look at every small step taken, a goal achieved towards the big goal and grab the opportunity of the support and what you get out it with both hands, this is your life, take control and enjoy it. Here is a before and photo my friend did for me from the photos I sent her.
  • Swehl
    Swehl Posts: 138 Member
    Hi! I am just over 5ft tall. In October 2012 I was 100.6kg (221.78 lbs). I joined MFP after being told about it from someone who is now a great friend and support when I wanted to look at the food side of things after I had increased my exercise so started here in Dec 2012 and my weight then was 96.2kg (212 lbs). My main exercise is walking. I own two German shepherd dogs and walk them separately. I am now at between 58 - 59kg (127 - 130lbs) and on maintenance.
    It has been a long journey but I have made heaps of friends, improved my fitness and health and gained heaps of confidence as well. I am really enjoying my new found freedom, walking and the relationships with my two dogs who thrive on the one and one attention and are my biggest motivation to keep up the walking. I have participated over the year in two 10km walks and a half marathon.
    Before this journey I would get out of bed in the morning stiff and sore and feel like I was 25 years older than I am. Not now, I have a spring in my step and seldom take any pain relief or anti-inflammatory tablets for my arthritic knees. I am enjoying life. Wish I had done it sooner but I am grasping the opportunities gained with both hands now and leaping back into life so for all you out there, you can do this and look at every small step taken, a goal achieved towards the big goal and grab the opportunity of the support and what you get out it with both hands, this is your life, take control and enjoy it. Here is a before and photo my friend did for me from the photos I sent her.

    Amazing work!! You look so much younger and happier now :)
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