Why did you get FAT & why did you decide to turn it around?



  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    its a huge boring very sad story actually

    took probably 5 years for me to gain all the weight ...lots and lots of emotional comfort eating and binging

    I turned it around because I felt like I was ready to feel somewhat like myself again and I knew I could do it :) so I did

    funny though the depression & anxiety is still there ... I just count calories and work out now...

    mental health is not magically fixed by weight loss despite what some people think
  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,520 Member
    I was an overweight kid. I did not have good role models for health or self-control. I picked up bad habits from my parents. I was "addicted" to sugar as a kid.

    As a teen, I was pretty unhappy with my weight, but more so unhappy with my lack of self-control and control over my body. I wanted to take control over my situation. I cut out soda.sweets, lost 15lbs, started exercising, lost 15 more lbs by the time I graduated from high school (despite a lot of conflict and sabotaging by my parents). I gained about 10 lbs my freshman year of college (new situation, less self-control). My grades weren't so great either, so I had to buckle down. Implemented the strategies I had used previously to lose weight, improved my grades, and lost 35lbs.

    By the end of my second year of college, I was down about 50+lbs from my highest weight in hs. By the time I had graduated from college, I had lost a bit more weight.

    I've been able to maintain my weight for 10+ years and through having 2 kids (obviously I gained weight, but it was pretty easy for me to lose the baby weight, b/c I had lost weight so many times before). I'm happiest when I have a sense of predictability in my life and when I feel that I am in control over my circumstances...
  • awe216
    I gained weight slowly in college because I was lazy. I went from 118-120 my freshman year to 132 the day after christmas this year. I'm 5"0 so 12 pounds is a lot on a short stump. I never worked out in college (literally maybe played tennis/worked out once a month maybe). Now I look in the mirror and its just all fat and no muscle and nothing is toned. I also like alcohol a lot. That doesn't help.

    So counting calories and working out is the best thing and MFP has every food you can imagine without doing the research. It doesn't seem like work and it's kind of like a game to me. Stay under the calories. I've lost weight everyday since I started (all of three days ago)
  • albloomfield60
    I build some really bad eating habits when I was a teenager. When in high school we got a 30 minute lunch period, if you was one of the last ones to get served you literally would have 5 minutes to eat your lunch, so while in high school I got into the habit of eating food as fast as I possibly could. Plus during that time, from about 6th grade to 8th grade I grew from 5'0 to 6'3, I was hungry all the time and pretty much ate anything I wanted non stop. I stopped growing at 6'3.

    I was really active when I was younger, I played sports year around. So growing at an incredibly fast rate, being very active, and eating as much as I wanted too as fast as I possibly could built some really bad habits.

    The reason for turning this around I went to a Kansas State football game with some friends, we parked a long ways away and the walk to the stadium literally almost killed me. I've had 2 knee surgeries from my football days, and my back from the extra weight I've been carrying was killing my back, after about 100 yards of walking I was out of breath, the kind of out of breath it felt like when I'd run wind sprints back in high school.

    I was beyond embarrased and mad at myself how bad I had gotten. I'm 41 years old and I don't want to be so fat and out of shape that I can't do things like that with friends or family.
  • amykay9377
    amykay9377 Posts: 98 Member
    Good question!
    I was called chubby as a kid (but looking at photos now, I was Normal Kid Size - not rail thin, but not the big girl hiding in the corner). I think a lot of it was boob, honestly. I had bad eating habits (I could, and still can, eat an entire Totinos pizza in one sitting...)

    I ate and ate and ate when I was pregnant (well, after 4 months of horrendous morning sickness that caused me to get to my lowest weight ever of 132 - mom thought I had an eating disorder!). After pregnancy, started Depo - increased my hunger and decreased the metabolsim. Also, high stress job, I liked to cook, ate at the hospital food court (at my job) every day (usually pizza or burgers). By 2010-2011, I was way in the 200's. I quit the Depo by now, as well as smoking, but the weight thing didn't seem to be as big of an issue. THen I decided to run a half-marathon.

    I've lost 10 pounds over the last year -- not nearly as much as I wanted to, but I haven't been able to beat my ED yet - Selective Eating Disorder / Food Neophobia. I'll get there. Until then, I am eating my current crappy diet in moderation....
  • aimforhealthy
    aimforhealthy Posts: 449 Member
    I became 60 lbs overweight over the course of about 10 years, so it was gradual for me. And it was largely due to ignorance. I didn't know anything about nutrition, weight management, or fitness. I used to be rail thin when I was a dancer dancing up to 8 hours a day, almost every day, and I'd eat anything I wanted and not gain a pound. I used to brag about it! But becoming a sedentary computer programmer - especially one that worked overnights for several years and used liters of soda to stay awake - changed that. I am not an emotional eater - I just had no concept of calorie restriction or what a serving was or portion control. If you gave me a box of Oreos - I love Oreos, so I'd eat the whole box in one sitting because it was what I'd always done without consequence, and they're yummy.

    Mindless eating, sedentary living and ignorance, basically.
  • jennk5309
    jennk5309 Posts: 206 Member
    I ate too much!!!

    Plus, I was very miserably married to an overbearing and emotionally abusive, demanding alcoholic. I was stressed all the time and stuffed my face to cope, and never had "me" time to take care of myself and exercise.

    I divorced and the pounds started coming off just with exercise. After about 70 pounds within a few years, I plateaued. Then came MFP and Weight Watchers for a while, which REALLY worked, bringing the total to 110 lbs lost.. I'm about 9 pounds from a healthy weight. Back on MFP after quitting Weight Watchers when I was pregnant, but then I lost the baby and didn't want to rejoin and then have to quit yet again once I get pregnant (my new, amazing, husband and I are trying). I plan on using MFP while pregnant to keep weight gain within a healthy range once pregnant. Weight Watchers won't let you stay on their program if pregnant.

    Anyway, back to your original question.....Stress contributed to overeating and not taking care of myself, and getting happy and making time to take care of myself helped turn it around!
  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    Ate too much. Decided to turn it around when I realized that I am too ****ing awesome to be fat.
  • pmur
    pmur Posts: 223 Member
    Had my second child and like last time, I was expecting the weight to fall off by itself. I've never had to work to lose weight or maintain so I had no idea where to begin. Finally, this April, I weaned my son and I still had a lot of pregnancy weight to drop. Luckily I found MFP and here I am. In my head, I'm convinced that having a micro preemie and all the stress related to being a NICU mom is the biggest contributor to my lack of weight loss. Hope I'm back to pre baby weight by summer. It's about time, my son just turned three last week and I've run out do excuses.
  • 1xxoxxoxx1
    Exams last summer. Stress-eating. Stopping working out because I had to spend all my time revising. Then the bad habits stuck. I'm also easily led astray on nights out and end up drinking way too much, then when I'm drunk it seems like a great idea to eat anything in sight. At 59kg I'm not really overweight - towards the upper end of the healthy range... but I have a tiny frame, and before the exams last summer I'd been around 52kg for some time.

    Want to turn it around because I don't want to lose control completely, which feels like it could easily happen if I don't do something now!
  • vivalalia
    I was a very chubby toddler, but by the time I was five I got taller and was very, very thin. I stayed this way for a while because I did ballet and swam competitively, though I did have a fairly large appetite. I outgrew ballet and had to stop swimming due to skin problems when I was ten. I started gaining weight due to the loss of exercise, but it wasn't that bad.
    Through puberty it became evident that I had a fairly large frame, which made the weight I was slowly gaining look even worse. It only really started bothering me when I was about 13. There were some kinds of clothing I couldn't wear because I didn't think they looked good on me anymore. It still didn't bother me that much until I rapidly gained a lot of weight the summer before I turned sixteen. While my weight still fluctuates, I have probably gained between 16-20 pounds over a span of two years.
    I'm not terribly unhealthy (in terms of nutrition - my household is quite obsessed with health - there isn't a microwave and even the laundry detergent is all-natural organic stuff) but I do tend to stress eat/binge and get basically no exercise.

    I want to lose weight because I'm not happy with myself and I'm sick of looking at myself in the mirror or in photos and feeling inadequate compared to my friends. I want to be able to dress the way I want to and buy pretty clothes, and not worry about whether or not I'd look good in them or if the stores even carry anything in my size. Mostly I just want to have a more positive outlook on myself and life, and I think losing weight is one way to do that.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    I got fat from counting calories and restricting and then binging from stress when I couldn't meet the level of perfection I was striving for. I then purged. I quit purging but binging as an emotional response to anxiety was still hard wired into my brain so I became very overweight. I lost weight through cognitive behavioral therapy that helped me to quit restricting, monitoring and binging. I also started exercising to help relieve stress. Now I am so active that I don't have to restrict calories at all. I can pretty much eat whatever I want, given that what I want is now nutrient dense food that provides me fuel for my active life. I don't try to be small. I try to be healthy, on an emotional and physical level. If I ever feel that I am fixating on calories, I quit counting them. I started in the 2nd grade so I know what a portion size is and the general calories for almost all of the foods I eat. I didn't want to carry the burden of 30 years of eating disorders into my 40s so I didn't.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    I got fat because I wouldn't stop putting food into my mouth. I had a massive love affair with food and I didn't want it to end.

    Then, a few things happened.

    I turned 45 and realized my life is either half over or it's nearly over. A friend of mine and I decided that we could either survive our 50's, or we could ROCK our 50's. I want to be a hot 50, not a dead 50.

    I over processed my hair and it fell out in clumps in the tub. It was horrifying on so many levels. I cried for about 10 hours straight. Then I just cut it all off. It was very empowering and gave me a lot of confidence! Highly recommend everyone do it at least once in their life.

    After I cut off my hair, I went as Ripley in Alien 3 for Halloween. I looked sooooo heavy in the pictures that I felt I let a great character down.

    I broke up with emotional food, started a relationship with sensible fuel, and started working out 41 days ago. I've lost nearly 12 inches and 21 pounds and I feel so much better. I don't want to stop! I want to be one of those 70 year-olds that runs a marathon or climbs a mountain.

    Awesome post. I felt that way about my 40s. I've since been in a 5K where I see those 70 year olds running much longer distances than me and I climbed a 9,400 foot mountain this summer with a bunch of 60 and 70 year olds. It's super inspiring to see how much of aging we can control through how we treat our bodies!
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    I got lazy and started working in fast food. Cheap food = good food. I also thought having a fiance that loved me no matter what made it free reign to put anything I liked in my mouth. I got so big I literally felt embarrassed to go anywhere and felt so uncomfortable. There were a number of things that made me start losing weight, one was starting to study nursing. Being in classes would make me feel so hypocritical, as an advocate for health I wasn't very healthy. My mum also suffered a stroke a month before and I decided enough was enough. So I quit my job, moved back home.. and here I am 640 days later.
  • caminoslo
    caminoslo Posts: 239 Member
    I got fat cause I ate too many carbs Aka food pyramid. Then i lose weight without cravings by avoiding carbs that are bad ones.
  • brandi_cane
    brandi_cane Posts: 3 Member
    I got fat from a new found love of drinking wine. Last year... I probably had 3 alcoholic beverages in total. This year... DAILY consumption of 1.5l of wine - EVERYDAY.

    Turning point - having NO clothes in the closet that fit well.

    Good luck!
  • zara1408
    My weakness was carbs. LOTS OF IT. I lived off rice, bread and pasta as child and during my early teens. I never cared about my figure, i knew i was getting bigger but that didnt stop me. It hit me around 16, that I needed to get fit, and i tried different ways of dieting, but I'd give up after a short while and then go back to my usual high-carb-eating self.. The past few months since starting uni and moving away from home, i realised it was a 'now or never' moment for me and that if i couldnt do it now, while living alone and cooking my own food, itd be hard to do it later on when life will just keep getting busier. its been much easier to control what I eat now, and MFP has really helped me keep track of it.
  • amandatapar
    amandatapar Posts: 246 Member
    I gained up to 223 pounds by not exercising and eating junk, drinking mainly only soda, and just being plain lazy. I turned it around because I wanted to feel better and not so tired all the time. I was winded from one flight of stairs and I was just plain worn out and grumpy. Now I feel great and the only reason I feel tired is because of too many hours at work, not just normal life. I love my new lifestyle and how energetic I feel. I also love the new smaller wardrobe, smaller than I ever thought I would be.
  • elliek0101
    elliek0101 Posts: 5 Member
    I gained 30 pounds because of anti-depressants and eating poorly. I moved out on my own and "forgot" how to eat properly/I wasn't paying any attention to what I was putting in my mouth.

    I really became motivated this summer after having surgery and ballooning up during the healing process. I couldn't fit into any of my "fat" clothes and was only comfortable in dresses. My friend invited me on a beach vacation and I declined because I was so miserable with my weight and body. Yep, that was definitely the final straw for me.

    Now what motivates me is how much better I feel about myself. I am trying to get to the point where I don't care how much I weigh as long as I know I am putting healthy food into my body.
  • Followingsea
    Followingsea Posts: 407 Member
    I worked 60-90 hour work weeks for about 6 months solid. Almost every meal I ate was takeout at the office, or at a restaurant near the office. I wasn't active - I'd wake up, go to work, sit at a desk for 14 hours, go home, pass out, repeat. I did this on weekends too. It was horrible. This went on from October '12 to about April '13. It wasn't good for me for a lot of reasons.

    I turned it around when I couldn't fit into any of my outfits for a trade show we had in May 2013.

    I am now armed with a more reasonable schedule, free time (FREE TIME, Y'ALL OMG), a gym membership, and photos of me at that trade show. Yikes.