I can't decide if I want to get a treadmill or eliptical

Can anyone help me decide which one to get? Which one burns more calories, which one is the least expensive....Thanks!


  • gracienkaidens_momma
    I had both. My treadmill died. I personally think I get a much better and more intense workout (more cals burned) on the elliptical. It really tightens your butt and thighs more than the treadmill.
  • deblu
    deblu Posts: 44
    Ok, thanks! I'll look in to that. I hope they aren't to expensive.
  • rcrews4
    rcrews4 Posts: 46 Member
    I would recommend the treadmill. The options available on a treadmill allow for a much better workout/calorie burn. We have had both in our home, ended up selling the elliptical after it began collecting dust. Ran the treadmill into the ground and bought a second one. It wasn't cheap -about $1800 - for a good one. After doing some research online we settled on a SOLE brand and i LOVE it! good luck to you!
  • gambitsgurl
    gambitsgurl Posts: 632 Member
    When I was at the gym my trainer explained on the treadmill - it moves by electricity and you keep up. On the elliptical - it moves by the power of your body so it works you more. Also, the elliptical is lower impact.

    That said I walk for exercise so I'm using nature's treadmill now.
  • skyski_tige
    skyski_tige Posts: 67 Member
    The treadmill is better for all around workout but... you get killer calves on the elipical!
  • ChancyW
    ChancyW Posts: 437 Member
    Yup, the TREADMILL is the way to go!!!

    Look up or search "what to look for in a treadmill" and you will find good things to look for to make sure you don't end up with an expensive piece of junk :-)
  • FlashBang
    The treadmill is the proven burner of cals over the elliptical. But, if you really need low impact the elliptical is hard to beat. The machine that gets you moving and you actually use will beat one hands down that ends up a clothes rack. Which ever you choose and use you will be happy.
  • deblu
    deblu Posts: 44
    Thanks so much everyone!
  • luckyinlife
    luckyinlife Posts: 81 Member
    I have both. The elliptical burns more calories but SHREDS my knees! The treadmill is great for me, I run miles on it almost everday and love changing the incline and my knees don't hurt when I use it.
  • steppann
    I love the elliptical. I tend to burn a lot more calories in a less amount of time on it.
  • steppann
    I love the elliptical. I tend to burn a lot more calories in a less amount of time on it.
  • cjduckie
    cjduckie Posts: 78 Member
    I workout with a trainer and have to do "x" amount of cardio every night as part of my program. Despite encouragement not to, I have chosen the treadmill over eliptical every single time during the past three months as a matter of personal preference... sadly though, the treadmill has recently caused me an injury similar to shin splints - apparently this is due to the shin muscles having to over compensate for the "soft" surface of the treadmill. In walking/running on a harder surface (such as outdoors) you use your thigh muscles & hips more than your shin muscles, but not so with a treadmill. I ignored the pain at first, but it's become so intense that it began to affect other parts of my workout.

    I've now transferred to a stairmaster & eliptical and I'm finding it MUCH harder work, but it's way easier on the shins and my injury is slowly but surely easing up.

    I agree that "whichever you choose & use will make you happy"! Good luck in your search =)

    p.s. I've been advised that should the treadmill cause pain in your shins - it's better to walk briskly on a higher gradient than run or walk at speeds that are hard to keep up with.
  • mccorml
    mccorml Posts: 622 Member
    i would reccomend insanity haha you dont need anything and their are ways you can find them online free..
  • deblu
    deblu Posts: 44
    Thank for all the input! I love this site! I've only been on this site for a few days and it really does make a difference in my journey towards a healthier lifestyle. I'm kind of leaning more towards a treadmill.
  • jbug100
    jbug100 Posts: 406 Member
    I think the one that you like best is the one that you should get. They are both great machines, but which one will YOU stick with?
  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member
    I've used both. My mom had a treadmill and I burned almost nothing on it. Nothing compared to my elliptical. I love the way the elliptical feels. I feel like I get a way better burn and burn way more calories. But it's up to you!
  • AmberElaine84
    AmberElaine84 Posts: 964 Member
    My opinion...no matter which one you get, you will want the other one later, lol!! I have a treadmill and love it, but have gotten bored with it. I have been looking into elliptical machines, but I don't want to get rid of my treadmill. I love the workout that the elliptical gives me, but I also love the fact that I have at least ONE machine in my home to resort to. So, I vote for elliptical but I'm sure if I had an elliptical I'd want a treadmill!! :wink:
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
    Running outside is free :)
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    Treadmills are definatley cheaper! However, I find the elliptical to hold my interest more long-term. Not to mention, treadmills always give me shin splints. I'm looking to buy an elliptical right now, but the price of a decent one has been holding me back. One thing for usre, I want one with IFit, which allows you to buy and load additional workout programs into it.

  • iamstaceywood
    iamstaceywood Posts: 383 Member
    i just got two free treadmills on freecycles for my husband and i. try lookin around.....