Does anyone else suffer/ has suffered with social anxiety?



  • Smiling_Sara
    Smiling_Sara Posts: 203 Member
    Mine has gotten worse with age as well. In fact a lot of what you've written I could of written. The worse it gets the worse I feel. Have you tried therapy? I'm working up the courage to make some phone calls and see what happens, but I think I need some therapy
  • TarynAngeline
    TarynAngeline Posts: 95 Member
    Do that which you fear and the fear disappears.

    Screw baby steps. Make your new years resolution to go out and meet 50 new people. Just introduce yourself and ask questions if you don't know what to say. People love to talk about themselves! Each time will get easier. Practice, practice, practice.

    Simplify. Ask yourself, what's the worst that could happen? and what is the likelihood that this might happen?

    example: worst case scenario: the person I introduced myself to thinks I'm a total loser. Worst that happens?I didn't make a friend. Same outcome if I hadn't talked to that person to begin with, but I've gained experience and my broke down the walls of my comfort zone because of it.

    You can't lose!

    I used to be really self conscious until I realized that most people are self conscious and are too busy worrying about themselves to notice half the things I assume they are thinking about me. People are pretty self absorbed, so no need to worry.
  • alexandriax03
    alexandriax03 Posts: 289 Member
    I was diagnosed with severe generalized anxiety and panic disorder when I was a junior in high school. I literally could not function on a day to day basis. I was missing weeks of school. Even when I did make it to school, I left within 4 hours of arriving because it was so overwhelming and I was so physically sick from my anxiety/panic.

    I thought I was dying. Literally. I saw a million specialists to try to figure out what was going on, because at the time I had no idea. I didn't know anxiety/panic could make you physically ill. After getting negative test results for everything, the doctors suggested I see a psychiatrist who proceeded to diagnose me with the anxiety/panic disorder.

    She suggested medication because my day to day life was impacted. Reluctantly, I started taking the meds. Zoloft at first. Then Prozac, Lexapro, Celexa, Cymbalta, Effexor, Pristiq, Propranonol, Ativan, Klonopin.

    ******I HIGHLY SUGGEST AVOIDING MEDS AT ALL POSSIBLE COSTS BECAUSE THEY CAUSE WEIGHT GAIN FOR MOST PEOPLE. I GAINED 106 LBS ON THEM IN LESS THAN 3 YEARS. I was a tiny but healthy 97 lb girl when I started the meds. I now weigh 203 lbs. I've basically doubled in size. It's quite depressing.******

    I have always been a homebody, even before getting diagnosed with anxiety/panic disorder. I was never a party girl or someone who'd prefer to go to a party over staying home and watching a movie. Most of my anxiety/panic is a result of my physical symptoms.

    Every day of my life I have a migraine, I feel nauseous, I feel dizzy, I feel faint, I feel weak, I have the jitters, I sweat profusely, I have vision problems, my heart races, I get heart palpitations.

    I have a fear of fainting, throwing up, seizures, strokes, heart attacks, etc.

    Because I have all these physical symptoms, I fear I am going to faint or throw up or have a stroke or seizure. So I don't like to leave my house because I fear one of those things happening in public.

    I have done talk therapy with a psychologist. I have done desensitization with a social worker. I have done an accelerated intensive cognitive behavioral therapy treatment (which costed $4,000 out of pocket because the treatment is not covered by insurance).

    The only thing that has worked for me was the desensitizing/CBT because it makes you face your fears. During my therapy appointments we would go driving (driving is a trigger for me), went to the pet store and played with puppies, got ice cream, went to the mall, got coffee, rode in an elevator a bajillion times.

    Honestly, the best way to overcome it is to get yourself out in the world. Take it one step at a time. Do a little at once.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,269 Member
    Social anxiety is not something that people can "just get over". It doesn't just "disappear". It is not just being afraid of people saying something about how you look or not liking you. It is WAY beyond that. People who have not actually dealt with REAL anxiety disorders just can not understand the thought process that goes on in those of us who do deal with them.

    I am now diagnosed with General Anxiety Disorder (as well as Depression, mild OCD, and mild PTSD (caregiver)), but was originally diagnosed and treated for Social Anxiety. My Social Anxiety is still there, but with the addition of some other events in my life, the diagnosis was changed.

    The best thing you can do is get professional help. Find someone. Even if it is just counseling at first. I will say my counselor has been a life saver for me since I started to see her after my mother passed away (and a whole lot of other **** happened). She has helped me figure out what my thought process is, where the "illogical" thoughts are coming from and why, coping strategies, and other general mental health assistance. I am also going to be seeing an actual Psychiatrist next week in order to find out if medication would also help due to recent set backs. Nothing wrong with it.

    Is it hard to take that step? Hell ya. It was one of the hardest things I have ever done to go see someone I didn't know and tell them that I was "messed up" (in my own words). But it was the best thing I could have done... and I don't know if I would be alive today if I hadn't.
  • Mama06
    Mama06 Posts: 110 Member
    I was diagnosed and treated for this when I was in my late teens/ early 20s. It really helped me when I started going to Starbuck's & sitting with a coffee and slowly random people talked to me until I started forming casual friendships that drew me out of my shell. At first I would get dressed cute, put on make-up and really put out an effort to look decent so hat I would have a boost in confidence. Sometimes I would takd a book, sometimes I would bring a friend. Sometimes I would sit for a whole evening & no one would really speak to me but I would smile at passersby and try to be friendly and other times there would be a whole group of us regulars laughing & chatting. It really helped me. The most important thing is to not be fearful or self conscious about hanging out alone at first.
    Good luck and God bless from someone who has been there.
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    I have agoraphobia, ptsd and also battle depression

    It has become worse as I have gotten older as well and it is hard for me to function in my daily life

    anyone who says "you can just get over it " has no idea what they are talking about ...that might work for someone who is "just feeling a little down and self conscious" but not someone with severe mental health issues and trauma

    I was on medication for about 8 years then decided 3 years ago to stop it ...I might be put back on some medication in the future I do not know

    The only advice I can give is surround yourself with only people you feel comfortable with , let people know your boundaries , avoid triggers if possible and when you are faced with triggers BREATHE and do what you think you need to in that moment

    find a psychiatrist you feel comfortable with - this can be really hard.. it might take a couple different ones to find one you like

    You might even need to admit yourself to a mental hospital if it gets too severe for you to handle but it sounds to me like you are not that severe right now so you are lucky

    Oh also you could find some support groups to go to
  • kingscrown
    kingscrown Posts: 615 Member
    I totally pretend that I'm not nervous when I have too. I think what's the worst thing that could happen? It's never something so terrible I need to hide. Inside I'm dieing, but I suddenly I realize I had nothing to be nervous about. Going to the gym has been a boon for me. The more fit I got... the more classes I took... the more people I met... it took me a year to get fairly comfortable. Today I made a date to try a hot yoga class with a trainer. Couldn't believe I asked someone to do something with me. I thought the worst thing that could happen was they'd say no. I can live with that. BUT they said yes.
  • Mama06
    Mama06 Posts: 110 Member
    I just embrace it. I know that's not what you're asking, but seriously. I have just accepted who I am and that's it. I don't enjoy being social. It causes me too much anxiety. I just like being alone, with my girlfriend who is very similar to me, or with my kids. That's about it. I disagree that it is a problem. We are always trying to fit square pegs into round holes. Just because I don't mold into how other people love to be around each other, doesn't mean something's wrong with me. People steal my energy. I find myself completely drained after a day out. I went to a friends BBQ once and there were probably about 20 people there and he sat down next to me and said, "isn't this relaxing, just chillin with friends". I told him no. It's extremely stressful and it makes me tired after a while.

    Everybody being diagnosed is ridiculous. Just embrace who you are. You like to be alone. That will never change for you. You feel most comfortable by yourself. No matter what kind of therapy you go through, you will always feel more at peace alone at home. Stop trying to fight it and just accept that that's who you are. From there, you can do anything you want. Knowing yourself is half the battle in life. Most people miss it.

    I love that you said this.
    My nephew recently posted on FB that "Life is too short to be at war with yourself."
    I was diagnosed with social anxiety disorder years ago (I wrote that in a previous post) I went through therapy and only found it marginally useful at best. I took medication but felt disconnected & I have never liked the idea of putting chemicals into my body. I had to figure out how to accept myself. This summer I was diagnosed with GAD and panic attacks & again they shoved some pills (including offering pain killers), advised to see a social worker then sent me rudely on my way with the admonition that I was going to have to do some work and it wasn't going to fix itself. I wondered how popping pills everyday was "doing work" to heal myself? Anyway, I threw out the pills, never saw a social worker & complained about the doctor. When my nephew posted the quote I felt such relief because I realized that, one way or another, I was "at war with myself" and now I'm working on freeing myself from the daily and moment by moment battles.
  • Jenni129
    Jenni129 Posts: 692 Member
    As I reply to this thread, I am having a mini anxiety attack, because what if someone doesn't like what I have to say? lol but, seriously, I have social anxiety, too. Never seen a professional about it. One time I tried to talk to my doctor about it and she said I should go to group therapy. IMO: Wrong solution for a person who can't stand "groups" of people. Too many people make my skin crawl, like going to concerts and packed shopping malls. It is just too overwhelming. I can't even handle a family reunion. It makes me sick to my stomach. I'm not even happy to go do these things and think of excuses not to go. It has nothing to do with body image. It is just the way I am wired. The older I have gotten, the less trouble I have with it though which has been nice. The problem I have is why everyone thinks something is wrong with it. Why not just embrace it and just do what makes you comfortable? Does it really matter how many friends you have or how many parties you go to, etc.? These are questions I have asked myself. I know my social anxiety is not as severe as others, but I am okay with what I can do, the people I do have in my life, job and hobbies. If I could not go get my groceries or leave my house, then I would definitely get some professional help.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    I just hate people in general so I avoid social gatherings as much as possible.
  • squishybarb
    squishybarb Posts: 72 Member
    I was diagnosed with severe generalized anxiety and panic disorder when I was a junior in high school. I literally could not function on a day to day basis. I was missing weeks of school. Even when I did make it to school, I left within 4 hours of arriving because it was so overwhelming and I was so physically sick from my anxiety/panic.

    I thought I was dying. Literally. I saw a million specialists to try to figure out what was going on, because at the time I had no idea. I didn't know anxiety/panic could make you physically ill. After getting negative test results for everything, the doctors suggested I see a psychiatrist who proceeded to diagnose me with the anxiety/panic disorder.

    She suggested medication because my day to day life was impacted. Reluctantly, I started taking the meds. Zoloft at first. Then Prozac, Lexapro, Celexa, Cymbalta, Effexor, Pristiq, Propranonol, Ativan, Klonopin.

    ******I HIGHLY SUGGEST AVOIDING MEDS AT ALL POSSIBLE COSTS BECAUSE THEY CAUSE WEIGHT GAIN FOR MOST PEOPLE. I GAINED 106 LBS ON THEM IN LESS THAN 3 YEARS. I was a tiny but healthy 97 lb girl when I started the meds. I now weigh 203 lbs. I've basically doubled in size. It's quite depressing.******

    I have always been a homebody, even before getting diagnosed with anxiety/panic disorder. I was never a party girl or someone who'd prefer to go to a party over staying home and watching a movie. Most of my anxiety/panic is a result of my physical symptoms.

    Every day of my life I have a migraine, I feel nauseous, I feel dizzy, I feel faint, I feel weak, I have the jitters, I sweat profusely, I have vision problems, my heart races, I get heart palpitations.

    I have a fear of fainting, throwing up, seizures, strokes, heart attacks, etc.

    Because I have all these physical symptoms, I fear I am going to faint or throw up or have a stroke or seizure. So I don't like to leave my house because I fear one of those things happening in public.

    I have done talk therapy with a psychologist. I have done desensitization with a social worker. I have done an accelerated intensive cognitive behavioral therapy treatment (which costed $4,000 out of pocket because the treatment is not covered by insurance).

    The only thing that has worked for me was the desensitizing/CBT because it makes you face your fears. During my therapy appointments we would go driving (driving is a trigger for me), went to the pet store and played with puppies, got ice cream, went to the mall, got coffee, rode in an elevator a bajillion times.

    Honestly, the best way to overcome it is to get yourself out in the world. Take it one step at a time. Do a little at once.

    I feel like I'm reading about myself when I read this... :noway:

    I had my first panic attack when I was a senior in high school. I literally thought I was dying or going crazy, or both. The second one happened at school, I literally stood up, said "I need to leave, now" and ran to the nurse. I felt like I wasn't controlling my own actions. I was so worked up she refused to let me drive myself home and told my mom I needed to go the ER because something was very wrong with me. I refused to sit, paced, cried, hyperventilated.. out of NOWHERE.

    The cycle began. I couldn't stay at school for more than a few hours, I "had" to leave, even though I didn't want to. Getting in a car, going for a drive, going to WalMart, doing ANYTHING was terrifying because I was afraid something bad was going to happen to me in public and I couldn't control it. So I stopped doing anything and everything. I fought panic at night, and woke up with it in the morning.

    I've never taken any medication, and I've never been to a mental-health specialist. I've spoken with my doctor, and she said she would prescribe me xanax, but I refuse to take it. I decided I had to do it on my own. I'm afraid of losing control of myself in any way. So I don't use any medication or do anything that could cause me to lose control. (drink, smoke, etc)

    I've always been "afraid" of throwing up, but since I started having panic attacks, it became SO much worse.. I'm basically paranoid of feeling sick. I lost a good amount of weight because every time I would eat I would be terrified I'd have to go in public for some reason and I'd throw up. So no food = nothing to throw up. I'm fine with food now, but I still loathe when people throw up around me and I'm always questioning the cleanliness of food and how well it's cooked, how it was prepared, how long it's been left out, who's sick, etc... I get angry or cry when someone gets sick around me.. I know it's irrational and stupid, but it just happens... I'll drink an entire bottle of pepto before I'll allow myself to throw up.. funny thing is, I've had 3 incidents of throwing up my entire life.. makes no sense.

    I've been "fighting" anxiety for almost 5 years.. and I'd say I'm 70% better than I was the first year it began. My fiance is much to thank for my progress... He's a get up and go kinda person, very adventurous, loves people, loves social situations. He drug me with him, but always knew my limits and never stepped too far over them. But because of this, I learned to accept that anxiety will probably always be a part of my life, and it's how I deal with it that makes all of the difference. Learning to just talk about it and let people know I'm struggling really helped me too.

    Some days are still horrible, sometimes I still feel my anxiety following me around.. I call it "my anxiety child," when it's really bad, because it's constantly calling for attention and tugging at my shirt. I also suggest finding something you love.. when I'm doing something I'm passionate about, my anxiety nearly disappears.. Also, the more I "get out" and do things that push me a little, I feel a lot better.. But some days are still an uphill battle.

    Mentally talking myself through panic attacks, rubbing pressure points, and breathing has helped me a TON, because sometimes you just have to learn to deal where you're at - you can't run from it.... and getting enough sleep. I don't care if people think young adults can run off of less sleep. I know I can't.. my anxiety shoots through the roof when I'm overtired.

    I hope you can find what works best for you. Anxiety is so hard, because a lot of the time it's completely invisible to those who don't understand it. We seem cool as a cucumber on the outside, but on the inside we're a total mess.

    Best wishes to you.. :flowerforyou:
  • inside_lap
    inside_lap Posts: 738 Member
    Exposure with response prevention. It's best if you can work with a therapist to create a hierarchy and methods to reduce your anxiety in the moment. If your attending college in the US college counseling centers are usually free or cheap due to fees being rolled into student fees. Many providers offer a sliding scale base on income that is not usually advertised. Call a few and you might be surprised who will be willing to work with you for relatively cheap. If its really bad, then medication may be an option. Good luck.
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    I just embrace it. I know that's not what you're asking, but seriously. I have just accepted who I am and that's it. I don't enjoy being social. It causes me too much anxiety. I just like being alone, with my girlfriend who is very similar to me, or with my kids. That's about it. I disagree that it is a problem. We are always trying to fit square pegs into round holes. Just because I don't mold into how other people love to be around each other, doesn't mean something's wrong with me. People steal my energy. I find myself completely drained after a day out. I went to a friends BBQ once and there were probably about 20 people there and he sat down next to me and said, "isn't this relaxing, just chillin with friends". I told him no. It's extremely stressful and it makes me tired after a while.

    Everybody being diagnosed is ridiculous. Just embrace who you are. You like to be alone. That will never change for you. You feel most comfortable by yourself. No matter what kind of therapy you go through, you will always feel more at peace alone at home. Stop trying to fight it and just accept that that's who you are. From there, you can do anything you want. Knowing yourself is half the battle in life. Most people miss it.

    I love that you said this.
    My nephew recently posted on FB that "Life is too short to be at war with yourself."
    I was diagnosed with social anxiety disorder years ago (I wrote that in a previous post) I went through therapy and only found it marginally useful at best. I took medication but felt disconnected & I have never liked the idea of putting chemicals into my body. I had to figure out how to accept myself. This summer I was diagnosed with GAD and panic attacks & again they shoved some pills (including offering pain killers), advised to see a social worker then sent me rudely on my way with the admonition that I was going to have to do some work and it wasn't going to fix itself. I wondered how popping pills everyday was "doing work" to heal myself? Anyway, I threw out the pills, never saw a social worker & complained about the doctor. When my nephew posted the quote I felt such relief because I realized that, one way or another, I was "at war with myself" and now I'm working on freeing myself from the daily and moment by moment battles.

    If you can truly make peace with who you are and just understand that the anxiety you feel is mainly because you don't care for being around people, and that it's not a disease, it's just who you are, then you will begin to feel confidence. When you feel confident and pride in who you are, you can begin to step out. There's nothing wrong with it. There are people that can't be alone at all ever. And there are people that only want to be alone.

    I have to say I do not agree with this .Yea maybe for some people who really do just not like people it would work. However for some (like myself) these things came about after horrific trauma .No amount of telling/lying to yourself you are terrified to leave your house/be around others because you 'dislike people' is going to actually fix you . Some people really do need medication to help them. It is absolutely not always just the way someone is
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    something I've been wondering, has there been a drastic increase in asperger's spectrum diagnoses over say, the last two-three decades?
  • Kreepie11
    Kreepie11 Posts: 76
    Wow, I've been reading through these posts, and a lot of you are downright amazing. If I had anywhere close to the same level of anxiety, I swear I'd have to be baked every minute of every day. But you're not. You're pushing through. It's thrilling - terrifying and exciting - to see that you all have the strength to do so.

    I... well, I'll be honest, I don't know if I have anxiety or not. I can't think of what else it would be, but I don't have a doctor, and the last time I had one he creeped me out. It wouldn't help anyway, if my experience with counselors tells me anything. There would be a problem, I would book an appointment, and by the time the appointment rolled around a week later, everything was fine.

    I don't have an issue with strangers (mostly). I worked a cashier job, and it was fine. And once I *start* talking to people, it's fine. But I hate the phone. And I hide from my family. I haven't been on Facebook since August. I don't reply to texts, and I guilt myself about all of these things. I would hate going to the bar, because people are jerks and I don't want to know any of them. But the other reason was that all of my friends would get drunk, I would be guaranteed to loose my buzz, and I would be the little awkward girl in a bar full of happy people. Posting replies makes my heart noticeably speed up, and... you know that wretched feeling in your stomach? That. All the damn time, when I have to make a call or something.

    I was hoping someone on here would maybe have a suggestion or two for me as well. I'm working on getting a job to have money to leave the house, and even if I left the house it wouldn't be so bad (I don't mind theaters, or gyms, etc... I just don't talk to anyone there). Being around strangers (or even talking to them) doesn't get me, it's the little stuff, like commitments ("I'll text you tomorrow") and things like that. I like to pretend I'm not as bad as I used to be, but then I realize that though I've managed to shove off depression (more or less), it's partly because I've cut myself off from everyone. Anyway, like I said, any advice would be helpful. I'm at a loss. And again, to everyone else that has it so much worse than I do - holy crap, you are amazing. Don't ever think otherwise.