What are you're 2014 fitness goals?



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  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    finally run a sub-5minute mile (current best is 5:13)

    Damn, that's impressive (especially paired with your strength goals).

    Good luck!
  • 1. Reach goal weight (this is obviously linked to fitness - its pretty difficult to run when you are carrying all the extra weight).
    2. Complete C25K
    3. Improve on this to be able to run 10km, then 20km.
    4. Complete a half marathon in October (I completed the same one in 2012, but missed the cutoff time by 10 minutes).
    5. If all goes according to plan, will then be able to appear in public in a bathing costume, and take part in IronMan Corporate challenge in April 2015.

    Wish me luck.....
    So many inspiring stories on MFP!
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    1. 1200 raw powerlifting total at >208 lbs bodyweight.
    2. See #1