MFP Etiquette

Not sure where to post this as I see that all the categories doesn't seem to fit my topic. Nevertheless, this is is a rant about random people adding you on MFP.

Some people might keep their MFP friend list to only the people that they know in real life. I'm all for getting to know new people and I enjoy seeing them updating their workout posts as I think it's quite motivating. Of course, when you see these, you'd sometimes give them a like or a comment.

However, I think it's quite rude on the other hand that these people NEVER once liked or comment on your own progress. It's not that life will end if one doesn't get likes, but I think it's only polite to reciprocate when someone does something nice. It's just like real life, when someone is nice to you, you'd want to be nice back too.

Sorry, I'm just ranting one of my pet peeve for MFP. But I think I'm not the only person feeling this way.


  • DeltaZero
    DeltaZero Posts: 1,197 Member
    There is a delete button for a reason.

    Also an ignore button.

    And, thanks to a bunch of fools. A "Like" button.
  • I must be a horrible MFP friend. I rarely like or comment on people's statusus or updates. :ohwell:
  • arghbowl
    arghbowl Posts: 1,179 Member
    Not sure where to post this as I see that all the categories doesn't seem to fit my topic. Nevertheless, this is is a rant about random people adding you on MFP.

    Some people might keep their MFP friend list to only the people that they know in real life. I'm all for getting to know new people and I enjoy seeing them updating their workout posts as I think it's quite motivating. Of course, when you see these, you'd sometimes give them a like or a comment.

    However, I think it's quite rude on the other hand that these people NEVER once liked or comment on your own progress. It's not that life will end if one doesn't get likes, but I think it's only polite to reciprocate when someone does something nice. It's just like real life, when someone is nice to you, you'd want to be nice back too.

    Sorry, I'm just ranting one of my pet peeve for MFP. But I think I'm not the only person feeling this way.

    Now I understand why everyone hates me :sad:
  • DeltaZero
    DeltaZero Posts: 1,197 Member
    Not sure where to post this as I see that all the categories doesn't seem to fit my topic. Nevertheless, this is is a rant about random people adding you on MFP.

    Some people might keep their MFP friend list to only the people that they know in real life. I'm all for getting to know new people and I enjoy seeing them updating their workout posts as I think it's quite motivating. Of course, when you see these, you'd sometimes give them a like or a comment.

    However, I think it's quite rude on the other hand that these people NEVER once liked or comment on your own progress. It's not that life will end if one doesn't get likes, but I think it's only polite to reciprocate when someone does something nice. It's just like real life, when someone is nice to you, you'd want to be nice back too.

    Sorry, I'm just ranting one of my pet peeve for MFP. But I think I'm not the only person feeling this way.

    Now I understand why everyone hates me :sad:

    It's only because you smell.
  • rinaznet
    rinaznet Posts: 11 Member
    Of course I've deleted the person. I do know how to use the delete button ;)
  • rinaznet
    rinaznet Posts: 11 Member
    Of course we all smell, we do have noses after all! :P
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    You have two friends here. And apparently there was a third, who now knows you're referring to them.

    Good luck adding to that list!
  • _xXJennXx_
    _xXJennXx_ Posts: 3,290 Member
    Maybe they're shy?
  • arghbowl
    arghbowl Posts: 1,179 Member
    I can't. I just can't.
  • pinkiemarie252
    pinkiemarie252 Posts: 222 Member
    I have mixed feelings on the like button--on the one hand it's less personal, but on the other hand I don't feel like such a douchenozzle constantly saying "nice burn" and "keep it up". Either way, I'm not in an inspirational mood every day, but I definitely try to reciprocate!
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
  • aschroeder2749
    aschroeder2749 Posts: 172 Member
    No. What happens is an individual normally "adds" the amount of friends they can adequately keep up with as far as actively encouraging them. But then, others add them, and they feel unkind saying no. So the friend list grows due to other people sending them requests. Then, the individual cannot possibly keep up with commenting on everyone's posts.

    I ran into this problem myself. I added maybe 5 people. A lot more people added me. I didn't feel right saying no. Then, people posted rants like this and got offended because not all their friends constantly commented on their postings.

    I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Different people use the friend feature for different things. Personally, I view the friend feature as a "forum" of sorts to ask questions and learn from each other in a more intimate setting than the normal forums.

    Clearly, not everyone sees it that way. When I do a workout, I don't need every friend to post a generic response each time. If I hear from you on one of every 15 workouts I do, that's practical and enough for me!

    I really don't understand this. And it's not to be rude towards you, OP. It's the school of thought in general that I just don't understand.
  • anewlife1980
    anewlife1980 Posts: 225 Member
    My rule is this, I have no prob with people adding me, I will support them the best I can and expect the same in return. However I check my friends list regularly, if I see that red # & its 14 days or more I delete them. I can't support you & you can't support me if you aren't on here, aren't logging etc I don't expect people to comment on EVERY single thing I say or do, that is asking alot. People do have their own lives & there is alot of people who work with no access to MFP all day until they get home in the evening. So I don't honestly them to go back through the entire day worth of newsfeed to find something I did that morning just to comment, that's just not necessary.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Not sure where to post this as I see that all the categories doesn't seem to fit my topic. Nevertheless, this is is a rant about random people adding you on MFP.

    Some people might keep their MFP friend list to only the people that they know in real life. I'm all for getting to know new people and I enjoy seeing them updating their workout posts as I think it's quite motivating. Of course, when you see these, you'd sometimes give them a like or a comment.

    However, I think it's quite rude on the other hand that these people NEVER once liked or comment on your own progress. It's not that life will end if one doesn't get likes, but I think it's only polite to reciprocate when someone does something nice. It's just like real life, when someone is nice to you, you'd want to be nice back too.

    Sorry, I'm just ranting one of my pet peeve for MFP. But I think I'm not the only person feeling this way.

    I think that some people add anyone who friend requests them in order to not be rude, but then can't keep up with who has "liked" or commented on their own posts. Also, some people like to have a lot of friends to see what other people are doing and get ideas, but aren't always comfortable making comments or don't know what to say that others haven't already said.

    That being said, when you rant on MFP, you might get a lot of negative comments, as I recently found out. Even if you don't single anyone in particular out, the community at large takes it as an insult if you are too negative about how people post or comnment.
  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member

    *snorts*.... Just sliding in on your coat tails Cranq..
  • aschroeder2749
    aschroeder2749 Posts: 172 Member
    People do have their own lives & there is alot of people who work with no access to MFP all day until they get home in the evening. So I don't honestly them to go back through the entire day worth of newsfeed to find something I did that morning just to comment, that's just not necessary.

    Exactly! Who does that? Even with my Facebook, which consists of my friends and family in real life, I don't comment on everyone's post. Who has the time?
  • smc864
    smc864 Posts: 570 Member
    I'm going to come off a bit harsh... but seriously?? Do you really need reassurance that bad? Do you need someone to tell you "great job" or "awesome burn" every time you do what you're supposed to be doing?

    I think it's nice when someone comments on my feed but to be honest it doesn't really make a difference in what I'm doing or how I feel about my progress. I don't want to say that I couldn't care less if someone comments, but I seriously couldn't care less.

    Furthermore, if someone comments on my feed I'm not going to rush over to their profile to return the favor... You should be doing this for you, not for generic comments from random people.
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    I don't want to be rude, but I think this is silly. Who cares? Just like you already said, delete them and move on. People aren't obligated to comment on anything. ugh.
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    I'm going to come off a bit harsh... but seriously?? Do you really need reassurance that bad? Do you need someone to tell you "great job" or "awesome burn" every time you do what you're supposed to be doing?

    I think it's nice when someone comments on my feed but to be honest it doesn't really make a difference in what I'm doing or how I feel about my progress. I don't want to say that I couldn't care less if someone comments, but I seriously couldn't care less.

    Furthermore, if someone comments on my feed I'm not going to rush over to their profile to return the favor... You should be doing this for you, not for generic comments from random people.

    so much yes.
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    People I add I will keep in touch with. People that add me I keep in touch with IF they're active. If they're not active for a month, I delete them.