How can I gain some will power?



  • DeltaZero
    DeltaZero Posts: 1,197 Member
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    when you want it bad enough,,, it happens instantly.

    Oh, right. Then when you fail you can beat yourself up for not wanting it badly enough, so that eventually all your commitments get made in an elevated emotional state. "Next time I will have to want it more". So you work yourself up and want it more the next time.

    Forget all that. Want willpower? Train your willpower. Wanting doesn't get anyone anything. Wanting is a symptom of not having. In fact, they used to mean the same thing. So we still have sayings like "waste not, want not".
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    all these people are giving you some great tips to avoid temptation.

    but you want will power. that comes from within. you have to want to be successful. you want it more than you want to sleep. you want it more than your next breath.

    read this, and watch the video at the bottom.
  • April_KT
    April_KT Posts: 332 Member
    The only way for me to stop myself from binge eating after i get home from work at 4 is stay out after work , go to the gym or the store, anything but go home to an empty house full of food! as long as i stay out till 5 or keep myself busy i stay in control
  • AubieMae
    I've discovered that I cannot eat just one type of food because it leaves me feeling hungrier than ever. For example, I love vegetables but if I don't combine them with a solid dose of protein and fat...I will feel hungry all day long. The same is true for rice. I must add veggies and protein or else it is a set up.
  • knt6742
    Make small changes at a time. Don't try to change everything at once. I went from an unhealthy 140 to 112 (I'm only 5'1) just by making one small change at a time. It took a lot longer to lose weight but I don't have to think about maintenance. My lifestyle has me settling naturally around 112-115. Now I'm back to lose the last 10 or so vanity pounds and will tweak my diet and exercise one change at time. Otherwise I get overwhelmed and go from one extreme to the other. I'll restrict all day and then binge.
  • SapiensPisces
    SapiensPisces Posts: 992 Member
    Don't try to do too much. Start with just eating what you want but within your calorie goal (no food restrictions). Do that for 2 weeks. Start adding exercise 2x a week for 30-45 minutes each time, and do that for another two weeks. If you want to work on eating more whole foods, etc., then slowly start making those changes.

    As for cravings, you just have to resist, but I find that if I'm eating enough throughout the day, I don't get them nearly as much.
  • silverinc13
    silverinc13 Posts: 216 Member
    You're 18 and weigh 112 pounds ... why are you trying to lose 15 pounds? If you're binging at night it's probably because your body is still growing at that age and it's hungry!
  • A1345
    A1345 Posts: 12
    Hi...... When I am working toward eating healthier I won't have anything that is unhealthy in the house. I too get that craving sometimes so I like snacking on fresh fruit. It seems to help curve my craving. Do you best. It can be hard at times.

  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    If you find a miracle solution, sign me up! Usually logging everything helps, but lately it hasn't, short of getting everything you really can't eat in moderation out of the house.
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    The hardest part for me isn't getting up and exercising, but not binging on unhealthy foods. I can't get myself to eat healthy or to keep my calories down. I'll do really good all day then I'll get a craving or I'll find something to snack on towards the end and I don't have the will power to stop myself. What do you guys do when you want to cave into unhealthy eating habits?

    I keep the stuff out of the house and I don't try to 'just eat a little bit of sweet stuff'. Two weeks ago I found a forgotten tub of ice cream in the fridge. Took it out to the trash and gave it a decent burial so it wouldn't prey on my mind.

    Of course this is harder when you share a household, but try to get everyone to obtain their own junk foods, and tell yourself when you happen across any of it that it doesn't belong to you so you can't eat it.

    I also find carbs trigger binges for me. That might not be true for you, though. For me, I just don't eat them, except what little is found in spices and veggies. But again, this is specific to me, you might not have to go that far.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I'm going to bet that like so many teens on here, you're NOT eating enough to fuel your body during the day (prior to the so-called "binge").
    You're very thin already. And probably not eating enough.
  • Victoria2448
    Victoria2448 Posts: 559 Member
    It's really not about will power!

    To be successful in losing fat,building muscle and being healthier you must first get your mind right. Don't think of this as a short term solution to a long term problem. We need to realize that this is a lifestyle shift. It's not a 30,60 or 90 day program..this is for life. When people come to terms with this...and EMBRACE it, then success will follow.

    Look at food as what it is...FUEL. Calories are energy, don't short change yourself. Choose the best sources you can. Make small changes over time. Exercise 5-6 times a something!!! Humans were not made to sit on their *kitten* for days...

    Don't deprive yourself, moderation is key. Realize though that everything you consume are the next building blocks of your new cells. Be consious and present in ALL you do. Surround yourself with positive and supportive people. Be happy for the things you can do, but never settle for just that. Strive to do more. Make big scary goals. Be content in your journey, but never complacent.

    But most of all realize you are worth it!

    Health is the best gift you can give to your children, spouses, family and friends!
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    You're 18 and weigh 112 pounds ... why are you trying to lose 15 pounds? If you're binging at night it's probably because your body is still growing at that age and it's hungry!

    Oh dear...when am I going to remember to look at the profile???

    112lbs??? Losing 15lbs???


    I change my original post.

    Eat active...enjoy your friends....most of all...

    Dance to yourself enough to take care of yourself.

    Can someone tell me...when did it become popular to weigh less than 100lbs? I have read several of these types of post in the last few days.

    OP...I will repeat...

    Dance to life...the rest will take care of itself.
  • mmartinez_az
    Maybe losing weight is not for you. You have to be sure that you want to lose weight or else you are waisting time.
  • April_KT
    April_KT Posts: 332 Member
    You're 18 and weigh 112 pounds ... why are you trying to lose 15 pounds? If you're binging at night it's probably because your body is still growing at that age and it's hungry!

    Didnt know this but now that i do i totally agree with this girl. you should not lose any weight!! why would you want to be under 100 lbs?? and your only 18 you definitely need enough food
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Make small changes at a time. Don't try to change everything at once. I went from an unhealthy 140 to 112 (I'm only 5'1) just by making one small change at a time. It took a lot longer to lose weight but I don't have to think about maintenance. My lifestyle has me settling naturally around 112-115. Now I'm back to lose the last 10 or so vanity pounds and will tweak my diet and exercise one change at time. Otherwise I get overwhelmed and go from one extreme to the other. I'll restrict all day and then binge.
    The OP is taller than you and already at 112. She needs to eat. :-)
  • judyde
    judyde Posts: 401 Member
    You're 18 and weigh 112 pounds ... why are you trying to lose 15 pounds? If you're binging at night it's probably because your body is still growing at that age and it's hungry!

    I wish I had noticed this before I posted! For some reason, I can't seem to edit now to take down my reply.

    O.P. you do not need to lose weight.
  • __Angie__
    Maybe "losing weight" isn't the right way to put it. I want to tone up, lose the fat, and then I do intend to put the weight back on, but as muscle. I have a high body fat % I'd like to lower.

    Thanks for all the tips everyone!