Anyone else starting the year with Herbalife?



  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    My SIL is a distributor and has lost 10 pounds.

    Great, another advertising post for a pyramid scheme.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Oh lord. You're going to get a lot of negative comments. Here's what I can tell you: I am not a fruit eater. I would NEVER get my fruit recommendations in my diet, but for making smoothies. If having shakes encourages you to consume fruit you may not have consumed otherwise - it doesn't matter what the negative nancies say. Yes, weight loss can clearly be accomplished with having eggs for breakfast vs. herbalife. But if it works for you, that's wonderful. I love the way Herbalife shakes taste. I don't replace meals with it, but instead of having a snack of either junk (or carrots), I have a delicious shake. It's filling, and it's low cal. So let people hate if they want. ;)

    its hating to use common sense and tell OP that she can lose weight for free by using MFP and counting calories?

    Of course! Constructive criticism is the debil.

    Apparently so is suggesting that I enjoyed it as a snack.

    You seem to feel the same way I do about slim fast about your herbalife. I think my slim fast is my mean and uncouth S.O. that everyone tolerates just cause they love me so much. I think it's about PERSPECTIVE keeping things in it.

    In this case for instance if OP had not come on here and heard everyone chime in about how it's the actual cal deficit achieved by the shakes that is responsible for the loss, she might have become "hooked" on the shakes thinking there was something about it intrinsically that was causing the weight loss. Most ppl don't put that much thought into adding up cals and whatnot so they aren't sure why or how the shakes work only that they work. That could lead to reliance on them when she really should be learning everything you described all the other foods that can achieve the same low cal goals for her loss. I hope reading this thread and your reply as well as those of everyone else that you are all in agreement that the cal goal is the real hero will help her make an informed decision when her free non-magical gift shakes run out.

    I haven't bought Herbalife in nearly six months because it's clearly not practical for a long-term weight management solution. But I don't think it's the debil either...any more than any other treat. It cost less than $1 per shake, so it didn't cost me any more than the other occasional indulgence people may partake in. And I felt it was a better choice for a tasty treat then a bowl of ice cream.

    You sound EXACTLY like me, but with slim fast! LOL. There must be a group for us somewhere. Maybe it's like the MFP equivalent of liking bad boys. I mean we know their not really good for us, and there's more substantial food out there, but if it's not harming us, it's fun and easy for the short term no?
  • CelebrityStatus
    CelebrityStatus Posts: 84 Member
    I worked for Unicity (not the same, but same idea) in their office (not as a distributor) and I can tell you ... they are ALL the same. It's all a gimmick- sure, maybe you'll lose a few pounds, but notice how they put a recommended diet pamphlet in there? It's because Calories in - calories out +BMR = weight loss. Hard work and dedication equal weight loss... a product designed to yank you in and make YOU a distributor using the pyramid "business plan" is fake.

    There is nothing in those shakes to actually help you lose weight. If you want to drink them as a snack, all the power...although I personally would go for whole, natural foods first.

    Just my 0.02.
  • aschroeder2749
    aschroeder2749 Posts: 172 Member
    Oh lord. You're going to get a lot of negative comments. Here's what I can tell you: I am not a fruit eater. I would NEVER get my fruit recommendations in my diet, but for making smoothies. If having shakes encourages you to consume fruit you may not have consumed otherwise - it doesn't matter what the negative nancies say. Yes, weight loss can clearly be accomplished with having eggs for breakfast vs. herbalife. But if it works for you, that's wonderful. I love the way Herbalife shakes taste. I don't replace meals with it, but instead of having a snack of either junk (or carrots), I have a delicious shake. It's filling, and it's low cal. So let people hate if they want. ;)

    its hating to use common sense and tell OP that she can lose weight for free by using MFP and counting calories?

    Of course! Constructive criticism is the debil.

    Apparently so is suggesting that I enjoyed it as a snack.

    You seem to feel the same way I do about slim fast about your herbalife. I think my slim fast is my mean and uncouth S.O. that everyone tolerates just cause they love me so much. I think it's about PERSPECTIVE keeping things in it.

    In this case for instance if OP had not come on here and heard everyone chime in about how it's the actual cal deficit achieved by the shakes that is responsible for the loss, she might have become "hooked" on the shakes thinking there was something about it intrinsically that was causing the weight loss. Most ppl don't put that much thought into adding up cals and whatnot so they aren't sure why or how the shakes work only that they work. That could lead to reliance on them when she really should be learning everything you described all the other foods that can achieve the same low cal goals for her loss. I hope reading this thread and your reply as well as those of everyone else that you are all in agreement that the cal goal is the real hero will help her make an informed decision when her free non-magical gift shakes run out.

    I haven't bought Herbalife in nearly six months because it's clearly not practical for a long-term weight management solution. But I don't think it's the debil either...any more than any other treat. It cost less than $1 per shake, so it didn't cost me any more than the other occasional indulgence people may partake in. And I felt it was a better choice for a tasty treat then a bowl of ice cream.

    You sound EXACTLY like me, but with slim fast! LOL. There must be a group for us somewhere. Maybe it's like the MFP equivalent of liking bad boys. I mean we know their not really good for us, and there's more substantial food out there, but if it's not harming us, it's fun and easy for the short term no?

    I hear you! It's so funny, because it doesn't matter how many times you say "it's not a sustainable way to lose weight", it goes in one ear and out the other! It's common knowledge that it's ok to include room in your diet for the occasional indulgence. So...if I enjoyed smoothie that has a scoop of herbalife in it, I just don't see the great offense. Of course, tell people they can't make a lifestyle change out of it. But to imply that people who have ever used the products lack common sense...that's where it bugs me.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    My SIL is a distributor and has lost 10 pounds...
    I've never used Slimfast, Herbalife, Advocare, Shakeology, ItWorks or any of the other MLM/pyramid scheme/scam products and I've lost 47 pounds. It's entirely possible (and much more sustainable) to lose weight through caloric deficit without resorting to "snake oil" products which prey upon people by empty promises, advertising hype and ridiculous claims.
  • Vane0314
    Vane0314 Posts: 190 Member
    So I just read a couple of negative comments about herbalife, but i'm just here to say I'm going to try it out hopefully starting next week. I'm writing a blog about it on my profile for any of you that want to see how it advances and whether it will work for me or not. I welcome anyone that wants to continue to read them to add me as a friend and I will be there to motivate you as well!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    So I just read a couple of negative comments about herbalife, but i'm just here to say I'm going to try it out hopefully starting next week. I'm writing a blog about it on my profile for any of you that want to see how it advances and whether it will work for me or not. I welcome anyone that wants to continue to read them to add me as a friend and I will be there to motivate you as well!

    well one thing will be lighter…your wallet….
  • Vane0314
    Vane0314 Posts: 190 Member
    Yea I know, I pointed that out in my blog lol. It is a bit pricy :/
  • Wow way to bring you down here...great job people!

    Of course you lose weight because of the calorie deficit, but so what? I did Herbalife once and lost 90 pounds, I put the weight back up because I'm stupid and overate, but I also kept it off for almost a year, where I did NOT drink the shake and did NOT gain any weight, I only gained it all back once I completely stopped going to the gym AND went back to my bad eating habits (entire PIZZA boxes by myself, at night, 3-4 times a week for example)

    My advice, do it, replace at least ONE meal with the shake, skip dinner and have it at night, you'll see great results.
    I always knew the product itself wasn't what was making me lose weight, but I found it easy to follow, it kept me on the diet, you could do this with any other type of shake from any other brand or you could even make your own smoothies, but if Herbalife is what's available to you and you like it, then go for it, I did it and it worked. It's popular for a reason, people like it and people see results fast and in the end that's all that matters. There's no point in doing a more traditional diet if you can't stick to it.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Wow way to bring you down here...great job people!

    Of course you lose weight because of the calorie deficit, but so what? I did Herbalife once and lost 90 pounds, I put the weight back up because I'm stupid and overate, but I also kept it off for almost a year, where I did NOT drink the shake and did NOT gain any weight, I only gained it all back once I completely stopped going to the gym AND went back to my bad eating habits (entire PIZZA boxes by myself, at night, 3-4 times a week for example)

    My advice, do it, replace at least ONE meal with the shake, skip dinner and have it at night, you'll see great results.
    I always knew the product itself wasn't what was making me lose weight, but I found it easy to follow, it kept me on the diet, you could do this with any other type of shake from any other brand or you could even make your own smoothies, but if Herbalife is what's available to you and you like it, then go for it, I did it and it worked. It's popular for a reason, people like it and people see results fast and in the end that's all that matters. There's no point in doing a more traditional diet if you can't stick to it.

    If Herbalife is available? Of course it's available, but it's very pricy and totally unnecessary.

    Stick around, you might learn something from those posts you deem to be such 'downers'.
  • laner1979
    laner1979 Posts: 1 Member
    Everyone is entitled to their opinion. My opinion is Herbalife is amazing. It is full of all the vitamins and minerals your body needs that all the processed food out there does not have. Don't skip meals. Replace a few a day with these amazing shakes or other recipes with the Healthy Meal in it. There is so many ways to use Herbalife. Good luck on your journey. 80% Nutrition, 20% Fitness-100% Mindset!!!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,919 Member
    If you want honesty, then don't embark on this. ANY program works if people follow it. Sustaining the program is the issue. If the thought is that you'll be able to convert to "maintenance" later, only about 10% will succeed at it.
    All programs have one thing in common..............................calorie deficit. You can do that without have to be on an autoship program and spending excess money you don't have to spend.
    Your heart is in the right place. You just need to be confident in using an approach without spending extra money.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Everyone is entitled to their opinion. My opinion is Herbalife is amazing. It is full of all the vitamins and minerals your body needs that all the processed food out there does not have. Don't skip meals. Replace a few a day with these amazing shakes or other recipes with the Healthy Meal in it. There is so many ways to use Herbalife. Good luck on your journey. 80% Nutrition, 20% Fitness-100% Mindset!!!

    Or just eat food and reap the same benefits.
  • rllewell
    rllewell Posts: 234
    My SIL is a distributor and has lost 10 pounds. She looks amazing! She was gracious enough to get me and my hubby started as a Christmas gift. We started today and I must say the shakes are quite yummy! I'm just curious if anyone plans on doing this plan for 2014? If so feel free to add me!

    I've never tried Herbalife nor do I have relatives that have tried it and/or are distributors. What I read into this post is your Sister-In-Law wants to bless you and your husband with a Christmas gift of health and nutrition. Sounds like a great SIL to me!
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
    The shakes are only yummy for like the first week or two, afterwards you'll get pretty damn tired of drinking your meals and will say "F, this shake..gimme something I can chew!".

    Seriously though, it was free so whatever use it for now..but I wouldn't advise doing it long term. Prior to MFP I used it for a few months and lost 40 lbs, but I was a total biotch to be around and constantly hangry and depressed because I felt deprived and also jealous of anyone who got to eat and chew. Not to mention broke because it's quite expensive. You could invest in good food and a gym membership and still spend way less in the long run.

    But hey, who are we to deter you from throwing your money away.
    This has been my experience trying to diet using a shake lol! Not that I don't use them sometimes, they can be helpful. Like for a quick meal.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    My SIL is a distributor and has lost 10 pounds. She looks amazing! She was gracious enough to get me and my hubby started as a Christmas gift. We started today and I must say the shakes are quite yummy! I'm just curious if anyone plans on doing this plan for 2014? If so feel free to add me!

    I've never tried Herbalife nor do I have relatives that have tried it and/or are distributors. What I read into this post is your Sister-In-Law wants to bless you and your husband with a Christmas gift of health and nutrition. Sounds like a great SIL to me!

    Or to TRY to line her pockets as the distributor of a pyramid scheme, but whatever.
  • tempehforever
    tempehforever Posts: 183 Member
    The vast majority of distributors LOSE money in multi-level marketing/direct sales schemes, including Herbalife.

    Even if Herbalife magically did work, I do not consider it ethical to support this type of business model--it preys financially on participants.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,919 Member
    My SIL is a distributor and has lost 10 pounds. She looks amazing! She was gracious enough to get me and my hubby started as a Christmas gift. We started today and I must say the shakes are quite yummy! I'm just curious if anyone plans on doing this plan for 2014? If so feel free to add me!

    I've never tried Herbalife nor do I have relatives that have tried it and/or are distributors. What I read into this post is your Sister-In-Law wants to bless you and your husband with a Christmas gift of health and nutrition. Sounds like a great SIL to me!
    If you're not familiar with MLM's, family and friends are usually the first victims.................................

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • tempehforever
    tempehforever Posts: 183 Member

    If you're not familiar with MLM's, family and friends are usually the first victims.................................

    I was thinking the same thing!

    OP, if you care about your SIL, don't enable her in going further down the pyramid scheme rabbit hole...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Everyone is entitled to their opinion. My opinion is Herbalife is amazing. It is full of all the vitamins and minerals your body needs that all the processed food out there does not have. Don't skip meals. Replace a few a day with these amazing shakes or other recipes with the Healthy Meal in it. There is so many ways to use Herbalife. Good luck on your journey. 80% Nutrition, 20% Fitness-100% Mindset!!!

    Or just eat food and reap the same benefits.
    but what about the magical herbalife vitamins my body needs?????