cleanse/detox questions to help a college student!



  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    the easiest way to clean yourself out of toxins and certainly most cost effective, is what i am following on the advice of my naturopath. no caffeine, no sugars, no alcohol, no white starches and eliminate wheat if possible. start your day with a mug of warm lemon water (fresh lemon) this helps eliminate the toxins. Also, castor oil, rub it on your belly at night and apply a heating pad, this also helps to eliminate toxins from your lymphnodes. its alot easier than you think. and the rule of thumb for my meals is 75% vegees and 25% protein for lunch and dinner. my breakfast consists of a homemade muslix

    No, just no.

    [well, except for the veggies and protein...that seems fine]
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Is it a full moon?

    No. It is the start of a new year (almost).
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    another one???????????????

    holy crap I think this is a record...

    Plenty of people regretting eating that 20th Christmas cookie.

  • rokiany
    I am about to do a fast in the new year as well, but don't do it uninformed. Get a good book (read, read, read reviews first), and go to your doctor first. I do it because I tend to get a bit stopped up sometimes (ahem, TMI), and just want a "reset" for my intestines. One of the keys to the fast that I do is that it lasts 8 days, one day of reduction, 5 days fasting, and then two days building up to regular foods.

    The book I use is the best-selling fasting guide in Germany, and its first edition was written over 35 years ago! The author is a doctor and runs a clinic for eating disorders. There is an English version called "The New Life Fasting Guide". The author is Helmut Luetzner and the ISBN is 0824526600. He also tells you in the book to go talk to your own doctor first! Particularly if you take any kind of medication, you need to be very careful, because fasting can have a dramatic effect on the way your body processes it.

    One of the things I really like about the book is that the actual eating instructions are a relatively small part of it. It goes a lot into the health aspects of it, the cultural history of fasting, the way to fit fasting into your schedule (i.e., you can't. You need to have time to be quiet and not do much and not be stressed out: no work or school), how to take care of yourself while fasting and how to work with/around a non-fasting partner/family. If you're a college student, you probably need to wait until spring break (if yours will be QUIET), or even summer break. Believe me, I know from experience that this is GOOD advice.

    And let me just say one more time --- talk to your doctor!!