FAT= 0 Boyfriend/Girlfriend



  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    OP how old are you?
  • PrettyPearl88
    PrettyPearl88 Posts: 368 Member
    I'm not fat.
    Still boyfriendless.
    It's not about how you look.
    Sorry to break the news to you.

    But s'okay. I am a strong woman who don't need no man.

    I can totally relate to this. I lost 50 lbs and went from a size 16 to a size 4. I thought that losing all of that extra weight would solve all of my problems, make my life perfect, and land me a wonderful boyfriend. Then I got a major reality check: all of my other problems are still there needing to be dealt with, my life isn't some perfect dream come true, I still don't have a boyfriend, and men still hurt and reject me.

    Lesson: Losing weight will definitely make your life better, but it's not going to magically solve all of your problems and it's not going to land you boyfriend. Unless you're morbidly obese or something, the reason you don't have a boyfriend is NOT your weight.
  • soldiergrl_101
    soldiergrl_101 Posts: 2,205 Member
    I'm 19.
    I have a lot of guy friends.
    Teasing for me is a normal way of life and sad to say, I got used to it.

    I'm just wondering.. Why is it that guys always say..
    "You know your really pretty, only if you lost the weight."

    Don't they know I already know that!
    I just feel like if I stay like this, I would end up being alone.
    I'm afraid. I guess my confidence has declined to an ultimate low.

    I'm just so tired of dealing with all these.

    I am a guys girl meaning all my friends are guys because I am tom boyish so I fit in well. I know a lot of decent guys and they all tell me that if a girl has a beautiful face or an awesome personality then it doesn't matter how much she weighs. I can justify that by the men I date, I have always been overweight till recently but my confidence and personality got me the pick of the liter. Find your confidence and I bet you can do the same :)
  • Thanks guys!
    People these days (or atleast people I know), aren't just getting the fact that this life is tough..
    They gotta learn to cut me some slack.. LOL

    Anyway.. I was always the "clown" at our school..
    I kinda like being that way but now it seems like its not always as good.
  • edwardkim85
    edwardkim85 Posts: 438 Member
    I'm not fat.
    Still boyfriendless.
    It's not about how you look.
    Sorry to break the news to you.

    But s'okay. I am a strong woman who don't need no man.

    I'm a weak man who need a strong woman... love? <3
  • TigerBite
    TigerBite Posts: 611 Member
    Relationships based solely/mostly on looks, generally don't last long ... The maturity level of most guys your age is very low ... Don't change for anyone but yourself ...

    ETA: Insecurity isn't very attractive ... Just be yourself, live your life the way you, and things will fall into place ... Try online dating like Plenty of Fish or OKCupid ...
  • Relationships based solely/mostly on looks, generally don't last long ... The maturity level of most guys your age is very low ... Don't change for anyone but yourself ...

    Thaanks :) It's just sorta difficult seeing other girls.. I guess I have some issues.. LOL
  • TigerBite
    TigerBite Posts: 611 Member
    Relationships based solely/mostly on looks, generally don't last long ... The maturity level of most guys your age is very low ... Don't change for anyone but yourself ...

    Thaanks :) It's just sorta difficult seeing other girls.. I guess I have some issues.. LOL

    Confidence will come with age ... :)
  • Confidence will come with age ... :)

    I just hope I'll have mine.. I've been to those seminars on boosting confidence.. Never really worked...
  • edwardkim85
    edwardkim85 Posts: 438 Member
    On a more serious note, if you're confident and busy with whatever you're passionate about, let it be working out, your job, or anything else it reflects and rubs off on other people(opposite sex too).

    Don't worry about getting a boyfriend/girlfriend. You're still young. Make sure you do what you're passionate about and love, and you will eventually meet someone who you truly care for and who truly cares for you.
  • Chezzie84
    Chezzie84 Posts: 873 Member
    These guys are superficial and are not worth your time. The right man will tell you your pretty full stop.
    I am classed as obese, I am 5ft 5in and weigh 214lb. I have a lovely man who has no issues with my weight. Took me 26 years to find him, but it's worth it.
  • ClementineGeorg
    ClementineGeorg Posts: 505 Member
    Having a relationship depends on so many things, that even weight sometimes does not count.

    I see lots of... fat girls having great relationships. Sometimes with actually ggod looking guys. And it's not about money or other stuff. They see something in those girls. Something beautiful that goes beyong weight.
    I had a very good relationship when I was fat and I find difficult to find a boyfriend now, when I loook better. It would seem strange, no?

    It depends a lot on the people you meet. If you don't meet lots of people and good quality people... well... it is kind of hard to find `the one`. I mean... you have to have from which to choose.
    Don't ever forget quality over quantity. If you feel that all are superficial... don't you think that YOU are the one attracting and/or choosing the wrong crowd? Why don't you try meet other people, who aren't that superficial.

    It depends on the way you act and the way you are perceived by people, mostly boys. You may be actually surprised by the way people see you, even if you think you do the `right` stuff. I mean... people just sometimes can't see us the `real` way. They see an image that is build upon what we act, and sometimes we inspire them the wrong way.
    You must go beyond your own subjective impresion of you. Try to understand how people see you, to be able to correct the wrong way you are perceived.

    Get some confidence. There are some full-figured girls that have confidence and have a `sexy` attitude. Don't neglect you just because your fat. Even if you want to lose weight, try to look your best NOW, not in your future body. Don't hide in ugly clothes. Take care of your hair, skin, posture.
    Sometimes even if you are fat, a great way to dress, nice looking skin, beautiful trimed and dressed hair, confident attitude and a special way of acting (just being yourself in a nice way) can help you attract more people.

    You must be a `full` package, because there is more to you than just weight. And you must try to make people see that.
    And even if this doesn't not work... remember, you might just be in the very wrong crowd. Meet new people. People that are worth it.

    Yes, looks counts. But how much. In the end, you will want a boyfriend for which the look counts that much? And what? If you have hard times (maybe death or sickness in your family) and start neglecting yourself some months... he would just dump you for your looks instead of being there for you? Life comes with good and bad times.
  • smkean
    smkean Posts: 132
    Definitely not the kind of guys you would really want in your life!

    Although I think that they should never say it, I do believe they are always thinking it or have it sub consciously....

    I was frustrated watching everyone else off with people and being the only one in my group of friends at work that wasn't in a relationship. It's not that I was looking for one, but as soon as I lost about 2 stone I started to get more attention...

    Weight loss should be for you and not for a guy - its your body and you are the one who has to see yourself in the mirror everyday and your health etc.
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    **** them. Judging someone by how they look at the moment is immature and ridiculous. My husband is crazy about me, and I've been overweight our whole relationship.

    Expand your circle of friends. Gain confidence. When you BELIEVE that no one will like you the way you are at the moment, you'll exude that impression on people. You are worth love, you are worth being seen as sexy/attractive/beautiful.

    Improve yourself FOR yourself. Don't do it to get a boyfriend.
  • Hi,

    If you want her interest back and want to tame her so he love and respect you then, I do have a suggestion that might work.

    I learned this little trick at http://gogetmyexback.com

    try mailing him a letter...like a real letter with a stamp and everything ...worked great for me.

    just be honest with him ....its the best policy
    all the best in 2014!

    Here are few tips which helped many couples:

    1. Remember, no situation is hopeless. Every day, couples get back together regardless of the situation.

    2. Be the person she fell in love with. She was attracted to you because she felt good with you, and you were fulfilling her emotional needs.

    How have you changed?

    Correct bad habits and mistakes, if any.

    Be positive around her. Laugh and smile. Always stay positive to feel good about yourself and make friends around you feel good because of you.

    3. Use the past to your advantage. If she complimented a particular outfit, wear it again. Or, share a lighthearted memory with her If you have a chance to meet her do it in a familiar place you used to enjoy good times together.

    Start right now with a proper plan to get your boyfriend back. "Miracles moves to bring your ex Back" is inspirational and life changing book to read. Why? It small ( few pages) & simple but effective. You can get it for free from the same link I have given above and in the source as well

    God Bless You

    Sunny Wilson
  • You should be happy with the way you look. If you are then it's not your problem, it's theirs. Getting a boyfriend is as much about how you come across to others as anything else.. If you have self confidence then everyone around you will sense that, if you feel desperate then that's what will come across.

    People like being around and with other people who are self assured about themselves. Everyone has doubts about themselves so it's not unusual for others to look for people they want to be like and try to be around them. Evaluate yourself and show everyone your great features, this will cause people to gravitate towards you. This will also cause boys to take notice and the rest will fall into place.

    For more great relationship information, check out my site www.IWantABoyfriend.org

    Good Luck
  • Honestly, weight doesn't really come into whether or not you stay single. Different people are attracted to different things. I've had boyfriends at my heaviest, I've been single at my thinnest. There have been good ones and lousy ones throughout regardless of my weight. Don't take what boys say to heart, I know its hard not to, but eventually, someone worthwhile will come along who appreciates you at any weight. You just need to believe that you are worthy of love and learn to love yourself first. A little bit of confidence goes a long way, so keep your chin up and you'll see things will turn out alright.????
  • GreatGreenSea
    GreatGreenSea Posts: 47 Member
    Those are not the guys you want to be with, fat or skinny.

    There are good men out there who will love you for you, not how your body looks. It's worth it to try and find them.
  • Some guys are just idiots. I've been on Match.com and when I met some guys they said TO MY FACE, "I thought you were thinner..." and then I never heard back from them. Or I would send them more pictures and they would say, "Oh sorry, I'm into skinnier girls". It's not what's on the outside but some are incredibly vein. Then again I've had boyfriends when I was chubbier and they didn't care about the weight, they cared what kind of person I was

    My boyfriend now loves me for me and doesn't care if I lose weight or not. :) You just have to find the right person You'll be ok, but I know exactly how you feel. I've been there,
  • Mellyajc
    Mellyajc Posts: 142 Member
    It's more likely self-confidence (or lack thereof) impacting relationship status more than weight. I was surprised to learn this too.

    Also, being boyfriendless can be both by choice AND a good thing. Learning how not to need a man to be happy is vital to happy life, regardless whether you get a boyfriend or not. It's something I wish I understood much earlier in life, rather than letting lack of dates determine my self-worth.

    You're in your prime to make life what you want it to be - to make YOU who you want to be. Seize it, and the right person will come along to enhance your life.

    (Going the other direction doesn't really work..I got my ex husband at 18, then got to go though the pain of divorce as I moved on to deciding to enjoy life and we had nothing in common anymore..among other things..)