155 lbs to lose...looking for support & accountability



  • ohaston
    ohaston Posts: 218 Member
    You should be able to hold yourself accountable.

    Hi, I see you tell ppl that all the time ... I am so proud of you and your wonderful accomplishment! I do however have a question? Why do you think that motivation and assisting in others being accountable is such a SIN? It is one of the best tools around, if you have it at your disposal.
    Now, it should not be a CRUTCH by no means ... You have to do this for yourself ... But, what joy it is to have the support of someone in your corner. Everyone CAN use a little push!
    I use to attend AA meeting with a family member of mine and their moto is "to be accountable to God and one more person" ... Often times ppl are OVERWEIGHT simply because of an Unhealthy Attitude / Addiction to food ... just like Alcohol or drugs and to know that today, every move I make, every calorie I consume, Im going to confess it to God and to one other person, it really makes you think before you "UNCONSCIOUSLY" put a bite of food in your mouth.
    I know it helps me... My husband , kids, and I discuss what we have eaten daily and sometimes before I put something in my mouth, I think "DO I REALLY WANT TO HAVE TO CONFESS TO MY FAMILY THAT I LOST WILL POWER "AGAIN" AND ATE THE WRONG THINK OR THE WRONG AMOUNT".

    I know everyone is different and I don't knock your approach ( so please take no offense) all Im saying is "THIS IS THE MAIN PURPOSE FOR BEING A MEMBER OF MY FITNESS "PAL" ! its a website designed ( in my opinion) to support/ assist you in your weight loss journey.... and it just so happens to allow you to not only LOG your food and exercise, but accumulate friends "pals" that are on the same journey as yourself so that you can be each others support.
    I thank God for it AND for my MFP friends.
    Good Luck to all, GOD bless, and Happy NEW year!!!
  • ohaston
    ohaston Posts: 218 Member
    I'm looking for others with any amount of weight to lose who are willing to offer support and accountability.

    Feel free to add me ... I don't always eat right, I really dislike the "Food diary" and don't use it a lot of times ( But I do use my own personal diary) .... But I am motivated and determined I exercise (cardio and weight training) around 5 times a week . I am looking so forward to this summer and being "AT LEAST" 30 lbs lighter. I would love to be your friend ... Happy New Year and God Speed!
    KEVERDVM Posts: 24 Member
    I need all the help I can get feeling down today and should be happy.
  • ohaston
    ohaston Posts: 218 Member
    I need all the help I can get feeling down today and should be happy.

    Its a new year ... Put a smile on your face ... This is YOUR year! Lets keep it moving!
  • nicki210179
    nicki210179 Posts: 3 Member
    I have around 90lbs to loose minimum so I hear you loud and clear! Feel free to add me.
  • Hi this is my first post as well as my first day on here. There's so much to learn but I'd love to join! I've got 73lbs to lose. I've set a goal to lose 50 by July 15th. So I need to lose approx. 1.7 lbs per week. I'd love to cheer you on and be accountable to someone as well.
  • lavenderwillow
    lavenderwillow Posts: 4 Member
    Hi and a Happy New Year to you. I have a lot of weight to lose too and would appreciate the support of others and offer mine :) I have started calorie counting today...yeeks and so far been able to resist a glass of wine, left over hero choccies and crisps. xxx
  • lavenderwillow
    lavenderwillow Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I have set myself an initial 50lb target weight loss and would love to have you as a slimming buddy. Good luck and Happy New Year xxxx
  • tlblood
    tlblood Posts: 473 Member
    Feel free to add me. I've been down this road before. I can lose weight, just have trouble maintaining and keeping it off. This week I reached my all time high of 238. I'm down three pounds in 5 days already using MFP. I have about 90 to lose to get to the top of my healthy weight bracket, and then hopefully a little more to be in the middle of the range.

    If you truly want to be held accountable, be sure to have your diary open so your friends can see what you've been eating. This will help them tell you what you're doing great at and what you could change to do better.
  • t1954
    t1954 Posts: 81 Member
    Please take a look at my profile. Hopefully, it will provide some motivation and proof that it can be done. All the best.
  • dicoveringwhoIam
    dicoveringwhoIam Posts: 480 Member
    Feel free to add me ???? I have a significant amount to lose too.
  • glendathurmond
    glendathurmond Posts: 18 Member
    Happy New Year! It's going to be a great year for losing weight and gaining health. I will be there to cheer you on! Add me to your list of supporters!
  • bluesy8899
    bluesy8899 Posts: 68 Member
    I have a good deal of weight to lose too. i'm here everyday and welcome any friends to share goals and motivation.
  • jenm_123
    jenm_123 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi Everyone! I have about 75+ to lose and I would love to have more support and support others as well.
    I have used Weight Watchers on and off for years and I have already found more success with MFP in this short time I have been on here than all of those other times with WW. I truly believe in this program!
  • bsuew
    bsuew Posts: 628 Member
    Hey, I'm Sue. I'm 52 years old and I had 100 + to loose when I started Feb. 2012. I'm loosing slowly but will win the race! :bigsmile: I couldn't put down that I needed to loose anymore than 100lbs then. Even though I knew I needed to loose about 125. It was a head thing not agreeing with reality lol! I'm here everyday, continual logging for over 500. I love this site and atribute all my success to it! If anyone wants to encourag and be encouraged just send me a note with a freind request! Just a note, one day at a time, keeping a positive attitude! Everyday isn't going to be perfect, so don't beat yourself up! Just decide everyday that today is a new day and you can do it!
  • courtkizer
    courtkizer Posts: 15 Member
    What I have found to be the most important thing in weight loss is to not be negative or down on yourself. It can be really hard. You'll go a whole week and look the same in the mirror. You'll get angry and depressed. You'll cheat on your diet some days, and you'll want to just keep eating since you already blew through your daily calories. Whenever you fail for a day, or more do not use this an as a negative reason to quit. When you start you won't be able to stick to working out 10 minutes a day or whatever your goal is. Don't use this as an excuse to quit, or get down on yourself. It's not going to be overnight.

    It's just a roadblock on the highway and you will go through it and around it. Don't use one failure to quite this lifestyle change.

    The biggest thing I've learned, is to be positive. Tell yourself you love yourself every single day in the mirror. You're beautiful and you love yourself so much that you're going to change your lifestyle.

    The reason MFP works is because it allows you to see changes in your lifestyle everyday. Normal diets and exercise are hard because it takes weeks before you see visual results. At least with MFP you have something to look at and compare to. You can see that you're doing better each day. And then one day a few months from now you'll wake up and realize you look different in the mirror.

    Don't be hard on yourself, don't be cruel to you. Just keep going even if you have a bad day and cheat, a bad week. Be honest to my fitness pal every single day :-)

    Cheers and good luck. Love to everyone.
  • Hi everyone, I have 70+ to lose and could really do with the support!!
    I have tried it on here before, but only really used the food diary and although I managed to lose some weight, when the weight loss started slowing down I lost interest and ended up putting it all back on!!! I'm hoping this time that with the help of these forums and some support, I can keep up the motivation to lose weight!!!

    Feel free to add me!! Need all the support I can get and support others!!
  • Laurac727
    Laurac727 Posts: 60 Member
    sounds VERY much like my current status
  • shananigans_76
    shananigans_76 Posts: 3 Member
  • Cynduck
    Cynduck Posts: 255 Member
    Anyone can feel free to add me as well. I have another 130-150 pounds to go. Let's support each other through this!