A note to resolutioners........



  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    Fad diets don't work.....Period
    Diets that restrict certain foods rarely work

    MFP also rarely works.

    There are no magic bullets - "logging" isn't a Harry Potter spell - losing weight takes discipline, a long term commitment, and is bloody hard work.

    Go into this treating it as an actual job, and odds of success go up dramatically.

    Well, aren't you just Mr Sunshine? :wink:

  • mitzvahmom78
    mitzvahmom78 Posts: 64 Member
    Great post!
  • jaxxie
    jaxxie Posts: 576 Member
    Fad diets don't work.....Period
    Diets that restrict certain foods rarely work

    MFP also rarely works.

    There are no magic bullets - "logging" isn't a Harry Potter spell - losing weight takes discipline, a long term commitment, and is bloody hard work.

    Go into this treating it as an actual job, and odds of success go up dramatically.

    Dear Knight Rider

    Those of us that have stayed the course find this site quite helpful and there are actual tools and links available to help one succeed.

    It is people like you that make the newbies afraid to ask questions and seek honest, reliable solutions.
  • SAR4Life
    SAR4Life Posts: 153 Member
    PLEASE..PLEASE.. i encourage people to not say they are going on a diet or "changing diet". That word "diet" has created more problems than anything else for people and has come to symbolize more "what I can't have" than "what I should be eating". So instead of a change in "diet", it has to be a "lifestyle change". That makes it all encompassing and doesn't focus just on FOOD but on WELLNESS. Make the New Year count!
  • hstoblish
    hstoblish Posts: 234 Member
    I just wanted to throw in that you'll hear over and over again that resolutions don't stick.

    New Years this year is a Wednesday. Just think of it as the Wednesday you started. Not the beginning of the year or any other meaningful date. Just another Wednesday. Then, if you have a set back (and we all do) it's not your resolution failing, it's just a set-back.

    Today is just another Wednesday and today is a great day to get started.

    Good luck.
  • CompressedCarbon
    CompressedCarbon Posts: 357 Member
    MFP also rarely works.

    There are no magic bullets - "logging" isn't a Harry Potter spell - losing weight takes discipline, a long term commitment, and is bloody hard work.

    Go into this treating it as an actual job, and odds of success go up dramatically.

    Good God, no. Don't treat it like a job. Treat it much better than that. Treat it like a relationship with your new soul partner, your new BFF. I've wanted to quit most jobs I've ever had within a month of being employed. Treating this like a dance with my new BFF has been successful. He's right, it does take discipline but I believe the OP and the Burro had already pointed that out.

    The biggest difference for me is, I believe, my list o' friends. They provide inspiration when I have none, they encourage me by their efforts and lives and work, they are endlessly entertaining and they are my foundation. Sometimes they may have to gently beat me over the head with a rock, but they are amazing. My recommendation for success? Marry above your class with your FL. It's working for me.
  • navymomlatta
    navymomlatta Posts: 2 Member
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Fad diets don't work.....Period
    Diets that restrict certain foods rarely work

    MFP also rarely works.

    There are no magic bullets - "logging" isn't a Harry Potter spell - losing weight takes discipline, a long term commitment, and is bloody hard work.

    And creating an approach that works for you is important. Don't do what the lady or guy in the next cubicle is doing if it doesn't seem right for you. Find what works for YOU for creating a deficit. And find something you think you can transition into a permanent way of approaching eating.
  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    MFP also rarely works.

    There are no magic bullets - "logging" isn't a Harry Potter spell - losing weight takes discipline, a long term commitment, and is bloody hard work.

    Go into this treating it as an actual job, and odds of success go up dramatically.

    Good God, no. Don't treat it like a job. Treat it much better than that. Treat it like a relationship with your new soul partner, your new BFF. I've wanted to quit most jobs I've ever had within a month of being employed. Treating this like a dance with my new BFF has been successful. He's right, it does take discipline but I believe the OP and the Burro had already pointed that out.

    The biggest difference for me is, I believe, my list o' friends. They provide inspiration when I have none, they encourage me by their efforts and lives and work, they are endlessly entertaining and they are my foundation. Sometimes they may have to gently beat me over the head with a rock, but they are amazing. My recommendation for success? Marry above your class with your FL. It's working for me.

    I love you forrl, and I am honored to have snuck into your friends list somehow!

    This is a great read, thank you OP. I was a semi resolutioner in that I decided 2013 would be the year I completely changed my life. I started slow (note my join date of March) and I have no intentions of stopping any time soon, because, truly, this is my way of life now with just a few simple changes from this time last year.

    Good luck to all the newbies and I truly do hope that you defy the statistics.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Marry above your class with your FL. It's working for me.

    Yes! That is sound advice for almost everything - if you want to succeed at something, be around people who have already succeeded at that something. Having a FL of people who are struggling to make progress is unlikely to be of much tangible help to someone who is struggling themselves - you want people who are *succeeding*.

    Good luck to everybody!
  • kellyskitties
    kellyskitties Posts: 475 Member
    Fad diets don't work.....Period
    Diets that restrict certain foods rarely work

    MFP also rarely works.

    There are no magic bullets - "logging" isn't a Harry Potter spell - losing weight takes discipline, a long term commitment, and is bloody hard work.

    And creating an approach that works for you is important. Don't do what the lady or guy in the next cubicle is doing if it doesn't seem right for you. Find what works for YOU for creating a deficit. And find something you think you can transition into a permanent way of approaching eating.

    I agree with Sabine_Stroehm, you have to find what works for you. I did this by simply starting where I was and tweaking until it fit and worked.

    As far as it being hard work - sometimes yes, sometimes it's just my routine. For me it seems to be related to how many social functions are going on, how good the food looks at those functions and hormone levels. Sometimes the devil just wins, but then I just resume again. Guilt free, shake it off, move on.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    MFP also rarely works.

    There are no magic bullets - "logging" isn't a Harry Potter spell - losing weight takes discipline, a long term commitment, and is bloody hard work.

    Go into this treating it as an actual job, and odds of success go up dramatically.

    Good God, no. Don't treat it like a job. Treat it much better than that. Treat it like a relationship with your new soul partner, your new BFF. I've wanted to quit most jobs I've ever had within a month of being employed. Treating this like a dance with my new BFF has been successful.

    Yeah, I feel similarly. I treat logging like it's one of my must-do habits. Like bathing, brushing and flossing, etc. Not an option. Not something I can just decide "oh it's Christmas week so I won't log". I have logged every single day since 3-25-13. I have gone over on my calories about 20-30 times, and rarely by more than 100 cal. That's how I've lost 58 lb and only gone up by 1-2 lb a handful of times during the past year.

    It works, but you can't treat logging like it's magical I do agree with the PP on that. If you log, but go over by 300 cal several days a week...you still probably will lose weight but not at the rate you want to.
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    Fad diets don't work.....Period
    Diets that restrict certain foods rarely work

    MFP also rarely works.

    There are no magic bullets - "logging" isn't a Harry Potter spell - losing weight takes discipline, a long term commitment, and is bloody hard work.

    Go into this treating it as an actual job, and odds of success go up dramatically.

    You lie! I just purchased a magic bullet for my food processing, and I use it daily!
  • chunky_bird
    Great post, Bump!
  • adayinaz
    adayinaz Posts: 20 Member

    Go into this treating it as an actual job, and odds of success go up dramatically.

    ^^^ This.

    Losing weight and getting healthy can't be a hobby for me anymore. It has to be a side job.

    I'm just saying this to counteract the people who jumped on this statement... To me, thinking of losing weight as being a side job means I'm committed to it. At my job I make promises to show up on time, to meet deadlines, and to be responsible. In my hobbies, I do what I have time for and if I don't have time, I do it another time. Losing weight has to be a higher priority than that. But, like many other posters have said, you have to do what works for you, not what works for the next person.
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    In for "doucheducks".

    You really do learn something new every day. I Googled for a pic of a doucheduck, and this is what I got.

  • jaxxie
    jaxxie Posts: 576 Member
    In for "doucheducks".

    You really do learn something new every day. I Googled for a pic of a doucheduck, and this is what I got.


    LOL, I love you!
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    To me, thinking of losing weight as being a side job means I'm committed to it. At my job I make promises to show up on time, to meet deadlines, and to be responsible. In my hobbies, I do what I have time for and if I don't have time, I do it another time. Losing weight has to be a higher priority than that.

    Yep, you nailed it, that's exactly what I'm saying.
  • jmarieray35
    jmarieray35 Posts: 10 Member
    I have NEVER made a New Years Resolution...here I am 31 and falling into sociteties trap. But it's for me not them I need this and pray that I can be like you 365 days later saying "I got this" no more hoping to "get over it:"

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Sometimes resolutions work... they take commitment! I always believe that YOU have to want it " in your heart and in your head". I made my choices....

    AND BY THE WAY ... Sometimes CLEANSES do work!! Mine was controlled by a Naturopath. I discovered that "Yeast" hurts me. That is why every joint hurt .....

    One year later.... I have lost 35 pounds but more importantly --- > my joints don't hurt when I go for a walk and when I do sports.