Red Meat?

Hi Community,
I have committed to a new and improved healthy lifestyle for this coming year. I used to not eat red meat, but due to low iron issues, I decided that I would have a wonderful steak tonight. How often is it okay to eat red meat?
I normally have chicken or turkey and other protein based foods (greek yogurt, veggie burgers, black bean burgers, hummus, etc.)

Also, what does protein do for my body? I know it is good and that I need it, but does it help me burn more calories or maintain more muscle, etc.?



  • fruttibiscotti
    fruttibiscotti Posts: 986 Member
    I eat red meat almost daily. Perfectly good food. It is natural. And delish. And healthy!
  • journey_man
    journey_man Posts: 110 Member
    I eat red meat almost daily. Perfectly good food. It is natural. And delish. And healthy!
    I am not AT ALL a vegetarian or a vegan. I see NOTHING wrong whatsoever with human consumption of animals. Finally, I don't subscribe to ANY of the dietary fads that seem to take this country by storm every so often.

    All that said, research is consistently showing that regular consumption of red meat is linked with a broad array of evil **** like heart disease, cancer and others.

    For that reason, it is no longer a regular part of my diet. Day to day, I am sticking to chicken and fish. Red meat is now relegated to a treat and I indulge in occasional, for example when I go out to eat.

    Last night I had some delicious BBQ ribs. It was glorious.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    I eat red meat almost daily. Perfectly good food. It is natural. And delish. And healthy!
    I am not AT ALL a vegetarian or a vegan. I see NOTHING wrong whatsoever with human consumption of animals. Finally, I don't subscribe to ANY of the dietary fads that seem to take this country by storm every so often.

    All that said, research is consistently showing that regular consumption of red meat is linked with a broad array of evil **** like heart disease, cancer and others.

    For that reason, it is no longer a regular part of my diet. Day to day, I am sticking to chicken and fish. Red meat is now relegated to a treat and I indulge in occasional, for example when I go out to eat.

    Last night I had some delicious BBQ ribs. It was glorious.

    Is it the red meat causing cancer/health issues, or the lack of other nutritious food?

    Pretty sure the studies done include a whole array of "meat", and not as part of a nutrient dense diet....I'd love to read research showing otherwise though!
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    I eat red meat regularly - kangaroo and beef mainly. I choose organic/grass fed steak and eat the fat, if I don't get organic I choose the lean cuts and remove the fat.
  • FreedomSand
    FreedomSand Posts: 30 Member

    Also, what does protein do for my body? I know it is good and that I need it, but does it help me burn more calories or maintain more muscle, etc.?


    Protein builds muscle. Veggies contain vitamins and minerals, which go to nutrition. Carbohydrates are fuel, but the body will store this as well. Fat, well goes to fat.

    Sorry you had an iron issue. Did the doc send you to a nutritionist? You will learn what YOU need, say 4 ounces three times a week, or whatever. The other times, you can have the chicken, fish, etc for protein.
  • jessigoct17
    jessigoct17 Posts: 57 Member
    red meat is not healthy for u. animal protein is difficult for our bodies to break down and it is not meant for human consumption..

    protein from plants and grains is what we should be consuming ,not animal sources

    i suggest you read about the gerson miracle or watch the documentary forks over knives

    its not some "hippy liberal mentalitiy" its true and science has proven humans are herbivores and we are not meant to eat animal products

    but having red meat once in a while is ok if you're healthy in your normal everyday life... its ok to indulge sometimes i know i do !
  • csgtdw
    csgtdw Posts: 4 Member
    I eat red meat regularly - kangaroo and beef mainly. I choose organic/grass fed steak and eat the fat, if I don't get organic I choose the lean cuts and remove the fat.

    I agree. I mostly eat organic lamb and organic meat. I don't eat red meat daily but I eat it an average once a week. The main issue is that it can be loaded with poisons so you have to careful. Chickens are also loaded with poison- most meats are now (which is why studies are now showing the evils of meat). Basically you need to limit your intake of cheap meat (I don't mean inexpensive I mean cheap). It sounds snotty but salmon with added color, ammonia sprayed shrimp, hormonal hens and cows.. all of those things are to make the food pretty and cheaply produced. If you are broke as I am try using organic or free range chickens and pork and red meats that aren't mass produced like goat and lamb to limit the extras.
  • speedy740
    speedy740 Posts: 141 Member
    I live on rib eyes, blue rare baby! Cook 3 eat two cold the next day, soooo good, just a dab of BBQ sauce. Ahhhh ????????
  • Safiyandi
    Safiyandi Posts: 151
    red meat is not healthy for u. animal protein is difficult for our bodies to break down and it is not meant for human consumption..

    protein from plants and grains is what we should be consuming ,not animal sources

    i suggest you read about the gerson miracle or watch the documentary forks over knives

    its not some "hippy liberal mentalitiy" its true and science has proven humans are herbivores and we are not meant to eat animal products

    but having red meat once in a while is ok if you're healthy in your normal everyday life... its ok to indulge sometimes i know i do !

    I saw you posted this in another thread - Gershon Therapy in particular is not healthy. Several people have died. It is woo nonsense, I'm afraid.

    As for red meat - Harvard did a massive study a few years ago that found that while there were potential health risks associated with processed red meat, unprocessed had virtually none (in an otherwise balanced diet).
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,652 Member
    red meat is not healthy for u. animal protein is difficult for our bodies to break down and it is not meant for human consumption..

    protein from plants and grains is what we should be consuming ,not animal sources

    i suggest you read about the gerson miracle or watch the documentary forks over knives

    its not some "hippy liberal mentalitiy" its true and science has proven humans are herbivores and we are not meant to eat animal products

    but having red meat once in a while is ok if you're healthy in your normal everyday life... its ok to indulge sometimes i know i do !
    Myth. Deliberate manipulation of facts is why people believe this.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    red meat is not healthy for u. animal protein is difficult for our bodies to break down and it is not meant for human consumption..

    protein from plants and grains is what we should be consuming ,not animal sources

    i suggest you read about the gerson miracle or watch the documentary forks over knives

    its not some "hippy liberal mentalitiy" its true and science has proven humans are herbivores and we are not meant to eat animal products

    but having red meat once in a while is ok if you're healthy in your normal everyday life... its ok to indulge sometimes i know i do !
    Citation needed.
  • fruttibiscotti
    fruttibiscotti Posts: 986 Member
    I don't understand what the fuss is about. Nothing wrong with red meat eaten daily. I eat 100% grass fed free range beef. It is so healthy that the omega 3 levels are within equivalent levels found in fish. Of course, anything pumped up with hormones and antibiotics, and fed GMO grain/soy/corn is suspect. And that includes farm raised fish!!

    Eat red meat, grass fed, free range. Don't worry about eating it daily. It's good for you.
  • shirleygirl910
    shirleygirl910 Posts: 503 Member
    Everything in moderation. There are lots of other ways to get iron, in fact Cream of Wheat is a very good source.
  • Safiyandi
    Safiyandi Posts: 151
    I eat 100% grass fed free range beef. It is so healthy

    Hell, best thing about grass-fed is that it's damned delicious. Food of the gods.
  • Saramelie
    Saramelie Posts: 308 Member
    It depend of your beliefs, really.
    Ask Paleo eaters and they will tell you you can eat it twice a day without problems. Ask a vegan and he will urge you never touch it.... Personnally I think it fine to eat it when you feel like it, be it once a week or 4 times a week, but that`s just me.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Staple in my weekly diet, normally prefer petite sirloin steaks normally eat 3 or 4 (14 oz-16oz portion) weekly, along with chicken breast and fish and pork. I like steak sliced in my large homemade salads.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I eat red meat (mostly mince beef) regularly. I'd say around 4 times a week, but sometimes daily. I love it! I really don't believe that as part of a healthy balanced diet, that it'll give you problems.

    Just thought I'd mention though that it doesn't give you as much iron as you think. A whole pound of mince beef (I don't eat that much in a serving!) still only provides 40-50% of your daily iron recommendation as a woman. I thought I was getting plenty until I found that out, now I realise I have hardly any, since I don't eat many other iron rich foods. If your worried about your consumption of red meat, and enjoy other sources, there are plenty other ways of getting iron.
  • toddis
    toddis Posts: 941 Member
    It is a good idea to eat a variety of meat sources. Problems linked with meat consumption tend to be linked with the processing (nitrates) or the preparation (grilling).

    Protein is a building block of muscle and I believe in various other functions in the body. Fat is useful for many bodily functions(hormones,carry vitamins, etc.) and doesn't directly translate into fat tissue.
  • jeannemarie333
    jeannemarie333 Posts: 214 Member
    Thanks for the post. Good luck with your journey!!
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    Proteins do all of the work in your body. They do far more than build muscle. Almost every cellular reaction that takes place in your body occurs with the help of cellular protein. Protein is made from amino acids, therefore every cell in your body needs amino acids to function.

    When you eat protein, your body breaks it down into amino acids and reassembles these into the specific proteins each cell needs. There are 26 amino acids and you need to have some of each type in order to synthesize new proteins. For most of these, your body can convert some amino acids into another amino acids if you have too much of one type and not enough of another. However, there are 9 essential amino acids that your body cannot make. These must be obtained from your diet by eating protein from a wide variety of sources.

    If you do not have enough protein in your diet for your body to synthesize essential cellular proteins, even if you are lacking just one of the essential amino acids, you can become malnourished. In cases of severe protein deficiency your body will actually start breaking down skeletal muscle to free up amino acids that can be used to sustain essential cellular functions. If too much skeletal muscle is broken down, the human body will resort to breaking down cardiac muscle and smooth muscle as a final fuel source (hence why severe, prolonged anorexia can cause heart damage).