30 day shred January Challenge



  • I'm in! just completed day one ugh. so unfit u_u
    please invite me! I hope this group comes to be.
  • YES!!
  • sminter35
    sminter35 Posts: 3 Member
    Yes, count me in.
  • sweetmommyofthree
    sweetmommyofthree Posts: 55 Member
    Count me in. Just did day 1 for the third time. Hope to make it to day 30 with some help.
  • Yes,can i join u for 30 days workout challange.
  • Can I please join too?
  • hnyzthms
    hnyzthms Posts: 393 Member
    There's already a group for 30 day shred. I've started already, almost on to week 2. Apart from the workout itself, keep the diet clean. And remember, nothing tastes as good as thin feels!

    Sorry I tried looking for a groups but could only find ones that said they created quite a few months ago, so is assumed everyone would of finished and moved on to other things. Which is why I started one for the new year.

    How you finding it
  • karenodonut
    karenodonut Posts: 28 Member
    I'm in. I need the motivation!
    Just finished Level 1, Day 1 & Feel pretty rubbish!
    Haven't done any exercise for over a year, baby is now 5 months old and I need to lose 2 stone.

    Feel free to add me xx
  • kama_no
    kama_no Posts: 19 Member
    Add me in! I will do my 1st day today!
  • Stefanny91
    Stefanny91 Posts: 223 Member
    Pick me! :)
  • janisbrede
    janisbrede Posts: 12 Member
    Love the shred, but have never completed the full 30 days. Hopefully this group will be my inspiration! Thanks!
  • pickleRH83
    pickleRH83 Posts: 33 Member
    me! If I can find my DVD :D
  • Sonj1973
    Sonj1973 Posts: 188 Member
    Add me I'll do my first session today :)......
  • sarahcav123
    sarahcav123 Posts: 128 Member
    Count me in xx

    I did RI30 today but will jump on the 30DS bandwaggon. Need the extra boost after all the Christmas dinners! When is everyone planning on starting?
  • jnewq1960
    jnewq1960 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in,
  • AMcMaster
    AMcMaster Posts: 41 Member
    me too
  • 45gh10
    45gh10 Posts: 3
    I would love to join with you! I did it for 6 days then stopped. It's a great program!
  • I would like to join too
  • Mimihoo69
    Mimihoo69 Posts: 3 Member
    Can I join please I have the DVD, I am off to Decathlon now for some leggings and a sports bra so I'll be ready to go.
  • Can I join too please? I've just done day 1.