constipation....BEWARE....MAYBE TMI FOR SOME!



  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Since I changed my diet, I have had trouble with constipation and gas.

    What did you change about your diet? You said what you are eating, but not really what is different.

    Are you eating enough? That can also contribute to constipation. Metamucil and Miralax are different "solutions," where Metamucil will add bulk but Miralax will increase the water to your bowels to soften them and make them pass. Consider trying a glycerin suppository to soften things up, then make sure you are getting enough but not too much fiber, enough water, sodium, and potassium, not overdoing protein, getting enough fat, and not overdoing vitamin supplements like calcium. Make sure you are getting enough to eat to keep digestion flowing.

    When I say that I changed my diet, I mean that I made changes. For instance, I used to buy my lunch every day, and now I pack a lunch with healthier options. I weigh and measure my food to ensure proper logging. I still eat desserts and snacks, but on a more limited basis to maintain my weight loss. I do take vitamins, but stay away from calcium as it does give me gas. I never drink carbinated drinks. I might try prunes, which other people suggested, to "move things along". Thanks for your input.
  • howardge
    howardge Posts: 27 Member
    I'm really glad you posted this. I'm a pretty healthy eater- lots of fruits and veggies, lots of whole grains, but I've found that since I've cut calories I havn't been going to the bathroom as often! At first I kind of thought, well, you're eating less so naturally you're gonna s*** less too, right?

    BUT, I've also been bloated! I've lost some fat in my pelvic area and I can SEE the intestinal bloating! It is so awful!
  • Swiftdogs
    Swiftdogs Posts: 328 Member
    There is good advice on this thread already, but I'll add my $0.02. Track fiber and fat in your macros. Some things don't have nearly as much as you might think, such as salad greens. Psyllium husk is my go-to to add some extra fiber if I'm going to be short. When you are "plugged up" drink a TON of water. It will take a few days to get everything moving.

    Also, I've had to be cautious about cheese since I've been on MFP. I don't eat it often, and it will cause me problems if I don't bump fiber and water when I eat it.
  • soupandcookies
    soupandcookies Posts: 212 Member
    I have pelvic floor dysfunction, so this is a chronic issue for me, too. My GI doc told me it was fine to take Milk of Magnesia every day. It works like a charm, for me. It's the only thing that works, in my situation. I know how uncomfortable it is! Hope you feel better!
  • KristinD1977
    Constipation is also a symptom of low thyroid function which you may want to have checked out. I also find that exercise does wonders for me. 15 or 20 minutes of squats, sit ups and core exercises seems to get things moving.

    I brought this up to my GYN at my annual visit. I also told them how tired I am even after 8hrs of sleep. He says he doesn't think it's hormonal, since i'm still having a period and producing estrogen. he says that I dont' have the symptoms for him to think it's thyroid(funny, because I thought fatigue was a symptom!) I have to take melatonin before bed, otherwise my brain doesn't shut off, and I don't sleep well at all! It's almost like I never get into REM sleep, you know? I just can't keep my brain gears from turning and turning when I go to bed. I do workout regularly. I run 3-4 times a week and do some strength, so that should be working, but sometimes it doesn't.

    I think you should definitely talk to your doctor regarding the constipation to eliminate any health concerns since it wasn't a change in your diet that caused it. I would also comment that you really don't know where your thyroid stands since there wasn't any testing done at all. If you really disagree with your doctor's hunch then you could request testing but do a little research first because from what I can gather there are essential tests that many doctors don't bother to do and they don't all agree with which levels of TSH require treatment. Otherwise, it's probably not a bad idea to make sure that you are getting enough of the vitamins that support thyroid function.

    Below is a "traditional Chinese medicine" exercise that is supposed to help with constipation, I received the info in an e-mail newsletter... no idea if it really helps but it's free and only takes a few minutes so for what it's worth.....

    Set aside just two minutes twice a day—first thing in the morning (before breakfast) and right before you go to bed.

    Lie flat on your back on your bed or floor. Take your top off or pull it up so that your abdominal area is bare. (Please note: It's important you keep your abdominal area warm while doing this exercise—especially during the winter months when indoor air tends to be cooler.)

    Rub your hands together vigorously for about 15 seconds, or until they feel hot.

    Place one of your hands directly on your belly button and begin to rub in small circles around your belly button, gradually making the circles larger. Use fairly firm but comfortable pressure and rub at a slow, even pace—approximately one circle per second.

    Concentrate on the heat building up in, around and throughout your stomach.

    Do about 40 to 50 circles—for an approximate duration of two minutes or more.
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    No...not we have read many have this problem.

    I have stomach muscles that are in shreds due to an accident years ago. As a result constipation is a health issue for me. It causes some fairly severe pain and have ended up in the emergency room.

    Since I have started this weight loss I seem to have more problems with it. I thought about asking the same beat me to I am going to make a list of all the suggestions and try some of them until I find one that works for me.

    Good luck!
  • Savyna
    Savyna Posts: 789 Member
    People mentioning fat is needed for pooping I am gonna agree. This week I had cut majorly down on fat (without evening thinking about it...I was trying to decrease my carbs but instead ended up eating less than my usual amount of fat). I was having all these greens but couldn't figure out why suddenly my pooping habits were different. If adding fat doesnt work, maybe you could try an enema...
    Good luck.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    colon blow

    in that order...

    seriously, if it is that bad go to a dr....
  • cfredz
    cfredz Posts: 292 Member
    is the green tea caffeinated? I think caffeine can cause dehydration, no? I remember hearing if you drink coffee or caffeinated tea that it takes awayfrom the water you are drinking and need to drink twice as much because it can dehydrate you. I could be wrong, but maybe stop drinking tea for a little while and see how you feel?
  • zuzu
    zuzu Posts: 7
    Thank God you brought up this topic! I currently have this problem and just made a doctor's appointment ...worried I might have colon cancer.
  • ksuh999
    ksuh999 Posts: 543 Member
    Gee no one brought up mineral oil? That'll make a bowel movement pretty quickly.

    I've always been a fitful pooper. I've been taking probiotics recently and they seemed to have helped. I used to eat a ton of kimchi but haven't gotten around to making or buying any recently, which I think has disturbed my gut flora.
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    When u wake up in the morning drink 4 oz prune juice followed by 2 large glasses of water 10 minutes later.
    Eat your normal breakfast and coffee/tea.
    Soon you will visit the bathroom!

    I also take 2 capsules of magnesium citrate every night and a probiotic.

    Of course I eat tons of veggies, good fats and drink tons of water.
  • Momto4minions
    Momto4minions Posts: 173 Member
    I am dealing with this too. I have had this issue off and on for my whole life. Finding out I was celiac and tended to have IBS-C from my intestines shutting down helped. I gave up wheat and gluten and got much better....

    Now, I eat only meat and veggies and some fruit, so rarely happens. Now, I am about a week into another constipation cycle. AGHHHHHHH!

    I have tried, miralax, fibercon, prunes, an ex lax, and more.
    Today I am trying the cocnut oil coffee.
    I am not in pain, but starting to get bloated. :/

    I have also been told to try licorice tea. I will be getting some enemas soon, if this doesnt work. :/

    Good luck to all the poop challenged.
  • coll450
    I have never had a problem with constipation, I go once or twice a day, everyday. But, since I've started dieting last week I am going 4 days without a BM. All I've done is cut out sugar, empty calories, etc and I drink triple the water I was. I add psyllium husk to my smoothies and eat tons of veggies. I've cut back on coffee which I think may be playing a role but I still have one in the morning. I just don't understand why suddenly, nothing! Does anyone know of any good cleansing teas which do the trick? I tried some lactulose today, we will see if that helps.
  • suncluster
    suncluster Posts: 539 Member
    I have frequent issues with this too. It is so frustrating. I am even on my TOM now and I usually have the opposite problem.

    Can't stop thinking how full of **** I am. It feels gross.

    I have supplemented with laxatives, psyllium and still nothing. This is definitely the longest spell. On my way to include more magnesium in my diet. But if that doesn't work I am really thinking about enemas and colonics.
  • Evelynnn2014
    As embarrassing an issue as it is, I searched to see if anyone else was reporting this problem suddenly upon "dieting" or meeting mfp's goals. I'm still eating all food groups and drinking 8+ cups of water--and the weight doesn't drop until the poop does. Gross, I know! I saw there's tea called "smooth move". Maybe I'll buy it when I have a full basket to sneak it into. : )
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Eat Raisin Bran for breakfast daily. Also, a tsp. of Castor Oil will resolve the issue.
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    Magnesium!!!!!~~~ Increase unitl helpful.
  • ChristinWrites
    ChristinWrites Posts: 119 Member
    In addition to hydrating well and eating good fats, if things still don't get moving I have used the "Smooth Move" tea with success - however, keep in mind it is potent stuff and it can cause cramping and other unpleasantness - it works though! When I gave up eating a lot of wheat my problems in that area went away almost completely. For some people the answer isn't more fiber if the fiber is from grains ;) instead eat a lot of raw fruits/veggies and up the water intake.
  • OldRedHen
    OldRedHen Posts: 13 Member
    I have the same problem, and it is always when I am trying to lose weight, almost never otherwise. My solutions:

    Avoid bananas. Unripe bananas cause constipation. Ripe bananas are supposed to be OK, but that is not my experience.

    Prunes. I have three or four of the soft eating ones every day.

    Move a lot. Exercise is key to getting some movement (couldn't resist the pun).

    If all else fails use a laxative once or twice a week, such as Senokat.

    Even using all of the above, I'm finding I still have a problem, only not so intractable. Currently, I'm working on getting the sugar ratio in my diet down. Cutting down on fat puts the sugar percentage up, and my theory is that is the cause of the problem.