IUD = weight gain, or is that just an excuse?



  • Yes, I keep saying, I realise its not an IUD, I had one before and got a bit muddled, But regardless, thanks for the feed back, I am defo learning from the threads :smile:
    Isn't the arm implant a progesterone only form of birth control? If so, then that may be the reason you have bloated and gained weight... but the other posters are correct it is not an IUD nor is it similar in how it's used.
  • okgal247
    okgal247 Posts: 68 Member
    An arm implant is not an IUD (intra-uterine device). I have a mirena and have suffered no ill effects.

    ^I was going to say the exact same thing.

    I think a lot of BC issues are trial and error. I had a friend who used the patch and her boobs became ENORMOUS; I used a pill for a while that made me completely bonkers.

    I'm a big fan of Mirena as a long-term BC- 5 years, lighter periods, and you can take it out whenever you want.
  • hailzp
    hailzp Posts: 903 Member
    I had two IUD's (mirena) and had terrible side affects, weight gain and difficulty in losing weight, moods changed, no sex drive, depression, irritability, inability to cope with stress, period pain all the time!... The list goes on. The problem with it is that the affects are that it is different for everybody, though I have spoken to many women who have experienced the same as me.

    My advice would be to follow your instincts. Take it out if you think it is affecting you. I wish I had listened to my body sooner instead of waiting two years.
  • An arm implant is not an IUD (intra-uterine device). I have a mirena and have suffered no ill effects.

    ^^^ This.
    I also have the mirena IUD and didn't see any weight gain/ill effects.
  • betrishy
    betrishy Posts: 52 Member
    I have had the Paragard (copper) IUD for a year and have lost 20 pounds,.
  • sweetpea129
    sweetpea129 Posts: 755 Member
    I've had paragard for over 2 yrs now and ive lost 125 lbs so, no, it hasnt hurt me!
  • arathena720
    arathena720 Posts: 449 Member
    The Paraguard has no hormones, so there's no way for it to cause weight gain. The Mirena does, and any introduction of hormones or change in the type of hormones might cause you to gain, lose, mood swings, etc. I have the Paraguard for exactly that reason.
  • christa0130
    christa0130 Posts: 102 Member
    I've had both with ill side effects from both! Horrible weight gain and even working out it was hard to shed anything. I ended up having to have a d&c 2 weeks ago to have it removed.
  • KenziesFrenzies
    KenziesFrenzies Posts: 1,014 Member
    I've had my Mirena for almost 2 years, and haven't suffered any side effects at all.

    The way my lady doctor explained it to me, is that hormonal IUD's circulate hormones only in the uterus, as opposed to systemically (like birth control pills). Shouldn't account for weight gain; but you'll never know, everyone's different.

    I had originally gone in wanting the Paraguard, but my gynecologist only really gives that one to married/long-time-monogamous women, since the Mirena has better protection against STI's via the mucosl layer it creates above the cervix.

    I <3 my Mirena.
  • aarar
    aarar Posts: 684 Member
    I gained weight on Mirena, however I'd say it was due to my binge eating and not the Mirena. I've also lost all my weight (see ticker) with it still in. I've had it for about 4 years now.

    So as far as my personal experience goes, I'd say it's an excuse. I can't speak for others though since everyone is different :flowerforyou:
  • I have had the copper iud in for almost a year now and it has only recently dawned on me that it could be the cause of my "non-weightloss".
    At full term pregnacy with my daughter (who is now 2) I weighed 117kg. Since having her I have dropped to 79kg, flucuating between 79 and 83.
    I train pretty much everyday, cardio and weights and I eat really clean. I was asked yesterday why I hadn't lost any weight over the past year, and it occured to me that the only difference is that I have an iud - and this is the problem.
    Since having it inserted I have been uncomfortably bloated, making me look pregnant at times and am in a lot of pain, it makes me feel full, as if I have already eaten, I get bleeding after sex on occassion and it often feels like the penis is in my stomach. I am getting it removed next Monday so will let everyone know if this makes a difference to what I thought was my year of plato.
  • I had a copper iud for about 1 1/2 years after my son was born and I didn't gain any (extra) weight. With it I was able to go back to within 5-8 pounds of my original size. Is yours copper or the Mirena hormone one?
  • 4leighbee
    4leighbee Posts: 1,275 Member
    I had Mirena two years ago, and it was a complete disaster! I gained weight suddenly, was bloated - tummy was huge! and I was running regularly - uncomfortable (gastro-related) all the time ... I had it taken out after about three months, and I truly do not believe I've been the same since. Nightmare.
  • I got the mirena about 5 months ago. I. LOVE. IT. of course that doesn't mean everyone would or that everyone would have as great an experience as I did. but...love. lovelovelove. no ill side effects in my case, and i appear to almost be done having a period (have only spotted sporadically and not really had a period for 3 months).
  • jcast92
    jcast92 Posts: 144 Member
    Also important to note that if you are on birth control pills and switching to an IUD, then even a hormonal IUD is going to be a lower hormone dose and have less averse effect on your body. The hormones are localised to the uterus and the dosage is much, much lower.

    The mirena is amazing. It can be very painful to insert but if you have a good doctor that shouldn't be a problem. I have a very light period which I expect will eventually go away. I've had it for only a few months and am so pleased with it!

    I have a few friends who are also on the mirena, none of whom have suffered any side effects, and certainly not battling with weight gain as a result of having it inserted.

    I wholeheartedly second this post! I am also on the Mirena and have had no ill effects. In fact, my cravings for sugary foods (which I had while on Ortho Tri Cyclen Lo) disappeared and now I'm able to eat more normally!
  • An arm implant is not an IUD (intra-uterine device). I have a mirena and have suffered no ill effects.

    ^^^ Agreed.
    I have the Mirena, I have had it for almost 2 years now and I have not had any weight gaining side effects. I have been on MFP for a few weeks and my weightless hornet is going great. Eating within my calories and seeing a change, both in inches and on the scale, have made me feel better than I have in years since I had my son in 2011.
  • KayNowayJose
    KayNowayJose Posts: 138 Member
    I have the Nexplanon implant. I've had it for almost a year and a half. In less than a years time I gained about 15-17 pounds. But I do not attribute it to the Nexplanon. I attribute it to my own personal lifestyle changes during that time. Because now, I still have it in, and I now weigh less than I did BEFORE I had it inserted, in a matter of 4 months. I've had not a problem shedding weight. I've now surpassed a weight I used to plateau at before it was inserted, so I also don't think its stalling my weight loss.

    I just think it depends on the individual.

    Edit: I also just recalled that doctors do recommend/state the hormones from the nexplanon aren't fully adapted or something of the sort to your body until about a year in (thus why they recommend waiting a year if you have problems with it) so this may also attribute to my weight loss/weight gain results.
  • luckydays27
    luckydays27 Posts: 552 Member
    I have the Mirena IUD and have had it for about 3.5 years. I did not gain weight but I was over 200 when I had it inserted. I am down to 155 and the weight came off pretty much as I expected it.

    The insertion was not the most comfortable but not terribly painful. I spotted for about 4 weeks afterward but have not had a period since.

    Since I did not gain weight on Mirena I cannot comment on the weight gain associated with but it is a known side effect of birth control so everyone should be aware that its a known issue.
  • hstoblish
    hstoblish Posts: 234 Member
    Your arm implant is not an IUD.

    I have the copper IUD (non-hormonal) and have no difference in weight. It also doesn't impact my moods or give me migraines like hormonal birth control does. I love it.
  • krawhitham
    krawhitham Posts: 831 Member
    I had a copper IUD placed September 2012, and I had a LOT of pain. The pain and bleeding (normal side effects) lasted a couple of months and this caused me to stop working out. It was too painful even to walk around the block, and I ended up sitting at work all day because I was so uncomfortable.

    I'd say it took me 2 months to get over that discomfort, and I started to walk 3+ miles a day but didn't lose any weight. Between 2012 - 2013 I went from 160-ish to 171 at my highest (then I came onto this site!)

    I realized that I was absolutely using the discomfort as AN EXCUSE. I have had the copper IUD in for over a year now and I never feel it, sex is normal, periods are normal and I have been lifting weights and working out more than I have in the past three years.

    When I am sick, upset or in pain I eat. This is just what happened after I got the IUD put in, and that's the only real reason for my weight gain. A piece of copper can't make you gain weight. It's the best thing that has happened to me in terms of birth control!