T25 for the new year! Lets GO!

Week 1 - Alpha Cardio + Cooldown
203 calories burned

pushed myself today and could really tell. :) I got short of breath a few times and had to modify but im not surprised or mad. overall i enjoyed today and feel super motivated! :D

i had started a post a few weeks back and did 3 weeks of t25. then i took a break for the holidays because i was going to be traveling and with family i havent seen in a while. but now im back! starting from day 1 and im excited. i got a fitbit zip for christmas so im hoping it will be easier to track what i burned :)


  • nklp
    nklp Posts: 62 Member
    What is T25? Is it on youtube?
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    What is T25? Is it on youtube?
    T25 is a new Beachbody programme by Shaun T who did Insanity.
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Week 1 - Alpha Cardio + Cooldown
    203 calories burned

    pushed myself today and could really tell. :) I got short of breath a few times and had to modify but im not surprised or mad. overall i enjoyed today and feel super motivated! :D

    i had started a post a few weeks back and did 3 weeks of t25. then i took a break for the holidays because i was going to be traveling and with family i havent seen in a while. but now im back! starting from day 1 and im excited. i got a fitbit zip for christmas so im hoping it will be easier to track what i burned :)
    Bear in mind that the Fitbit won't track this accurately- it will only count the stepping/ jumping bits. A HRM will be better for this.
  • jbug5j
    jbug5j Posts: 277 Member
    Week 1 - Alpha Cardio + Cooldown
    203 calories burned

    pushed myself today and could really tell. :) I got short of breath a few times and had to modify but im not surprised or mad. overall i enjoyed today and feel super motivated! :D

    i had started a post a few weeks back and did 3 weeks of t25. then i took a break for the holidays because i was going to be traveling and with family i havent seen in a while. but now im back! starting from day 1 and im excited. i got a fitbit zip for christmas so im hoping it will be easier to track what i burned :)
    Bear in mind that the Fitbit won't track this accurately- it will only count the stepping/ jumping bits. A HRM will be better for this.

    well i figure that it will be a closer estimate than just logging a general exercise from mfp. i WAS logging at 250 calories before. if im underlogging my burn i wont complain at all lol i didnt realize that fitbit wasnt a HRM so im making the best of what i have. :)
  • lmjohns23
    lmjohns23 Posts: 6 Member
    I did Alpha Cardio this morning and my HRM said 260 calories
  • jbug5j
    jbug5j Posts: 277 Member
    Week 1 - Alpha Speed 1.0 + Cooldown
    159 Calories Burned

    Man i pushed as hard as i could today. :) it was rough... my glutes hurt so bad from yesterday. I started feeling nauseous with about 10 min left to go but i pushed through. it was rough. lol. im gonna say i nailed today :)
  • amccord2
    amccord2 Posts: 363 Member
    I am working on T25 and Les Mills Pump hybrid. Would you be interested in joining a challenge group to each other motivated? If so, here's the link: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/3341-90-day-fitness-nutrition-challenge
  • jbug5j
    jbug5j Posts: 277 Member
    Week 1 - Alpha Total Body Circuit + Cool down
    123 Calories Burned

    im still playing with where to put my fitbit. it was in my sports bra today. yesterday it was on my hip (clipped to my underwear.. sorry if tmi) and monday it was clipped to my sports bra... im thinking it needs to be on my hip more because it showed no steps/calories burned at times when i was moving on my fitbit dashboard.

    techy stuff out of the way i NAILED today! WOOP! it seriously feels like something clicked in my brain and im just ready to go go go! i hope all of you are having a good new year!
  • jbug5j
    jbug5j Posts: 277 Member
    Week 1 - Alpha Ab Intervals + Cooldown
    86 calories burned

    i felt it today! im sure i burned more because my fitbit only logs steps and this was mostly ab work but still :) i feel good. i did this one without shoes today (mostly to make less weight when i lifted my legs lol) and my knees felt it a bit with the hops and squats but im good. :) WOOP WOOP!

    ETA: the more time after i have finished, the more tired and worked i feel. which (i hope) means that i worked hard tonight!
  • jbug5j
    jbug5j Posts: 277 Member
    Week 1 - Double Day Friday

    Alpha Cardio = 172 calories burned
    Alpha Lower Focus = 105 calories burned

    i am exhausted! I woke up at 4:30 with Brian. He left to visit his best friend for 10 days. :( i relaxed and watched the new episode of Sherlock. then i decided to work on Brians valentines day present. im making him a pop up book. "i love you like...." then examples like "dean loves pie, hermione loves books, ten loves rose, sheldon loves his spot... etc" :) got two pages started. :) then i worked from 2-9. We were supposed to get off at 8:30 but we were so busy because of stupid oncoming snow that we were waaaay behind. boo! THEN i came home and did my double day. OY VEY! i am going to eat dinner then either relax or sleep. I. AM. BEAT!

    I worked as hard as i could on both workouts. i have been awake too long and am super hungry, and i had to pee during the whole cardio workout (tmi sorry lol) so yeah. im checking today as a NAILED IT because i got it in. BOOM!
  • jbug5j
    jbug5j Posts: 277 Member
    Week 1 FINISHED!

    Weight - 165.6 --> 163.8
    Waist - 32.5 --> 31.5
    Hips - 38 --> 37.5
    Chest - 36 no change
    Arms - 13 --> 12.5
    Thighs - 26 no chage

    i am so happy you would not believe right now! :D a few weeks ago i started t25 and was getting like... no change. then over christmas i took a break and something amazing happened! i got a fitbit for one. the other thing... im still not sure what it is! but its here and its strong and i LOVE it! maybe it has something to do with just the fitbit, and counting steps and reaching smaller goals on that. OR! MAYBE! it has something to do with my wedding August 30. something i NEVER thought would happen EVER. IM GETTING MARRIED! sorry.... im just full of happy energy at the moment and would like to share. *throws happy energy dust... glitter :P at everyone* ^_^ Good morning all!
  • jbug5j
    jbug5j Posts: 277 Member
    Week 2

    yesterday was Cardio. I did not do this workout because i spent 30 minutes shoveling snow in the late morning and it made me so exhausted all day. my fitbit said i only burned 52 calories but MFP said i burned 230 calories. either way i was beat!

    Day 2
    Alpha Total Body Circuit + Cooldown
    127 Calories burned.

    Man... call me wheezy! lol i sweated. i modified. i LOVE that i got off my booty and did it! :)
  • LivvieO
    LivvieO Posts: 164 Member
    Started week 1 on Jan 1, made it to day 4 but got sick so starting over with Cardio again today. Will post results after each workout
  • jbug5j
    jbug5j Posts: 277 Member
    Started week 1 on Jan 1, made it to day 4 but got sick so starting over with Cardio again today. Will post results after each workout

    i would love to hear them! :flowerforyou:
  • piffer28
    piffer28 Posts: 7 Member
    I am on week 3, day 3. I have lost 2 lbs and 2 inches total. I feel a lot better with more energy and my workouts weren't as hard. The total body kills me though with all the weight on my wrists, but I know I have bad form!
  • jbug5j
    jbug5j Posts: 277 Member
    Week 2 Alpha Speed 1.o + Cooldown
    170 calories burned

    this is by far my most favorite workout :D i love the music. i love the moves. i love it all! i was having balance issues today and my ankle did a thing 3 minutes into it but i pushed through, im used to it just going out on me randomly. i also had an awesome moment today during my workout. I was watching Ms Yellow Shorts (up front and not Tanya) and during the hip flexor stretch i noticed her back wrinkled up. and she is TONED! :D that makes me feel a little less pressured to be perfect and not have any of my skin touch itself, even though i will try my damnedest!

    i also had a thought. over my 2 week break i visited family and we went to the mall. i bought a magnetic bracelet. it was only 10 dollars and its super cute. im wondering (even if it is all mentally) if that has any thing to do with my increased motivation and "go get em"-ness. hmm... :D anyway happy wednesday!
  • jbug5j
    jbug5j Posts: 277 Member
    Week 2 - Alpha Cardio + Cooldown
    207 Calories burned <-- highest burn so far!

    didnt have to modify that much today. i tried more of the jumping. my heart was DEFINITELY pumping :D
  • piffer28
    piffer28 Posts: 7 Member
    Double workout day. I did the Abs this morning. Will do the Lower Focus when my youngest takes a nap! I am down 4 lbs this week so far. I haven't done measurements. I will do that tomorrow! I need to get a HR monitor so I know how much I burn :-)
  • jbug5j
    jbug5j Posts: 277 Member
    Week 2 Alph Double Day Friday

    Ab Intervals + Cooldown
    88 Calories burned

    i felt it today. it is going to take a LONG time for me to be able to do this one without modifying the modifiers lol. its also hard for me to focus on my core and not turn this one into a leg workout lol

    Lower Focus + Cooldown

    Total body circuit is my least favorite one by far. this one is a close second. i have always hated lunges and generally lived by the rule "i need my legs. i need them to walk. i cant afford to turn them into jelly" lol im trying to move past that and really work them. Honestly.. im happy with how they are in general. i just want to tone them. im REALLY hoping, after a lot of work, i will be able to do an honest to god lunge or squat. not a half way because it hurts to damn much lunge or squat. lol

    feeling good overall today. :) Week 2 COMPLETE!
  • jbug5j
    jbug5j Posts: 277 Member
    Week 2 FINISHED!

    Weight - 165.6 --> 163.8 --> 161.8
    Waist - 32.5 --> 31.5 --> 31
    Hips - 38 --> 37.5 --> 37
    Chest - 36 --> 36 --> 35.5 (REALLY hoping this is coming off my back and not my front)
    Arms - 13 --> 12.5 --> 12.5
    Thighs - 26 --> 26 --> 25


    Very happy with this. Im just pushing play every workout day and im using the calories in vs calories out method. thats it! *happy dance